Author Topic: Crazy Thigs That Happen At School  (Read 6302 times)

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Crazy Thigs That Happen At School
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2003, 01:19:59 pm »
I had one funny moment too...

once in 5th grade(I'm in 7th now)when I was in class I was writing something while the teacher wasn't the paper it said "if you go in here you automaticly are going to jail...cuss going to the bathroom is now illegal!" I sticked it on the boys and girls bathroom's the funny part when we were going to lunch(usually back then I used to go through the hallway to get there..duh! :tongue: )I got a glance at it...people were just standing there reading it..they were all saying "Oh man!" When I saw that I was trying so hard not to
laugh(and I succeded..I didn't laugh!)...then some kid told the principal that someone sticked that sign on it...the kid said that if any staff put it up..the principal said no...After that day,nobody knew who it was...I went home laughing!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:  :biggrin: !!!!!!!!!!!
Ha, people at your school are stupid. People at my school would ignore it/rip it off/write things on it.

I remember something that happened last year.

I was in Science, my last hour, and me and my friend Elizabeth decided to put a kick me note on Bryan for no apparent reason. We drew a sign that had Spongebob on it and said "Spongebob says KICK ME!" and stuck it on his back. Hes a retard; when I stuck it on his back he turned around and I asked him a random question about what we were doing in class. After the bell rang, I was walking to my locker, and Bryans was right above mine. I looked over, and people were walking over and kicking him. Wow, thats kind of mean...oh well! Im mean! WHEEE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
:biggrin: LOL!!!!!!!!

But you're kinda right..some people in the school I used to go are stupid...(it's because the kid's who were reading it were 4th graders)

and some people just walked away and ignored it...

also in the paper someone wrote:"also for retards!"
« Last Edit: September 16, 2003, 01:21:35 pm by Krabbs431 »


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Crazy Thigs That Happen At School
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2003, 01:22:05 pm »
I have [SIZE=14]WAY to many good stories they are all so funny  :tongue:
« Last Edit: September 16, 2003, 01:22:14 pm by garyfan »


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Crazy Thigs That Happen At School
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2003, 01:27:44 pm »
Okay, this is from 7th grade. It was at the beginning of the year, with all the new, little grade sixes (THEY ARE REALLY SHORT), some are from prince philllip school ( i was) and some are from George R. Allen. So the six graders start a game of soccer, PP VS GRA. So, me in my friends decide to get involved. Me and Julian decided to jsut go up  and pick up the ball. Some 8th graders are in this game too. So Julian Picks up the ball, he passes to me, then I pass to him and he passes back to me. And EVERYONE who's playing starts trying to tackle us. IT WAS THE ULTIMATE BRAWL. So I pass it to Eran, and he getrs tackled. We started this Unknown game which is soccer/football. Later, my friend Young (from korea) he picks up the ball (he's a pretty BIG guy), and all these 6 graders try and tackle him. But Young jsut PLOWS (literaly) roght over them, he killed like SEVEN people. It was THE BEST. And someone grabbed Pete's shirt, and there's a HUGE whole in it.

O man, that was THE best reccess EVER! You should do taht at your school, it's so fun!


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Crazy Thigs That Happen At School
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2003, 01:29:48 pm »
Okay, this is from 7th grade. It was at the beginning of the year, with all the new, little grade sixes (THEY ARE REALLY SHORT), some are from prince philllip school ( i was) and some are from George R. Allen. So the six graders start a game of soccer, PP VS GRA. So, me in my friends decide to get involved. Me and Julian decided to jsut go up  and pick up the ball. Some 8th graders are in this game too. So Julian Picks up the ball, he passes to me, then I pass to him and he passes back to me. And EVERYONE who's playing starts trying to tackle us. IT WAS THE ULTIMATE BRAWL. So I pass it to Eran, and he getrs tackled. We started this Unknown game which is soccer/football. Later, my friend Young (from korea) he picks up the ball (he's a pretty BIG guy), and all these 6 graders try and tackle him. But Young jsut PLOWS (literaly) roght over them, he killed like SEVEN people. It was THE BEST. And someone grabbed Pete's shirt, and there's a HUGE whole in it.

O man, that was THE best reccess EVER! You should do taht at your school, it's so fun!
They died?LOL! :biggrin: Really?


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Crazy Thigs That Happen At School
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2003, 01:32:08 pm »
No, they didnt DIE. But it was good, they got bowled over. O ya, this guy tried to trip Pete, but pete countered it or something, and the kid that tried to trip it almost or did break his arm.