Author Topic: Questionare *Reborn*  (Read 5201 times)

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2005, 08:19:18 pm »
Time started: 10:27 p.m.
Full Name: John Kain Read III... also known as Jack Read. I'm changing it to Jack Red when I'm eighteen.
Sex: Yes please.
Birthday: March 20+2, 1990.
Sign: Aries.
Siblings: Older brother, Eddie, 21; Older sister, Rachel, 19.
Hair colour: Browner than poo.
eye colour: Less brown than poo.
Height: 5'11. Thank you for not asking about weight. I'm very sensitive!

Who are your closest friends?: As in real life? Nick, Matt, Ryan, Alex, Eli, countless others.
Do you have a bf or gf?: Nah.
Did you have a crush?: Sure.
Who?: Like I'm telling you.
Number of relationships you've been in?: A big fat zippodini.
Number of times you have been in love?: Probably none.
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: Ask me later.
Number of children you want to have?: You suck.

Where is your favorite place to shop: Barnes & Noble's. Music, DVDs, and books - all I need.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Nope.
Do you do drugs: Never.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: The kind that kills all the bad stuff.
What are you most scared of: Everything.
The last person that called you is: Dad.
Where do you want to get married: Jupiter.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Less sucky hair.
What was your first car: I forgot.

Colour: Green.
Number: Four.
Food: 'sagna.
Boys name(s): Bryan (with a Y).
Girls name(s): Lily.
Subject in school: History.
Animal: Wombat.
Drink: Skim milk.
Celebrity: Bruce Campbell.
Sport: Hockey.

Given anyone a bath: My dogs, just today.
Smoked: Once. Hated it.
Bungee jumped: Too much of a wuss.
Broken the law: Countless times.
Made yourself throw-up: No.
Gone skinny dipping: Do I ever!
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: "Washroom"? Oh. Uh, yeah.
Gold or Silver: Have I ever gold or silver? What a tough choice!
Something you miss in life: First grade. I didn't have a care in the world and my teacher was really hot.
What is beside you: This survey sucks, Nick. Um, speakers.
Last thing you ate: I haven't eaten anything in two days, just drank milk, so I dunno.
Who do you admire?: My dad for sticking with stuff. My grandma for doing so much for others. And, if I'm going beyond the family realm, Christopher Reeve - for making me believe.
What do you like to do: Anything I can.
What did you do yesterday: Your mom. OH.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses sometimes when I need them.
Do you like yourself: I think so.
Do you get along with your family Mostly.
Hated someone in your family: All of them.
Favourite Place to visit: Staunton, VA.
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Man, I'm slipping.
What is your favorite chip flavor? Regular.
What is your favorite CD at the moment? Spamalot soundtrack.
What type of car do you drive? Bimmer.
Favorite sandwich: Pepperoni and feta cheese. Hell yes.
What characteristic do you despise? Snobbiness. Homophobic. Any combination of the two.
Something that's weird about yourself: All you gotta do is talk to me and you can name like fifty on the spot.
Favorite item of clothing? T-shirts usually depicting obscure cartoon characters.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Las Vegas again.
What color is your bathroom? Uh, tanny.
Favorite brand of clothing? Chucky T's.
Where would you retire to? Michigan.
Favorite time of the day? 3:30 p.m.
What was your most memorable birthday? Meh.
Where were you born? Here.
What fabric detergent do you use? What?
Coke or Pepsi? Dr. Pepper.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night.
What is your shoe size? 11.5.
Do you have any pets? Too many.
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? I'm tired.
What did you want to be when you were little? God.
Month: This quiz is screwed up. Uh, December. I like the end.
Night or Day: This question was asked a few questions ago! Night.
Sun or Rain: Rain.
Scary or happy movies: Happy.
Broken a bone: Nope.
Played truth or dare: Yep.
Been in a physical fight: No.
Been in a police car: Nah.
Been on a plane: Yeah, and I hate it.
Come close to dying: Nah.
Been in a hot tub: Sure.
Swam in the ocean: This quiz sucks.
Your good luck charm: My dolphin noise.
Best song you ever heard: Too many.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: This quiz and your mom.
Whats your room like: A mess.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: Four.
Your most prized possession: My dolphin noise.
Vegetarian: No
What schools have you gone to: Too many.
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: Yes.
Time Ended: 11:19 p.m.


