Author Topic: Story of Origins  (Read 3765 times)

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Plankton the evil one

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Story of Origins
« on: July 09, 2005, 01:50:00 pm »
"Sometimes when i get mad" said a waiter "I START TO SCREAM!!!!" and then the waiter took off his shirt and jumped up onto a table and started danceing.

a couple years eairlier:

"Yo dude, wanna go to the movies?" asked CLint.
"OK, did u know that DeWitt Clinton made the Eiry Cannal?" said Nate
Then, out of the corner of Nate's eye, he saw an envolope with$999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 and he took it and bought a bunch of stuff. Then NAte got all the ladies. So he bought a space ship and went on an inergalactic mission to save the world from the evil alien skum!!!!!!!!!!
**lazor bullets, pew pew pew perw pvew vew etc...** "HAy, first mate, stop trying to shot the gun" said nate
"but i like too"

NAte just came out of ludicrous speed when there was his arch nemisus!
"MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have u now" yelld Nates arch nemisus.
"awww, that means ill have to fight u which means ill have to get off my cunfy chair...  :sad:" said Nate's arch Nemisus
"Hay, last time i saw u, u didnt have that beard & mustach"
"Yea, i havent chaved in a while" sayed nate's arch nemisus
"yea, uhh, u wanna borrow one of my blades?" asked a very concerned NAte
"Sure! TY, man, very much, so."
Secretly, nate had implated an insanly sharp blade that when tuched, would cut off your head!! "hehehe" laughed a sly nate  :glare:
Luckily, for Nate's Arch Nemisus, he had a super power! but that super power of reading rly fast didnt help him in this situation too much :sad:.
Nate;s Arch nemisus was putting up the blade to his beard *imagin slow mo* closer and closer the blade goes to Nate's arch nemisus's beard.    
An ancy Nate is thinking "cum on, closer closer..."
Just then, Nate's Arch Nemisus worst fear appereard! a fly!
"AHHHHHH!!!!!!" screamed NAte's arch nemisus. Nate's arch nemisus then tryed to hit the fly with the razor, but flyies r way to fast for u, so he missed, and the blade was hurtiling tword the world!
"NOOOOOOO" cried nate! "think of all the inocent pedestrians u could kill
if no one stops that!
"????? hu?  :blink: ? asked NAte's Arch nemisus.
then nate began to call upon the power of the focre to stop the speeding razor that would chop off the world's head. unfortunalty for u, nate isnt a jedi, so his attempts did nothing. "WE HAVE TO STOP THAT RAZOR!!"
im too lazy" said everyone.
"o, me too" sayed nate.

On a near by space ship full of crazy alien scientists, they created a creation, but, they mest up so they threw it out of their space ship, mostly because it was so dumb and anoying.

"Hay look" said nate, pointing to a pink star hurdiling past them, it turns out, that it is patrick star. Patrick then saw the razor flying to the same destination he was going, tword the ball. so he picked it up and threw it at Nate and everyone else, not knowing what it was. Then, Nate called to him "thanks for saving the world!"
"your welcome!" replied Patrick.

Then patrick fell into the ocean, at Bikinie Bottom. He went down and crashed under a rock. He made a home there. Then he went out and saw a sponge whereing square pants walking around aimlessly.
"Hello" said the sponge
"Hello" said Patrick "what is your name?"
"My name  is SpongeBob square pants."
"O, ok" said patrick.
"Hay patrick, want to go catch some jelly fish?" asked spongebob
"Sure, wait a minite..." Patrick began to think very hard on a subject of mystery, that he himself was not very sure of. "How, did you, spongebob, know My name?!?!"
"Because it is on the back of that bord nailed to your head."

Later that day when they were cating jelly fish together...
"Muhahahahahahaha! Huha! I am your master!" cried a power hungry human being tword the ocean! "I own u all now!!!"
"How do we know, ur not a fake?" questioned Patrick?
And then the Evil man got frustrated so he went away.

And they lived hapilly ever after, mostly because im to lazy to write anymore


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Story of Origins
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2005, 03:13:30 pm »
that was pretty good, 9/10, oh, and welcome to usb

Plankton the evil one

  • Guest
Story of Origins
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2005, 10:39:00 am »
ty lol