Author Topic: ::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::  (Read 22088 times)

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #60 on: November 03, 2005, 03:46:57 pm »
I dont care if poeple curse.
Unless you say the N word.

I know,I dont care if you say N*ggir.

And Yet another contradiction.

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #61 on: November 03, 2005, 06:19:43 pm »
One form of language I can't stand is the 'chav language'.
Almost every word they say involves violence, drugs, 'bling bling' or other adult things.
They also swear alot, even at elderly people.
But on the subject of swearing in general, mild curses are fine like 'darn it' and 'hell'....but using strong language such as the f word or b word is not necassary.

I just recently learned of the chav culture in the UK There is even a website. I think they are a funny group. Its the equivalent of Wiggers here in the States. Its just as bad here. The bing, the shoes, the horrible music...It's still funny to see/watch. Its genius in its own right...because thy are dead serious about the life style...

Offline ssj4gogita4

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #62 on: November 03, 2005, 06:28:50 pm »
I dont care if poeple curse.
Unless you say the N word.

I know,I dont care if you say N*ggir.

And Yet another contradiction.
He's 10 (?) years old. He shouldn't even be talking like that until he's in junior high or high school. That's where it all starts...or should start. I have a ex...that said curse words and my brother and I were not happy at all. He was 11 or 12.

Offline Rocko

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #63 on: November 03, 2005, 06:42:08 pm »
I dont care if poeple curse.
Unless you say the N word.

I know,I dont care if you say N*ggir.

And Yet another contradiction.
He's 10 (?) years old. He shouldn't even be talking like that until he's in junior high or high school. That's where it all starts...or should start. I have a ex...that said curse words and my brother and I were not happy at all. He was 11 or 12.
My neighbor was cussing and flicking people off when he was 10. He flicked off everyone, and dropped the f bomb whenever he felt like it. However I learned he had no friends, proves people don't like people like that. And I hate the N Word, when I have kids and if they even say it once, they'll receive a spakning for it, because I HATE Racism.

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Offline Daniel

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #64 on: November 03, 2005, 06:50:12 pm »
So. It's racist for a white guy to say it, but not for a black guy. It is racist, yes, but it is technically(or at least down here) a term for black trash. White trash are called "Crackers." So, it's, buy the logic at hand, racist for a black person to call a white person a cracker.

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #65 on: November 03, 2005, 11:59:02 pm »
I just recently learned of the chav culture in the UK There is even a website. I think they are a funny group. Its the equivalent of Wiggers here in the States. Its just as bad here. The bing, the shoes, the horrible music...It's still funny to see/watch. Its genius in its own right...because thy are dead serious about the life style...

'Chavs' are funny when they don't bother's when they hang out infront of your house, shouting and screaming with their kids or little brothers and sisters, drop litter in your front yard and park their cars on your sidewalk infront of your driveway.
Their language is irritating, in their text message form of spelling and how they write in general is is a good view of how bad their brain is...most of the time it cannot function due to drug abuse and smoking...all they can say is 'ugh' or 'wha'.
I cannot stand it, they swear alot too....most of the time it is racist comments (occassionally)on white people....then when you have the regular UK chavs, they're being racist (occassionally also) to black people.
I know this is a topic about swearing, but please don't bypass filters.
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I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.

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::Dolphin Noise:: ::Dolphin Noise::
« Reply #66 on: November 04, 2005, 06:17:16 pm »
I just recently learned of the chav culture in the UK There is even a website. I think they are a funny group. Its the equivalent of Wiggers here in the States. Its just as bad here. The bing, the shoes, the horrible music...It's still funny to see/watch. Its genius in its own right...because thy are dead serious about the life style...

'Chavs' are funny when they don't bother's when they hang out infront of your house, shouting and screaming with their kids or little brothers and sisters, drop litter in your front yard and park their cars on your sidewalk infront of your driveway.
Their language is irritating, in their text message form of spelling and how they write in general is is a good view of how bad their brain is...most of the time it cannot function due to drug abuse and smoking...all they can say is 'ugh' or 'wha'.
I cannot stand it, they swear alot too....most of the time it is racist comments (occassionally)on white people....then when you have the regular UK chavs, they're being racist (occassionally also) to black people.
I know this is a topic about swearing, but please don't bypass filters.

Wow, so its almost like a bug you cant kill or something. That sucks... If they are doesnt make sense.. If they hate blacks so much they should stop trying so hard to be one. If they hate whites they hate themselves...I've only seen a few black Chavs. I could be wrong...

This website is funny...


*This isnt a very "nice" webstie for most here to view, but funny nonetheless...