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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2005, 09:23:55 pm »
Time started: Before
Full Name: Rabble R.
Sex: M
Birthday: May 16th
Siblings: Brother
Hair colour:
eye colour:
Height: 5'3

Who are your closest friends?: Why do you care? My closest. - Zack
Do you have a bf or gf?: Overrated
Who?: Overrated
Did you have a crush?: Overrated
Who?: Overrated
Number of relationships you've been in?: Overrated
Number of times you have been in love?: Overrated
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: Its so overrated
Number of children you want to have?: Dunno.
Where is your favorite place to shop: Boarders. Target. Gamestop. Ice cream  
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Nein
Do you do drugs: Oh sure. Spending tons of hours high makes me feel excited. [/sarcastic]
What kind of shampoo do you use?: ...
What are you most scared of: Yo mama
The last person that called you is: Yo mama
Where do you want to get married: Vegas. Lol.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Nothing I am perfect.
What was your first car: Its European. And Expesnive. And you cant' drive it.

Colour: Blue/Black
Number: 0
Food: White chocolate.
Boys name(s): Rabble
Girls name(s): Angelene
Subject in school: English
Animal: Panda
Drink: Mountain Dew
Celebrity: Overrated

Given anyone a bath: Oh yeah. All the time.
Smoked: Too cool to do that.
Bungee jumped: Yes
Broken the law: Yes
Made yourself throw-up: Yes
Gone skinny dipping: Loads of times. Including in my tub.
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Yes. Once.
Gold or Silver: Hm?
Something you miss in life: Money
What is beside you: Garfield.
Last thing you ate: Apple
Who do you admire?: Jiminy Cricket
What do you like to do:  Draw
What did you do yesterday: Play super smash brothers.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: No.
Do you like yourself: Ew.
Do you get along with your family Depends
Hated someone in your family: Depends
Favourite Place to visit: Cananda
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Dunno. Don't keep track.
What is your favorite chip flavor?
What is your favorite CD at the moment?
What type of car do you drive?
Favorite sandwich: Ham.
What characteristic do you despise?
Something that's weird about yourself:
Favorite item of clothing? Vivi Hat.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? UK. TO buy worms
What color is your bathroom? Green
Favorite brand of clothing?
Where would you retire to?
Favorite time of the day? Breakfast the important meal of the day serving it up rabbles way Dah Dah!
What was your most memorable birthday?
Where were you born? Thats what a profile is for
What fabric detergent do you use? Ok now this is silly.
Coke or Pepsi? Mountain Dew
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Sleep is for fools
What is your shoe size? Uh.
Do you have any pets? 9 cats
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? No.
What did you want to be when you were little?
Month: Week
Night or Day: Evening
Sun or Rain: Snow
Scary or happy movies:
Broken a bone: Aye
Played truth or dare: Nein
Been in a physical fight: Si
Been in a police car: Nein
Been on a plane: Ja
Come close to dying: Oy
Been in a hot tub: Sure!
Swam in the ocean: Sure
Your good luck charm: Luck is fer yella bellys
Best song you ever heard:
Stupidest thing you have ever done:
Whats your room like: Blood on the walls
Sleep with a stuffed animal: Yeah. Garfield *Hugs*
Your most prized possession: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Vegetarian: Nah. I eat everything
What schools have you gone to: Stalker  :ph34r:
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: I wouldn't love them If I did that.
Time Ended: Now

Offline Hannahbal

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2005, 10:10:59 pm »
These are fun.

Time started: 11:48 PM
Full Name: Hannah Ellese...some of you know my last name. I don't wanna just blurt it out on this forum though.
Sex: Female
Birthday: November 4, 1989
Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: Two step-sisters
Hair colour: Blonde
eye colour: Green
Height: 5'4"

Who are your closest friends?: In real life, Jordan and Terah.
Do you have a bf or gf?: Not at the moment. Maybe soon though.  :biggrin:
Who?: TOM CRUSE. No, really. His name is ACTUALLY Tom Cruse. Notice how there's no i.
Did you have a crush?: Did I?
Who?: ...
Number of relationships you've been in?: Ehhh. What, 4?
Number of times you have been in love?: None.
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: Knowing that someone loves you.
Number of children you want to have?: One.

Where is your favorite place to shop: Thrift stores.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Nope...
Do you do drugs: No way, Jose.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Sheer Blonde
What are you most scared of: Uhhh. I dunno. Bugs attacking me.
The last person that called you is: My dad.
Where do you want to get married: I dunno.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: I would be a god at some sort of instrument.
What was your first car: I haven't had my first car, silly.

