Author Topic: Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?  (Read 26541 times)

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Dragon Of Grief

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2006, 07:04:27 pm »
I think it is wrong to hate black people, but I am for hating queers.  Fags choose to *Gross!*..but black people don't choose to be black!
Hahaha. You're so pathetic MSP... when do you ever give up :lol:


no,I don't think there should be homosexualality in the world.I know that alot of people are but the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin.and that is good enough for me!
Hey, did you ever stop to think that not everyone believes in your bible? I hate it when people say "God says it's wrong." HELLO! Not everyone believes in God.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 07:10:47 pm by Elizabeth Rose »

Elizabeth Rose

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2006, 07:07:03 pm »
Bye bye MSP.

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2006, 09:07:05 am »
what'd Msp do in the first place to get banned? I'm sorry but some people need to stop...and yea MSP NOT EVERYONE BELIVES IN YOUR GOD! SO STFU! PLEASE! geezus..... anywayz people....back on topic....erm....
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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2006, 09:25:50 am »
I think it is wrong to hate black people, but I am for hating queers.  Fags choose to *Gross!*..but black people don't choose to be black!
Hahaha. You're so pathetic MSP... when do you ever give up :lol:


no,I don't think there should be homosexualality in the world.I know that alot of people are but the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin.and that is good enough for me!
Hey, did you ever stop to think that not everyone believes in your bible? I hate it when people say "God says it's wrong." HELLO! Not everyone believes in God.
While I agree with you on same sex rights, did you ever stop to think that not everyone does not believe in the bible?

Dragon Of Grief

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2006, 04:04:30 pm »
I think it is wrong to hate black people, but I am for hating queers.  Fags choose to *Gross!*..but black people don't choose to be black!
Hahaha. You're so pathetic MSP... when do you ever give up :lol:


no,I don't think there should be homosexualality in the world.I know that alot of people are but the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin.and that is good enough for me!
Hey, did you ever stop to think that not everyone believes in your bible? I hate it when people say "God says it's wrong." HELLO! Not everyone believes in God.
While I agree with you on same sex rights, did you ever stop to think that not everyone does not believe in the bible?
I never said I did not believe in the bible... I do believe in it. I just don't follow it like a rulebook... and people saying "God says homosexuality is wrong!" is the saddest and most cliched excuse in history.


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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2006, 11:38:44 am »
It's also important to separate homosexual behavior from homosexual orientation.

The behavior is always a "choice" in the context of mutual consent.

With orientation, it's a little more complicated.  Most gays and lesbians will tell you that they didn't choose their orientation.  But since homosexuals are rarely provided the opportunity to speak for themselves, you get the straight point of view more often.

As far as the Christian sin issue goes, again it's only the behavior that's a sin; to say "homosexuality is a sin" doesn't make the behavior/orientation distinction very well.

And of course, Christian Churches in Europe and North America are seriously divided on the matter (whether homosexual behavior is a sin or not.)


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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2006, 11:46:57 am »
A couple other quick issues on the matter of orientation and choice:

We pose the question "Why did you choose to be gay?" often.

How about turning the question around?: "Why did you choose to be straight?"  Was that choice ever presented to you?  Or, just like homosexuals will tell you, did your heterosexual orientation just sorta "happen" when you hit that age?

Back to the "Why did you choose to be gay?" question.
Better question: "Why would you choose to be gay?"

The race/sexuality distinction is apt here, as it is true, in this day and age, people don't choose their race (with some exceptions, of course, such as multiracial individuals and *cough*cough*MichaelJackson*cough*cough* but he doesn't really count....)

But if orientation is chosen, why would someone willingly choose to inhabit an identity that has been the target of merciless verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse?  Yeah, why would someone make such a conscious decision?  Ah, but as I said in my above post, things don't always work that way, and most homosexuals will themselves tell you that they didn't "choose" their orientation any more or less than a straight person did.

Offline DiE HaRrD PuNk

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2006, 03:03:29 pm »
Excellent post Ernest! Best I've read of this topic yet!
Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'
    --George w. Bush

Washington, DC

Names me that or Rae...whichever.. :P

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2006, 03:12:59 pm »
Cool, thank you!


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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2006, 06:57:51 pm »
But Being christian is exactly what its cracked up to be. You must follow a religion, or a huge textbook of rules you can and cannot do, i mean c'mon, is that any way to live your life? Imagine if the whole world was full of christians, all alike and could do no harm, the world would be a bit boring eh?
Yah, but on the other hand, if you don't follow it, you end up burning forever in hell... Is that how you want to spend eternity? I don't want to be mean or act like I'm smart (trust me, I'm not) but I'm afraid that's the way it is. And if the world  was full of Christians, all alike, and could do no harm, there would be nothing bad happening. I'm not saying we're perfect or anything, but if everyone followed the Bible all the time, there would be no wars, no terrorism, no murders, and when you think back to Adam and Eve, if everyone obeyed God, we wouldn't ever die, either.

