Author Topic: Operation Bite  (Read 38882 times)

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Lil Loco

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2007, 02:50:55 pm »
If anyone thinks that nothing bad will come of Iran becoming nuclear enabled, then they are either too hopeful for their own good or flat-out ignorant.
Oh yeah, so lets just attack them and have even more people hate us right?

What proof do you have that they plan on using the nukes? If The United States and Great Britain has a right to manufacture nukes then Iran does to. Iran isn't hurting anybody right now. If they threatened to use the nukes that is one thing... but if they are just sitting back and using them as a means of defense in case some idiots deciede to attack them then I see no threat.

Anyways, would your God want you to attack Iran? Whatever happened to thou shall not kill? Oh yeah, that's right. You only use the bible when it is convieniant for you. I forgot how conservatives worked for a second. I apologize.

For years and years Iran has spread words of hate for America and it's ally Israel.  Words speaking of the death and destruction.  "Oh they just want nukes for defense."  Give me a freakin break.  Just because you choose to be blissfully ignorant of reality, doesn't mean everyone else has to be.  And God wouldn't want a madman leader of Iran who holds nothing but distain and wishes of bloodshed for everyone who sees things differently than him to have the means to inflict destruction on a scale of any sort.  And wow you just can't resist trying to giet a dig in on Christianity wherever you can, can you?  Nice to see your true colors...Thanks for that.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2007, 03:01:15 pm »
If anyone thinks that nothing bad will come of Iran becoming nuclear enabled, then they are either too hopeful for their own good or flat-out ignorant.
Oh yeah, so lets just attack them and have even more people hate us right?

What proof do you have that they plan on using the nukes? If The United States and Great Britain has a right to manufacture nukes then Iran does to. Iran isn't hurting anybody right now. If they threatened to use the nukes that is one thing... but if they are just sitting back and using them as a means of defense in case some idiots deciede to attack them then I see no threat.

Anyways, would your God want you to attack Iran? Whatever happened to thou shall not kill? Oh yeah, that's right. You only use the bible when it is convieniant for you. I forgot how conservatives worked for a second. I apologize.

For years and years Iran has spread words of hate for America and it's ally Israel.  Words speaking of the death and destruction.  "Oh they just want nukes for defense."  Give me a freakin break.  Just because you choose to be blissfully ignorant of reality, doesn't mean everyone else has to be.  And God wouldn't want a madman leader of Iran who holds nothing but distain and wishes of bloodshed for everyone who sees things differently than him to have the means to inflict destruction on a scale of any sort.  And wow you just can't resist trying to giet a dig in on Christianity wherever you can, can you?  Nice to see your true colors...Thanks for that.
Yeah, Iran has spread words of hate, but how many countries has Iran destroyed? How many countries has Iran left uninhabitable? You call me blissfully ignorant of reality? I am not the one calling for the spreading of pointless and bloody wars. Look at BUSH. Look at the damage HE has done. Instead of worrying about a foreign nation that is THOUSANDS of miles away worry about what is happening on our own US soil. We have a murderous tyrant right in DC.

My true colors? I was making a point, Jeremy... that when it comes to war you are totally fine and ok with it, but even the the bible CLEARLY STATES "Thou shalt not kill" Conservatives and the religious right worry more about gay marriage becoming legal then about the thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Iraq... and even the genocide happening in Darfur.

My true colors are to share my opinions, no matter what my friends say UNAPOLOGETICALLY. I don't have a problem with you personally, Jeremy... just some of your politics piss me off. But if you want it to be that way, then fine. Whatever. This is why I quit discussing politics for awhile because people get offended by me and fly off the handle.

Lil Loco

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2007, 03:19:44 pm »
When did I freakin say that I was fine and ok with war?  When?  War sucks, every war sucks.  People die.  I lost a cousin in Iraq and it was one of the worst feelings in my life.  Having someone you grew up with snatched away from you like nothing isn't something I take lightly.  And yeah, Bush has been doing a crap job in Iraq for awhile, and I honestly think he needs to formulate a final stradegy for giving full control to the Iraqi military and pulling out there.  That being said, as much as war sucks, it's necessary sometimes.  People like Osama and Kim Jong are evil people and they should be stood against.  Innocent lives are that are taken in the midst of war are devastating and I wish innocents didn't get caught in the fray but it happens.    As far as gay-marriage, which you like to bring up all the time...I'm not consumed with the gay-marriage issue...I don't agree with it, but I don't go around yelling about it.  I just don't agree with gay-marriage, those are my beliefs.  You have yours and that's fine.  But do you not see a reason for me to get aprehensive at the constant slamming of my faith?  I don't rip on you for being gay.  If you don't agree with Christianity that's fine, but if you don't think that me and my faith deserve respect just as much as you and your ideals do then that's pretty messed up, Ty.  You don't have to agree with my views as I don't have to agree with yours...But I don't slam people for their beliefs.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2007, 03:31:16 pm »
When did I freakin say that I was fine and ok with war?  When?  War sucks, every war sucks.  People die.  I lost a cousin in Iraq and it was one of the worst feelings in my life.  Having someone you grew up with snatched away from you like nothing isn't something I take lightly.  And yeah, Bush has been doing a crap job in Iraq for awhile, and I honestly think he needs to formulate a final stradegy for giving full control to the Iraqi military and pulling out there.  That being said, as much as war sucks, it's necessary sometimes.  People like Osama and Kim Jong are evil people and they should be stood against.  Innocent lives are that are taken in the midst of war are devastating and I wish innocents didn't get caught in the fray but it happens.    As far as gay-marriage, which you like to bring up all the time...I'm not consumed with the gay-marriage issue...I don't agree with it, but I don't go around yelling about it.  I just don't agree with gay-marriage, those are my beliefs.  You have yours and that's fine.  But do you not see a reason for me to get aprehensive at the constant slamming of my faith?  I don't rip on you for being gay.  If you don't agree with Christianity that's fine, but if you don't think that me and my faith deserve respect just as much as you and your ideals do then that's pretty messed up, Ty.  You don't have to agree with my views as I don't have to agree with yours...But I don't slam people for their beliefs.
According to your opinion on Iran it was apparent to me that you were ok with attacking them. I will admit, I supported the war at first but I look back at it now and see how truly horrendous and terrible it truly was. In my opinion Bush is the lowest form of life on this planet right now. If he was right in front of me, burning to death in flame I would throw a bucket of fuel starter on him and roast marshmallows (SP). He never did a good job in handling Iraq.