Colour: Teehee. "Colour". Uhhh green.
Number: 13
Food: E.L.Fudges.
Boys name(s): I CAN'T REMEMBER.
Girls name(s): Aberdeen.
Subject in school: History.
Animal: The Blue Tit.
Drink: Coke.
Celebrity: Kurt Cobain. Duh.
Sport: I don't like sports.

Given anyone a bath: Like, my niece when she was a baby.
Smoked: No.
Bungee jumped: No.
Broken the law: Yes.
Made yourself throw-up: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Yes.
Gold or Silver: Silver.
Something you miss in life: Edmond.
What is beside you: A chair.
Last thing you ate: Braum's.
Who do you admire?: Jack.
What do you like to do: Be awesome.
What did you do yesterday: I went to school and hung out with Tom.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Contacts.
Do you like yourself: Yes.
Do you get along with your family No.
Hated someone in your family: Yes.
Favourite Place to visit: Edmond.
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Willy Wonka.
What is your favorite chip flavor? Sour Cream and Onion.
What is your favorite CD at the moment? "Is This It?" by The Strokes.
What type of car do you drive? No car.
Favorite sandwich: Bacon.
What characteristic do you despise? Dumb...stuff.
Something that's weird about yourself: Everything.
Favorite item of clothing? My shoes.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Canada.
What color is your bathroom? Uhh. White.
Favorite brand of clothing? I don't care...
Where would you retire to? No idea. That's a long ways away.
Favorite time of the day? Night.
What was your most memorable birthday? I can't remember...
Where were you born? Oklahoma City.
What fabric detergent do you use? Haha I have no clue.
Coke or Pepsi? COKE.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both.
What is your shoe size? 7.
Do you have any pets? Not anymore, I guess.
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends?Nope...
What did you want to be when you were little? A ballerina-firefighter.
Month: July.
Night or Day: Night.
Sun or Rain: Sun.
Scary or happy movies: Both!
Broken a bone: No.
Played truth or dare: Yes.
Been in a physical fight: Not really. If I did I was just joking.
Been in a police car: Yes.
Been on a plane: Yes.
Come close to dying: YES. Okay not really...
Been in a hot tub: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: Yes.
Your good luck charm: I don't have one.
Best song you ever heard: No idea.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Many things.
Whats your room like: I still need to unpack boxes.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: No.
Your most prized possession: My "Pimp" sticker.
Vegetarian: No way.
What schools have you gone to: School all the way through high school.
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: Probably not.
Time Ended: 12:10 AM.

~angelene's dreams

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2005, 10:24:23 pm »
Time started: 12:35am EST
Full Name: angelene
Sex: fee
Birthday: 7-14-71
Sign:  middle finger
Siblings: none
Hair colour: red-blondish-thing
eye colour: gray
Height: 5'7"

Who are your closest friends?: RL: Dirty_milkman and Alex Online: Timo, Danny and Rabble. ;)
Do you have a bf or gf?:  maybe
Who?:  riiiiiight
Did you have a crush?: maybe
Who?: *cough*
Number of relationships you've been in?:  too many.
Number of times you have been in love?:  dunno
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?:  when it's NEW and exciting.
Number of children you want to have?:  pssssh.

Where is your favorite place to shop:  Goodwill and Salvation Army
Do you have any tattoos or piercings:  oh yes.
Do you do drugs:  not laately...not anymore.
What kind of shampoo do you use?:  Pantene Smooth & Silky
What are you most scared of:  The Mothman
The last person that called you is:  Dirty_Milkman
Where do you want to get married:  Vegas Baby!!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be:  notta dern thang.
What was your first car:  a brown buick of some sort

Colour:  silver
Number:  0
Food:  rare steak
Boys name(s):  rabble
Girls name(s):  veronica
Subject in school:  art
Animal:  the "dog"
Drink:  Diet Dew
Celebrity:  Ralph Fiennes
Sport:  hockey

