Author Topic: Waxing politics in general.  (Read 8511 times)

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Waxing politics in general.
« on: April 12, 2007, 09:27:00 am »
This thread actually isn't for debate, it's just for you to clearly state where you lie on certain issues. Ready? Go.

ABORTION: Pro-choice, but only for the first trimester. I'm not a religious person, so to me, life begins sometime during the second trimester. During the first trimester, we're talking about a lifeless clump of cells. Abortion in the third trimester is murder, period. In addition, a girl who has had three abortions should be given mandatory counseling.

DEATH PENALTY: I'm for it, as long as it's 100% definite that the person accused of the crime actually commited it. If there's even a tiny possibility that the person didn't commit the crime, then no. To me, some people deserve death. However, a single innocent person wrongly executed is one person too many.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: There isn't a single issue I'm more passionate about. Stem cell therapy could be the next medical miracle. Our government should be pouring as much money as possible into the research.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: Government and religion MUST remain separate. I'm not saying that we need to remove "under God" from The Pledge of Allegiance, nor do I think "In God We Trust" needs to be taken off of our money. It doesn't hurt to have that stuff, so I'm fine with it. However, when it interferes with the rights of people who aren't religious, we have a problem. Prayer in public schools is wrong, as is NOT teaching the theory of evolution. The founding fathers may have been Christian, but as soon as they wrote about Freedom of Religion, their religion became irrelevant. And they knew that.

WELFARE: I'm for the concept (as temporary assistance), but against the execution. It think it's a good idea for the short-term, but when you have people depending on it and feeling entitled to it, there's a problem. It's meant to be temporary assistance, but many treat it like a paycheck. Instead of simply handing out money, give recipients a maximum of one year, and during that year, offer REAL assistance by helping that person find a job. Sure, a single mother with three kids, no car, and nowhere near a place with employment opportunity may have a hard time finding a job, but I think the government should figure out how she can get a job despite that rather than the easy solution of giving her a check. Like the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: I'm against it. In a perfect world, affirmative action would be a moot point. Unfortunately, you have some racist jerkoffs who will refuse to hire a qualified black person because of the color of his/her skin. However, I don't believe that affirmative action is the answer. All it does is fuel more racism. A white applicant who is passed over for a black applicant may immediately assume that the black person got hired because of affirmative action. And it's possible that the employer really DID hire the black applicant for that reason. Or maybe not. Either way, it just creates more hostility. I wish there was a better solution to the problem, but affirmative action ain't it.

GAY MARRIAGE: I have no problem with this. The argument presented by right wingers is that marriage is the union between a man and a woman, as the dictionary says. But then I say, why follow the dictionary if you aren't gonna follow the Constitution? Some people say that it ruins the institution of marriage. If you ask me, straight couples have pissed on the institution of marriage for years.

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 09:55:52 am »
ABORTION: Pro-choice, but only for the first trimester. I'm not a religious person, so to me, life begins sometime during the second trimester. During the first trimester, we're talking about a lifeless clump of cells. Abortion in the third trimester is murder, period. In addition, a girl who has had three abortions should be given mandatory counseling. <---- I like yours as it is, it's my opinion almost exactly. Only you forgot to mention RAPE.

DEATH PENALTY: 100% FOR IT. This country has gotten soft...people who commit mass murder get a 2 year sentance in an OPEN-PRISON. Several offenders never learn their lesson and commit again, solution? End their life, it is meaningless and will free up space in the country. It's all win-win.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: I'm for it. It helps so many people and there is so much more it can do. WHo knows? We might find a cure for cancer or something through it.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: If you mean by a government, then YES. Religion and everything else should be seperated, it prevents unnessacary arguments.

WELFARE: It's an exploited system in the UK and I hate it, I am against it.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: I'm not too sure on this one.