As far as Osama goes, then how come they didn't send all those tons of troops to Afghanistan? Yes, there are troops there, but there have been MANY MANY more troops in Iraq. Why is it the Iraqi war? Why not the Afghani war? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 so why did Bush attack them? And he got Saddam and all the bad guys there so why did he convieniantly forget about Osama? He should have been found a long time ago... Bush sidetracked the entire war into something completely different.

It was not my intent to slam your beliefs there, Jeremy. It really wasn't. No, you don't rip on me for being gay. But I was trying to make a point, rather though I mis-worded what I wanted to point out. I was just trying to explain how a lot of religious conservatives these days only attack with the bible when it is convieniant for them, such as gay marriage. When the government launches a massive war of epic proportions you don't here them preaching the bible... they just sit back and watch the sparks fly.

I am sick of all the religious people I live around preaching to me constantly and it has driven me to be resentful of Christianity. I talked to my mom about this yesterday. I had someone tell me I couldn't be Christian because I am gay... I just got fed up.

Lil Loco

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2007, 03:49:51 pm »
I'm not for senseless killing...I am for stopping any bloodthirsty psycho from getting his hands on highly destructive weapons.  In Iraq, I wanted to see Saddam taken out and the new military forces trained and given watch over the country...Once those things become plausible reality and we were still there, I started getting pissed about it.  And trust me, I agree that Osama is a primary target that should never have left America's focus...I hope he is brought back to our full attention. 

I believe that war is just when it is for the cause of ridding the world of evil men and helping people who need help.  Aside from that, I see little other just cause for it.

As far as what those fools around you are saying..It's not a Christian's place to condemn anyone or tell them that they can't become Christian...Your lifestyle is between you and God and no one else.  Only God can judge.


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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2007, 04:23:45 am »
I'm a pacifist. There's always a better option than war.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2007, 05:45:39 am »
I'm a pacifist. There's always a better option than war.

Just like in World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour? Better option than going to war would be...?


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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2007, 06:49:11 am »
I'm a pacifist. There's always a better option than war.

Just like in World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour? Better option than going to war would be...?


Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2007, 08:22:08 am »
I'm a pacifist. There's always a better option than war.

Just like in World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour? Better option than going to war would be...?
Dropping tons of atomic bombs and killing millions of innocent people of course! I mean, after all, it's the conservative thing to do right?

Lil Loco

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2007, 12:20:49 pm »
I'm a pacifist. There's always a better option than war.

Just like in World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour? Better option than going to war would be...?
Dropping tons of atomic bombs and killing millions of innocent people of course! I mean, after all, it's the conservative thing to do right?

Unless I'm mistaken, Truman was a democrat.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2007, 12:28:39 pm »
Oh yeah, apparently this whole operation bite thing turned out to be a april fool's prank... think about it, would you announce a sneak attack?

Lil Loco

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2007, 12:33:22 pm »
Well they didn't "annouce it", some Russian supposedly leaked it...But if the operation was a prank, it wouldn't surprise me.  If the government really wanted to keep an operation underwraps, they'd do it without problems.


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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #42 on: March 31, 2007, 12:57:32 pm »
It was a prank this time...

Offline VulturEMaN

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2007, 01:37:21 pm »
Oh yeah, apparently this whole operation bite thing turned out to be a april fool's prank... think about it, would you announce a sneak attack?


oh, and don't hold your breath over the fake-ness....

Offline Daniel

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Re: Operation Bite
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2007, 01:40:41 pm »
I'm a pacifist. There's always a better option than war.

Just like in World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour? Better option than going to war would be...?


Uh hu..

"Oh hey! You bombed us, but instead of fighting back, we are just going to talk it out!"

That is great in theory, but rarely works..