Given anyone a bath: Y
Smoked: Y
Bungee jumped:  N
Broken the law:  Y
Made yourself throw-up:  er....N.
Gone skinny dipping:  Y
Been in the opposite sex's washroom:  Y  
Gold or Silver: Sivler
Something you miss in life:  $$
What is beside you:  pictures of men
Last thing you ate:  nectarine
Who do you admire?:  Dirty_Milkman
What do you like to do:  make fun of you
What did you do yesterday:  beat up your mom
Do you wear contacts or glasses:  nah
Do you like yourself:  i LOVE myself
Do you get along with your family  mostly
Hated someone in your family:  nah
Favourite Place to visit:  ashville NC
What was the last film you saw at the movies?  madagascar
What is your favorite chip flavor? pork
What is your favorite CD at the moment?  Jane's Addiction's Nothing's Shocking
What type of car do you drive?  Dodge
Favorite sandwich:  anything with meat in it
What characteristic do you despise?  stupidity
Something that's weird about yourself:  i somehow attract young guys
Favorite item of clothing?  everything i wear is teh kewlies
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?  the desert
What color is your bathroom?  off-white
Favorite brand of clothing?  Dr. Marten's and Dr. Luck's
Where would you retire to?  Ashevill, NC
Favorite time of the day?  High-Noon
What was your most memorable birthday?  16
Where were you born?  Elizabeth NJ
What fabric detergent do you use?  Itchy Brand
Coke or Pepsi?  Diet Dew
Are you a morning person or a night owl?  night owl
What is your shoe size?  11E
Do you have any pets? Dog
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends?  i'm..."Like ot or not, i DIDN'T commit suicide."
What did you want to be when you were little?  Vet
Month:  November
Night or Day:  Day
Sun or Rain:  Sun
Scary or happy movies:  Scary
Broken a bone:  fractured skull
Played truth or dare:  yuh
Been in a physical fight:  not really...sorta
Been in a police car:  yes.......
Been on a plane: Yes
Come close to dying:  nah
Been in a hot tub:  yuh
Swam in the ocean:  yuh
Your good luck charm:  my black padded bra
Best song you ever heard:  Waiting for the Miracle by Leonard Cohen
Stupidest thing you have ever done:  LSD
Whats your room like:  mystical crazy
Sleep with a stuffed animal:  not now
Your most prized possession:  my jewlery
Vegetarian:  christ, no
What schools have you gone to:  alot
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them:  noppers
Time Ended:  1.23am EST

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2005, 02:42:46 pm »
Time started: 4:30pm
Full Name: Timo *stalker*
Sex: ssj4gogita4 (male)
Birthday: 10/23/84
Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: 2 brothers
Hair colour: Auburn
eye colour: Brown
Height: 6'0

Who are your closest friends?: God, Jesus, Brandon, Aaron, Justin, Family
Do you have a bf or gf?: No.
Who?: Didnt I just say no?
Did you have a crush?: Yes.
Who?: She was in my chemistry class. Actually, there were 2 girls. Both prety good looking and smart and funny.
Number of relationships you've been in?: 1.
Number of times you have been in love?: Lost count after 3 xD
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: Conversations.
Number of children you want to have?: 1.

Where is your favorite place to shop: Mall
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: No.
Do you do drugs: No.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pert.
What are you most scared of: Yo momma.
The last person that called you is: My momma.
Where do you want to get married: In between where she and I live.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: I'm not cool enough? Well, I'll have to change this answer later.
What was your first car: Buick Century

Colour: Purple (manliest color)
Number: 4
Food: Anything grandma cooks
Boys name(s): Logan, Slater, Hayden
Girls name(s): Kennedy, Logan, Shelby, Kirsten
Subject in school: Math
Animal: Dog
Drink: Root Beer
Celebrity: Jim Carrey
Sport: Soccer