GAY MARRIAGE: Yes. I have no problem with it and think it's a good option.
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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 10:03:06 am »
ABORTION: Let women decide this matter, as it has mostly to do with their body. ;) However, after their 2nd abortion, they really need to have someone give them serious counseling because then they just hit h0e-mode-DevCon-9 and need to have their undies bolted on. My personal views (although they mean nothing in my own eyes, as I am not a woman): As far as rape goes, they should be allowed to abort. And if you were dumb enough to have sex and knew what you were getting into, then you should carry the child and either take care of it or give it up for adoption.

DEATH PENALTY: Some people deserve death, but I am not one to choose it for them. That is the job of a jury. I say leave all laws as they currently exist.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: Put money into it, but make it law that the gov't is NOT allowed to interfere in work unless it be declared immoral AND ONLY FOR THAT REASON.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: We can't combine both of them fully, but it doesn't hurt anyone for a bit of church doctrine to hit into the idiotic world of politics (however, I don't think the church would want politicians meddling in their ways). Don't interfere with anyone's rights.

WELFARE: "Like the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."....well quoted Jackie-Boy. I completely agree. There are so many job agencies out there looking for unskilled workers and that will pay 10-15$/hr that it is rediculous.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: I, personally, ignore it. I have no opinion of it. If I ever pick a side on it, I'll let you know.

GAY MARRIAGE: Go for it. Happy Happy Joy Joy. XD

Lil Loco

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 10:48:30 am »
ABORTION: Against it, flat out.  The only time I think it should be allowed is if the mother's life is threatened.

DEATH PENALTY: Yup yup, there are people deserving of capital punishment and if they are convicted they shouldn't be safe from it.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: I mean if there's stem cells to be used then you might as well, but I'm against it overall.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: I don't think it should be fully involved in government, but I don't think it should be removed completely.

WELFARE: Welfare should be limited.  Too many people take advantage of it and don't take responsibility for themselves.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Against it.  The most qualified person is the one who should be accepted/hired, regardless of race.

GAY MARRIAGE: Lol if you don't know my stance on this by now, then you haven't paid attention to half the recent topics here.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 10:56:29 am »
ABORTION: Pro-choice, but only for the first trimester. I'm not a religious person, so to me, life begins sometime during the second trimester. During the first trimester, we're talking about a lifeless clump of cells. Abortion in the third trimester is murder, period. In addition, a girl who has had three abortions should be given mandatory counseling.

I am totally Pro-Life... for several different reasons. For one most young women are NOT properly informed about the side effects and potential health risks of getting abortions. The health risks have potential grave consequences physically and mentally. Also I think of it this way... is it the baby's fault Mommy got pregnant, or raped? If not, then why should we end the babie's life before it begins. Abortion is wrong on all moral levels.

DEATH PENALTY: I'm for it, as long as it's 100% definite that the person accused of the crime actually commited it. If there's even a tiny possibility that the person didn't commit the crime, then no. To me, some people deserve death. However, a single innocent person wrongly executed is one person too many.

Once again, I am pro-life. The Death Penalty is never acceptable. I think we need to focus more on rehabilitation and less on punishment... and for those who can't be rehabilitated that have commtied crimes against humanity such as Murder, Rape, etc they should be confined to a tiny dark room with no light and little food for the rest of their lives so they can suffer in a figuritive dark room they have made their victims suffer in. Why give them an easy ticket out by killing them? It's actually what most of them want, is the death penalty. Also it is just legal government murder... totally unacceptable.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: There isn't a single issue I'm more passionate about. Stem cell therapy could be the next medical miracle. Our government should be pouring as much money as possible into the research.

Eh, I dunno where I stand on this issue. I am pretty much sitting the fence. On one hand it has potential to cure disease, but on the other hand using aborted fetuses for medicinal purposes seems kinda morbid... so eh, I dunno. *sits on the fence*

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: Government and religion MUST remain separate. I'm not saying that we need to remove "under God" from The Pledge of Allegiance, nor do I think "In God We Trust" needs to be taken off of our money. It doesn't hurt to have that stuff, so I'm fine with it. However, when it interferes with the rights of people who aren't religious, we have a problem. Prayer in public schools is wrong, as is NOT teaching the theory of evolution. The founding fathers may have been Christian, but as soon as they wrote about Freedom of Religion, their religion became irrelevant. And they knew that.

