SpongeBob SquarePants > Bikini Bottom

Official Favorite Quote Thread

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squidward wants to complain to you
no i dont (scared)
what about all dat stuff about him havin a dirty ship
insultin a mans ship be worst than insultin his mother
oh yeah it was his mom u said was dirty not his ship (lol burn)

i would love to but sadly i am only an eel - your shoes untied

"hey (name and address withheld) can you help me make this"
"well i'd love to but sadly i am only an eel"


--- Quote from: Dubbi on April 16, 2006, 06:40:32 am ---Spongebob: Sandy you can't go fight the Alasken sea worm. It's big scary and pink.

Sandy: So is patricks belly button and I'm not afraid of that either.

--- End quote ---

This quote made me laugh for like 5 minutes...anything directed towards Patrick is usaully really funny.

Patrick quotes
"does this look dangerous"
"i sense no dnager here"
"Are you Squidward now?"
"Okay, bye Sponge--who was I talkin' too?"
(sees Sandy in her bathing suit): "Sandy's a girl?"
"East? I thought you said weast!"
"Is mayonnaise an instrument?"
Oh is it already time to ruin Squid's day?"
"I'm Squidward! I'm Squidward! I'm Squidward Squidward Squidward!"
(after saying who needs domb ol' texas in front of sandy)"should i start running now."

squiward quotes
"Oh Puh-lease... I have no soul."
(Imitating Patrick) "SpongeBob, if I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar"
"why do today, today! If you can put it off until tomorrow"
(imitating spongebob)"Hey Patrick, I heard there's a job for you down at the pet shop, as a pile of newspaper" this one is mean but funny.

1% evil, 99% hot gas

Money, Money, Money!
"a five letter word for happienes...money"

"shup up you mediocure clairnet player" don't know if i spelled mediocure

"beep-beep-beepbeepbeep...Respond: Why don't you ask me later!"
"Krabs is a *bleep*"

A Goofy Goober:
Sandy: Spongebob, land on your bottom!
Spongebob: Like this?
Patrick: No, your other bottom.
Sandy: Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?
Patrick: Not until 4:00.

cam sh:
My all time favourite quote is from To Love a Patty.

Patrick: I've been replaced by a sandwich! ^_^


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