Given anyone a bath: Yes.
Smoked: No.
Bungee jumped: No.
Broken the law: Yes. (speeding)
Made yourself throw-up: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Yes. (PE Tour)
Gold or Silver: Neither.
Something you miss in life: Home.
What is beside you: Wall.
Last thing you ate: Wings, Potato Skins, Cheese Sticks (TGI Friday's 3-for-all)
Who do you admire?: My parents.
What do you like to do: Church, Computer, Sleep, Eat.
What did you do yesterday: Move to apartment.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
Do you like yourself: WTF kinda question is that?
Do you get along with your family Yes.
Hated someone in your family: Yes.
Favourite Place to visit: Sea World.
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Four Brothers.
What is your favorite chip flavor? Sour Cream & Onion.
What is your favorite CD at the moment? None.
What type of car do you drive? Buick Century.
Favorite sandwich: Pamento Cheese
What characteristic do you despise? None.
Something that's weird about yourself: I can say the ABC's a weird way that no one else can.
Favorite item of clothing? Anything I wear.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?Sea World.
What color is your bathroom? White at the moment :laugh:
Favorite brand of clothing? None.
Where would you retire to? Sea World.
Favorite time of the day? Night.
What was your most memorable birthday? 5th.
Where were you born? Wichita Falls (ask SizzlinSean for spelling)
What fabric detergent do you use? Tide.
Coke or Pepsi? Root Beer. (coke)
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both.
What is your shoe size? 12.
Do you have any pets? I did. :(
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? Umm. No.
What did you want to be when you were little? Game Show Host.
Month: August.
Night or Day: Night.
Sun or Rain: Rain.
Scary or happy movies: Scary.
Broken a bone: No.
Played truth or dare: Yes.
Been in a physical fight: Yes.
Been in a police car: No.
Been on a plane: Yes.
Come close to dying: Yes.
Been in a hot tub: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: Yes.
Your good luck charm: A japanese pokemon card.
Best song you ever heard: Avril Lavigne - Fall To Pieces
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Go To College :laugh:
Whats your room like: Big.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: I love stuffed animals.
Your most prized possession: Things from Daycare and Mom's kids drew for me.
Vegetarian: No.
What schools have you gone to: One you'll never go to.
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: Yes.
Time Ended: 4:42pm

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2005, 03:25:52 pm »
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 06:35:13 pm by LE »
it got too real

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2005, 04:35:13 pm »
Time started: 6:14 PM
Full Name: Diana Mazer
Sex: I like FX.
Birthday: 10/27/85
Sign: "whats your sign is played. You gotta put a little style in youur game now adays".
Siblings: Yes.
Hair colour: Brown
eye colour: As Black as you heart.
Height: 5' 1"

Who are your closest friends?: MBV
Do you have a bf or gf?: He broke up with me.
Who?: It was Kevin Shields.
Did you have a crush?: YES!
Who?: Jim Ried.
Number of relationships you've been in?: 2
Number of times you have been in love?: 0
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: Not paying for anything.
Number of children you want to have?: 2

Where is your favorite place to shop: The Hammock Flower Market.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: None...*long sigh*
Do you do drugs: Legal ones, yes.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Dove.
What are you most scared of: That black guy on the state farm commericals.
The last person that called you is: My mom.
Where do you want to get married: In a court Room.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Everything. I want to be cool!!!
What was your first car: My feet?

Colour: silver.
Number: 75
Food: mexican/sea/american
Boys name(s): Andrei, Stephen, Daren.
Girls name(s): Anais.
Subject in school: Science.
Animal: Cats, squids, octopus
Drink: Brandy Alexander..I mean, soda.
Celebrity: Kevin Shields, Heather Mills, The Mccartney's.
Sport: Chess.

Given anyone a bath: No.
Smoked: Cady cigs, YES!
Bungee jumped: Naw.
Broken the law: Maybe?
Made yourself throw-up: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: yup.
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Yeah.
Gold or Silver: Gilver.
Something you miss in life: Having friends.
What is beside you: my box of guitar strings, a 1/4" instrument cable, my wallet.
Last thing you ate: Pizza and wings.
Who do you admire?: No one.
What do you like to do: Listen to music, play music, twist knobs.
What did you do yesterday: Rock the reels.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
Do you like yourself: No, not really.
Do you get along with your family When they are normal, yes.
Hated someone in your family: No, I dont think so?
Favourite Place to visit: I'm unsure about that.
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Cant remember.
What is your favorite chip flavor? Dill Pickles.
What is your favorite CD at the moment? The Butthole Surfers- "electric larryland".
What type of car do you drive? I dont.
Favorite sandwich: My world famous "heart attack sandwhich" Its eggs, bacon, lots of butter on bread.
What characteristic do you despise? In other people? Fickle, Pompus, rude, loud.
Something that's weird about yourself: I was born in a driveway.
Favorite item of clothing? My flannel jacket, a pair of blue jeans, my hat collection.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? The europe.
What color is your bathroom? Beige.
Favorite brand of clothing? Doesnt matter. I own a lot of "faded glory" Dollar store clothes!
Where would you retire to? A castle in the sky.
Favorite time of the day? 1:00 PM
What was your most memorable birthday? Uh...
Where were you born? Jensen.
What fabric detergent do you use? Whisk
Coke or Pepsi? Coke is it.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both.
What is your shoe size? 5 in mens 7 in womens.
Do you have any pets? No.
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? I'm a big girl now.
What did you want to be when you were little? A cartoonist, photographer.
Month: October, baby!
Night or Day: Dight.
Sun or Rain: Shine, the weathers fine...
Scary or happy movies: Drama films.
Broken a bone: No.
Played truth or dare: Yes.
Been in a physical fight: Yes.
Been in a police car: Yes.
Been on a plane: Many times.
Come close to dying: Yes.
Been in a hot tub: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: Grew up doing that.
Your good luck charm: When I was 10 I had a rangers hockey team jersey..
Best song you ever heard: Too many to list.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: What year are we talking about?
Whats your room like: Nice and clean.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: Naw.
Your most prized possession: I dont have any.
Vegetarian: I'm not linda mccartney.
What schools have you gone to: I've gone to at least 10.
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: Yes.
Time Ended: 6:34