The reason they CAME here in the first place was to be free of church and state being intertwined. They knew the devastating effects of religion controlling politics and government. And no more has proved a bigger issue for civil rights. Because of church and state being intertwined in the past women weren't allowed to vote, interracial marriage was illegal, and gay marriage is illegal today. I am not saying religion is a bad thing. It's not. It can be a good thing for some people... but it just has no place in governing morals into society.

WELFARE: I'm for the concept (as temporary assistance), but against the execution. It think it's a good idea for the short-term, but when you have people depending on it and feeling entitled to it, there's a problem. It's meant to be temporary assistance, but many treat it like a paycheck. Instead of simply handing out money, give recipients a maximum of one year, and during that year, offer REAL assistance by helping that person find a job. Sure, a single mother with three kids, no car, and nowhere near a place with employment opportunity may have a hard time finding a job, but I think the government should figure out how she can get a job despite that rather than the easy solution of giving her a check. Like the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

I am totally for welfare, my family was on it for awhile... mom just had a baby and stepdad couldn't work because of a hernia. It pisses me off when people take advantage of it. Nothing enrages me more when people who are physically and mentally apt to work just sit their butts at home collecting tax-payers money. The system needs to be a little harder for lazy people to get into and easier for people who actually NEED it.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: I'm against it. In a perfect world, affirmative action would be a moot point. Unfortunately, you have some racist jerkoffs who will refuse to hire a qualified black person because of the color of his/her skin. However, I don't believe that affirmative action is the answer. All it does is fuel more racism. A white applicant who is passed over for a black applicant may immediately assume that the black person got hired because of affirmative action. And it's possible that the employer really DID hire the black applicant for that reason. Or maybe not. Either way, it just creates more hostility. I wish there was a better solution to the problem, but affirmative action ain't it.

I agree with you on the point that a white applicant would get overlooked... although I don't believe we should get rid of affirmative action it needs to be better controlled. Under affirmative actions companies get more money back on taxes for every hispanic, black, or female they hire. They are tax write-offs to them. That is why affirmative action is so flawed. It makes it hard for some qualified individuals to get jobs. If the hate-legislation passes I could be included in affirmative action for being Homosexual but I don't think that is right... what I do in my bedroom should not determine wether I get a job or not.

GAY MARRIAGE: I have no problem with this. The argument presented by right wingers is that marriage is the union between a man and a woman, as the dictionary says. But then I say, why follow the dictionary if you aren't gonna follow the Constitution? Some people say that it ruins the institution of marriage. If you ask me, straight couples have pissed on the institution of marriage for years.

Take a look at Massachusetts... the ONLY US state where gay marriage is currently legal. Look how low the divorce rates are... THAT is something to marvel at. THAT is something to be proud of. However the religious right will constantly fight against it, and cowardly liberal groups will just want each individual state to figure it out on their own. Another point too is marriage has been around long before any organized religion. It was around probably even before paganism first started and we all know it is the oldest religion still practiced today. Marriage is not necessarily about raising a family, or kids... it is about uniting with that person in holy matrimony and working together to survive. And civil unions are lackluster and don't work. Even if civil unions had all the benefits of marriage it still is inequality. Obviously I am 100% for gay marriage (I am gay duh =p)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 11:08:09 am by Dragon Of Grief »


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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2007, 11:43:57 am »
ABORTION: I completely agree that the gravity of an abortion depends on when you have an abortion.

