Author Topic: Minorities in the USA  (Read 4744 times)

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Dragon Of Grief

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Minorities in the USA
« on: August 16, 2005, 06:25:16 pm »
I find it ironic... years ago black and hispanic people were having this crap pulled against them... now USA is so fixated on increasing the number of minorities they are basically trying to get rid of white people. Might as well just change our name to Mexico 2 because that is what North America is becoming....

Now don't get me wrong. I am not racist against hispanics at all. I have a number of hispanic relatives, but white people will be a rare sight in another 50 years with all this kind of crap going on.

On an application I filled out it stated, and I quote...

We are dedicated to hiring qualified minority candidates.

And don't you find it funny if you call a black guy the "N" word it's racist, but you can bash a white person all you want but it's perfectly "OK" How exactly is racism defined these days anyways?

Remember... I don't hate any ethnic group or minority. I am just ranting a bit.

Elizabeth Rose

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 06:39:58 pm »
You're right though. They will take a black or Mexican man over a white man who is just as qualified, or more qualified.

The following is a TRUE story:

There is a friend of my mom's who is married to someone who wanted to make it into the military academy. He had 100% perfect score... which is almost impossible, and he felt sure he would get whatever it was he was wanting, some sort of position I believe. (I will have to check with the mother for sure.) There was a black man who was not as qualfied as the white guy. The black man got the postion. When our white friend asked how could this be, he was told that they had to hire a certain amount of minorities a year, and they had no other choice than to take the black guy because they were almost out of time.

That is not fair. The position should have gone to whoever was quailfied, regardless of their skin color.

Lil Loco

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2005, 08:49:49 pm »
Yea ur right...Im puerto rican, but all thiz affirmative action stuff iz stupid az hell.  if u want sumthin, u should have to work for it regardless of wut racial background u got.  White, brown, black...each of 'em should have to work jus az hard az the other two...period.  The world iz so screwed up in alotta wayz.

Offline Hannahbal

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 08:57:36 pm »
I totally agree. You get what you work for. I don't care what your background is, you can get the same opportunities as everyone else if you really want them.

Offline Rocko

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 09:06:08 pm »
If I had a job where I had to hire people, I would hire who was best for the job. I wouldn't hire anyone based on their race, or gender.

In order to make it through the world one needs some insanity.


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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2005, 09:31:40 am »
^I'd do the same thing. I'd hire the best people and not the worst people.


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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2005, 09:32:52 am »
They have minority buses in Staunton, VA.

Well, they weren't called minority buses.

But they were.

Offline IZ

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2005, 04:09:34 pm »
I agree. By accepting minorities solely because they're a minority is destroying everything they've worked for.

Offline Isnt Anything

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2005, 04:28:52 pm »
I was having a conversation the other day about this with someone. Mexicans are coming into this country left and right and taking jobs from AMERICANS. I dont speak spanish and find it repulsive that American kids have to learn spanish (or pass a class) to graduate high-school. If I were to go to Mexico they wouldn't even attempt English because well.....its their country. So, why are our kids learning spanish. In California, they have so many spanish speaking kids in 4th or so grade that they have to SLOW DOWN the class just to teach these kids English. Meanwhile, their illegal parents are working a job that should've been offered to Americans first. The economy is bad enough. We dont need more problems. Not to get really political, but I believe Bush is doing this because Jeb Bush's (W's brother) wife is Mexican. I dont hate Mexicans.....when I can understand what they're saying...
« Last Edit: August 20, 2005, 04:30:14 pm by Isnt Anything »

Offline IZ

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2005, 04:39:07 pm »
They're not stealing American's jobs. If they're willing to work better for less money, they should get the job.

Elizabeth Rose

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2005, 08:25:11 am »
They're not stealing American's jobs. If they're willing to work better for less money, they should get the job.
True. And they usually take jobs that most Americans are too good to do.

Gideon Brown

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2005, 01:31:37 pm »
You have to be careful about saying what you would do if you are a human resources manager. It's not the HR manager who's making this rule, but generally the government. If they don't hire a certain amount of minorities, they could get in trouble and be shut down. The only way you can not hire a qualified minority is if you have a small company and hiring the minority (a handicapped person, for instance) would cost the company money (such as building ramps and elevators to help the handicapped person around). Life isn't all fun and games, when you run a company. Even if you run it, unless you're company has under 200 employees you HAVE to hire a certain amount of blacks, women, handicapped and/or aboriginals, so the government doesn't come knocking on your door.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2005, 01:33:18 pm by Gideon Brown »

Sheldon J. Plankton

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Minorities in the USA
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2005, 04:49:53 am »
I think that minorities should get better treatment than they have in the past, but there is NO WAY I if I were I buisnessman I would hire a black guy over a white guy just because the black guy is black. If the black guy was better qualified for the job than of course I would hire the black guy, but if it was the other way around I wouldn't.