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2005, 12:43:13 pm »
it got too real

Lil Loco

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Questionare *Reborn*
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2005, 01:10:40 pm »
Time started: 12:50
Full Name: Junior
Sex: Male
Birthday: August 28
Sign: Virgo
Siblings: Three Brotherz
Hair colour: Black
eye colour: Hazel
Height: 5'10"

Who are your closest friends?: Sum people.
Do you have a bf or gf?: I did...Not no more.
Who?: Wut doez it matter?
Did you have a crush?: Yea.
Who?: A gurl...
Number of relationships you've been in?: A few.
Number of times you have been in love?: Once.
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: Havin sume1 that carez for u and haz your back.
Number of children you want to have?: I dunno...2 or 3.

Where is your favorite place to shop: Anchor Blue.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Left ear iz pierced.
Do you do drugs: Nah...
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Suave.
What are you most scared of: Only a couple people know.
The last person that called you is: My friend.
Where do you want to get married: After I get myself set up with a place to live and a job.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: I dunno.
What was your first car: 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse GST.

Colour: Blue.
Number: 7
Food: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Italian, American...
Boys name(s): I dunno.
Girls name(s):  I dunno.
Subject in school: Math.
Animal: Catz and dogz.
Drink: Sprite.
Celebrity: Dont got one.
Sport: Football.

Given anyone a bath: No.
Smoked: Yea.
Bungee jumped: No.
Broken the law: Yea.
Made yourself throw-up: No.
Gone skinny dipping: Maybe...
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Nah.
Gold or Silver: Silver
Something you miss in life: Bein a kid.
What is beside you: A desk.
Last thing you ate: Chipz and salsa.
Who do you admire?: My dad.
What do you like to do: Chill with friendz, work on carz, lift weightz, and go placez.
What did you do yesterday: Help install a sound system.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: No.
Do you like yourself: I dunno...Sumtimez.
Do you get along with your family Yea.
Hated someone in your family: Yea.
Favourite Place to visit: I dunno.
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Dont remember.
What is your favorite chip flavor? Not sure.
What is your favorite CD at the moment? Most of my CDz are mixez.
What type of car do you drive? 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse
Favorite sandwich: Carne Asada Torta.
What characteristic do you despise? I dunno.
Something that's weird about yourself: Hahah, I like the gurl im with to beat me up a lil bit.
Favorite item of clothing? Aot.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Puerto Rico.
What color is your bathroom? Beige.
Favorite brand of clothing? Anchor Blue and Joker.
Where would you retire to? Same state im in.
Favorite time of the day? Lunch time.
What was your most memorable birthday? I dunno.
Where were you born? Riverside...
What fabric detergent do you use? All.
Coke or Pepsi? Peksi.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night person/
What is your shoe size? 11 1/2.
Do you have any pets? Catz, snake, and ratz.
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? No.
What did you want to be when you were little? I forget.
Month: December.
Night or Day: Night.
Sun or Rain: Dependz.
Scary or happy movies: Dependz.
Broken a bone: Yea.
Played truth or dare: Yea.
Been in a physical fight: A few.
Been in a police car: Nah...
Been on a plane: Yea.
Come close to dying: Yea.
Been in a hot tub: Yup.
Swam in the ocean: Yea.
Your good luck charm: Dont got one.
Best song you ever heard: Not sure.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Ive done alot.
Whats your room like: Itz cool.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: I used to.
Your most prized possession: My friendz and family.
Vegetarian: Are u crazy?...Course not.
What schools have you gone to: A couple.
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: Yea I would.
Time Ended: 1:10.