DEATH PENALTY: Never. Nobody deserves to die.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: Strongly support it. May lead to the cure for many diseases, which I think is very nice.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: The integration of church and state is not only unconstitutional, but an insult to God. To say God has any say in the decisions this president has made is very insulting.

WELFARE: Very much for it. Alongside liberty and the pursuit of happiness, life is one of the the inalienable rights endowed to use. Therefore, I believe, the government should do what it can to support life.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: I agree with affirmative action, but not on the basis of race. A major factor of poverty and violence is unemployment. We need to ensure that the impoverished receive job benefits.

GAY MARRIAGE: For it. Not allowing gay couples to marry is like not allowing black people to sit wherever they want on a bus.

Dragon Of Grief

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2007, 12:09:31 pm »
Also, I am not insulting any Christians, but the bible says "Thou shalt not kill" and it also says "Thou shalt not bear grudges" so biblically wouldn't you be against the death penalty? Just asking.


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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 12:17:02 pm »
Also, I am not insulting any Christians, but the bible says "Thou shalt not kill" and it also says "Thou shalt not bear grudges" so biblically wouldn't you be against the death penalty? Just asking.

Problem is, there is also the Biblical saying "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth...". But Gandhi twisted that phrase perfectly: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

Lil Loco

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2007, 12:28:46 pm »
An individual should no go and kill, however if you want insight on respecting law and it's right to punish, read Romans 13:1-5.


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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2007, 09:33:08 pm »
One thing that I didn't include in my post on accident is the whole immigration thing. To be honest with you, I don't pay attention to the issue lately as much as I should. What I will say is that as long as they're willing to make their place here (and that includes learning English the best that they can), they can stay. Legally.

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2007, 09:54:20 pm »
ABORTION: Pro-life, in all honesty. except for the case of rape and where it would endanger the mother. It may have been a mistake, but it's still a human life.

DEATH PENALTY: I'm only for it when it's evident that there's no hope for rehabilitation, since that's the primary point of jail.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: There's absolutely no reason to ban this. It's using embryos that are going to be discarded anyway.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: We are NOT a Christian nation. It doesn't matter what the founding fathers intent was, legislature should be based off of reason and logic, not a book that's thousands of years old.

WELFARE: It's got good intentions, but it needs work. It should be used more in the case of a hand-up, not a hand-out. Tough love needs to be used more.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: It's still needed in some situations, but I can easily see where it'd be abused.

GAY MARRIAGE: see my reply to separation of church and state. :P

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Re: Waxing politics in general.
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2007, 05:13:25 pm »
ABORTION: I'm pro-choice for the 1st trimester, but after the 2nd trimester abortion is murder.

DEATH PENALTY: I think that the Death Penalty is used too much, but I don't feel that it should be banned. Some prisoners, can't be rehabilitated into functioning members of society. It makes people, feel better that a mass murderer has been put to death.

STEM CELL RESEARCH/STEM CELL THERAPY: For it, stem cell research, and therapy could cure so many deadly diseases. I believe that Stem cells hold the cure for cancer, many neurological diseases, heart disease, lung disease, and many other diseases.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: Relgion must not interfare with the government, we shouldn't make our laws of this country to statisfy a few members of a relgion. If we did this we would live in a dictatorship because we would have very few freedoms.

WELFARE: I'm against it, the government shouldn't be handing out money, and too many people take advantage of the system. There are plenty of jobs out there, for people to work at. There's allot of demand, for construction, cleaning, retail, factory, and food service jobs out there. These jobs pay much more money than you can get from Welfare, plus you're supporting our economy, while with welfare you're just draining from it.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: I'm against Affirmative Action, too often with Affirmative Action, people are chosen for jobs based on the color of skin. People should be chosen for a job because of what they'll bring to the position, not their gender or race.

GAY MARRIAGE: Gay Marriage should be legal, but we can't force churches to grant marriage to homosexual couples. But our courthouses would be required to grant marriage to homosexuals, because they are a government institution.

In order to make it through the world one needs some insanity.