Now that I've said that, I'll get back on topic. My preacher came up with a good point about this topic a couple months ago; the attraction itself isn't wrong, people can't help that; it's the act that is sin. I don't hate homosexuals, but I am strongly against homosexuality. Like I've heard many times before, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And even if you don't believe in God, doesn't homosexuality just seem a little.... wrong? Not just morally, I mean.. Doesn't that just seem kind of disgusting?

Offline IZ

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2006, 07:02:45 pm »
Doesn't that just seem kind of disgusting?
It's not disgusting, it's just not something that interests me.

I'm sure being of African descent probably seemed disgusting to people not even 50 years ago. Does that make these people right?


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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2006, 07:10:48 pm »
Doesn't that just seem kind of disgusting?
It's not disgusting, it's just not something that interests me.

I'm sure being of African descent probably seemed disgusting to people not even 50 years ago. Does that make these people right?
I would have a rebutle(SP?) for this, but I know you don't believe in the Bible, and about all I have are Biblical answers for this. I will say this, though: People can't help being of African descent, and there's nothing wrong with being of African descent. People can't help being attracted to members of the same gender, and, even though it still kind of creeps me out, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. But like I said in my other post, they can help acting upon that attraction, and there is something wrong with doing so.

Elizabeth Rose

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2006, 07:16:49 pm »
eing christian is exactly what its cracked up to be. You must follow a religion, or a huge textbook of rules you can and cannot do, i mean c'mon, is that any way to live your life? Imagine if the whole world was full of christians, all alike and could do no harm, the world would be a bit boring eh?

No offense, but that ain't the best of logic.  A book telling you what you can and cannot do?  Sure, that is what the Bible is, but thanks to religion in general things like theft, rape, and murder (for the most part), are illegal....

Dragon Of Grief

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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #58 on: April 20, 2006, 08:52:58 am »
But Being christian is exactly what its cracked up to be. You must follow a religion, or a huge textbook of rules you can and cannot do, i mean c'mon, is that any way to live your life? Imagine if the whole world was full of christians, all alike and could do no harm, the world would be a bit boring eh?
Yah, but on the other hand, if you don't follow it, you end up burning forever in hell... Is that how you want to spend eternity? I don't want to be mean or act like I'm smart (trust me, I'm not) but I'm afraid that's the way it is. And if the world  was full of Christians, all alike, and could do no harm, there would be nothing bad happening. I'm not saying we're perfect or anything, but if everyone followed the Bible all the time, there would be no wars, no terrorism, no murders, and when you think back to Adam and Eve, if everyone obeyed God, we wouldn't ever die, either.
Christianity is the REASON all these wars are being fought int he first place, genious... a lot of these wars are religious. If it wasn't for religion there would actually be LESS wars... but I can see your just another preacher of the Christian religion which makes me lose all if any respect for you. You do not know that as a fact if everyone was Christian the world would be a better place.

Now that I've said that, I'll get back on topic. My preacher came up with a good point about this topic a couple months ago; the attraction itself isn't wrong, people can't help that; it's the act that is sin. I don't hate homosexuals, but I am strongly against homosexuality. Like I've heard many times before, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And even if you don't believe in God, doesn't homosexuality just seem a little.... wrong? Not just morally, I mean.. Doesn't that just seem kind of disgusting?
What is disgusting is your deluded logic... I respect Christians, but the ones like you who think everyone should be Christian, etc. And preach about how disgusting gay people are to you, etc... and hey, if God hated gay people so much why did he create them that way? See, this is how religion is horrible... how is condemns people just because they don't conform to a certain lifestyle. This is exactly why I quit being a Christian is because of people like you who make Christian look loud, arrogant, and bigoted.

Doesn't that just seem kind of disgusting?
It's not disgusting, it's just not something that interests me.

I'm sure being of African descent probably seemed disgusting to people not even 50 years ago. Does that make these people right?
I would have a rebutle(SP?) for this, but I know you don't believe in the Bible, and about all I have are Biblical answers for this. I will say this, though: People can't help being of African descent, and there's nothing wrong with being of African descent. People can't help being attracted to members of the same gender, and, even though it still kind of creeps me out, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. But like I said in my other post, they can help acting upon that attraction, and there is something wrong with doing so.
Oh what, so then they can't be happy just because they are queer? That is wrong. They deserve just as much happiness that any straight couple has. Theya re supposed to live their WHOLE lives without any sex just because they are gay?

You sound like a closet case if I ever saw one.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 08:56:09 am by Dragon Of Grief »


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Should there be homosexuals? Are you against them?
« Reply #59 on: April 20, 2006, 09:00:56 am »
i'm christian...i follow the bible...i dont agree with homosexuality.

but...i aint gonna go around saying "screw queerz and gay people" cuz i dont agree with how they're livin.  and yea, ty iz cant go pushin gay people into one feminine pile.  one of my brotherz iz gay but he'z the complete opposite of the stereotype...he'z built, strong, into carz and truckz, a county sheriff, wearz regular clothez, etc etc.  if you didnt know him, you would never guess he was gay...but anywayz, that dont matter.  and i resent wut you're sayin bout christianz but i aint tryin to argue with people right now so wutever.

Jerm, we need more people like you, and Liz, in this world. You've always respected other's opinions, even if you don't agree with them. Good show, man.

Anyway... you guys know how I feel about all this.