Author Topic: Ronald Reagan  (Read 15538 times)

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Ronald Reagan
« on: October 29, 2004, 09:10:13 pm »
I'll tell you the great stuff he did and you dare try and tell me he wasn't great!
Ronald Wilson Reagan was America’s greatest president. I am sure many people will disagree with me on this. Democrats will say that Kennedy was the greatest. Historians will argue for Washington or Lincoln. But in my humble opinion no president ever accomplished as much in as many areas for America as did Ronald Reagan.

On Saturday, June 5, 2004 Ronald Reagan died of pneumonia at the age of 93. He was the fortieth President of the United States, and he lived longer than any other President. As you read on you will see why I believe he was the greatest President this nation was ever blessed with.

Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, and in doing so defeated Communism. He lowered the tax burden on the American people dramatically, and in doing so created the longest period of sustained economic growth this nation has ever experienced, before or since. Most important, Ronald Reagan’s optimism and pride in America crushed the defeatism and cynicism that had overtaken our nation before he took office, and in doing so made it possible for Americans to lift up their heads and to once again be proud of our great nation.

I watched as dozens of people, great and humble alike, spoke about Ronald Reagan on television. The words that I heard most often about this giant of a man were “decent”, “humble,” “principled” and “great.” He was all of those, and more.

Upon hearing of Reagan’s death, President Bush, who had retired for the night, got dressed and addressed the nation from France at midnight local time. He said, “Ronald Reagan won America’s respect with his greatness, and its love with his goodness.”

He went on: “He had the strength that comes with character, the confidence that comes with conviction, and the grace that comes with humility.” He concluded, “He leaves behind a nation he restored and a world he helped save.”

Does that sound a little over the top? I don’t think so. He restored to our nation pride, patriotism, and optimism about our future. He fought for what he believed, but he did so with decency and character, traits seldom found in the politics of his day.

Is it too much to say that he helped save the world? Bill Bennett said “Ronald Reagan solved the greatest problem the world has faced in the last 500 years – Communism.” There was a time when the possibility that Communism would take over the world was very real. Reagan, through force of character and conviction in his principles, defeated Communism.

When he called Communism the “Evil Empire” and said at the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” the world listened. Jimmy Carter, who had lost his office to Reagan in a landslide (Reagan won 44 states and 489 electoral votes), whined that Reagan was going to plunge us into a thermonuclear war with his words. But ending the Cold War was one of Reagan’s two major goals, and he did not back down. Eventually Gorbachev did.

Margaret Thatcher said today that, “Ronald Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.” That was very gracious of Mrs. Thatcher, because her moral support and that of the Pope contributed greatly to ending that terrible period. But the main reason the Soviet Union backed down was that Reagan rebuilt our military might.

When Reagan took office Viet Nam, Jane Fonda and John Kerry had demoralized our military. Jimmy Carter had done great damage to our military preparedness by spending money on social programs while ignoring the needs of our personnel and failing to maintain our arms. Servicemen couldn’t feed their families on the pay they received. Half of our aircraft were not mission capable.

One of Reagan’s first acts after taking office was to raise military pay by fifty per cent! He didn’t like government waste, but he knew how to spend money where it counted. He provided money to put existing equipment into shape so that it could be used. And he modernized our military, giving the commanders the new weapons and aircraft that were needed to defend us against the threat of Communism. When the Soviets saw this kind of resolve, they realized they could never defeat us.

His other major goal was to rescue America from the slavery of big government and over-taxation. Reagan often said, “Government is not the solution; government is the problem.” During most of his years in the private sector he paid income taxes as high as 90%. He is quoted as saying, “I hate taxes,” and with good reason. He fought Congress to lower the highest tax rate to 28%, and he won because he was right.

Liberals like to ridicule Reagan by calling his economic policies “voodoo economics,” but he proved them wrong. Tip O’Neill, Democrat Speaker of the House predicted another “Great Depression” if Reagan got his tax cuts, and he proved O’Neill wrong as well. The lowered taxes gave the economy a huge boost that resulted in higher tax revenues and massive economic growth.

Ronald Reagan was a man of the people. He understood regular Americans as few politicians ever have or will. At Camp David he often invited the cooks, porters and guards in to watch old movies with him. He never talked about this, never used it as a photo opportunity as most presidents would have. But he learned a lot about what America thought by listening to these people instead of getting all his information from Washington insiders.

President Reagan honored the Office of the Presidency. He was always attired in a suit and tie when he was in the Oval Office. Once when an aide suggested he remove his jacket during a meeting, he answered in his soft voice, “Oh, I could never take off my coat in the Oval Office.” Old fashioned? Perhaps. But I would much rather see that kind of respect for the Office (and the nation it represents) than the disgraces that took place in the Oval Office a few years ago.

Much has been said about Reagan’s gentle sense of humor. He took great delight in playing practical jokes on his staff, and he was always joking. When he was shot after only sixty-nine days in office, he told the surgeons who were about to operate on him, “I hope you are all Republicans.”

He accomplished so much more that there is no time to tell it all. He made the word “Conservative” something to be admired, and helped America realize that “Liberal” meant politicians liberally spending their tax dollars on wasteful projects. Critics ridiculed his “Star Wars” missile defense shield, saying it was technically impossible, but we know today that he was right. When he took office only wealthy people invested in the stock market. He democratized investing, and now over 52% of Americans own stocks and share in the wealth created by the market.

Reagan changed the way people looked at their government. When he took office many people felt that there was no difference between the two main political parties. He showed them the difference. He fought for smaller government, and in doing so changed the political landscape. Today every politician, Democrats included, tries to ride on Reagan’s coattails.

He was so successful in this that the only way Clinton was able to get elected was by lying to America that he was a “New kind of Democrat.” He said over and over in his speeches that “The era of big government is over.” Of course he immediately proceeded to increase the size of government for the next eight years. The point is that Reagan’s success and the impression he made on American political thought forced Clinton to speak words that he did not believe in order to win the election.

Ronald Reagan may have died, but his dream and his legacy are not dead. As I reflect on Ronald Reagan’s life, I see many parallels between him and our current President. Both have been called “cowboys” and “dunces” by the liberals and our European “friends.” Both have been underestimated repeatedly by their enemies. Both have exhibited great courage and stood on their principles in the face of extreme pressure. Both have given strong leadership to our nation at critical junctures.

The Democrats tried to dismiss Reagan by saying he only won the White House because of his popularity as an actor. They ignored the fact that he had degrees in economics and sociology, had served his country as an officer in the Army, and was a gifted communicator and an extremely intelligent man.

Today Democrats say that Bush only won the White House because of his father’s connections. They ignore the fact that he earned a bachelor’s degree from Yale and a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School, and that he served our nation as an officer and jet pilot. He is also very intelligent, but is not the communicator Reagan was. But what Bush lacks in oratory, he makes up in other areas where Reagan was strong: decency, honor, patriotism, strong principles, and leadership.

When Ronald Reagan took office our nation was in great peril. Shortly after Bush took office, our nation experienced the greatest threat it has ever faced. The mantle of Ronald W. Reagan has fallen upon the shoulders of George W. Bush, and with God’s help he has shown himself equal to the challenge.

The best way that America could honor President Reagan this year would be to re-elect the man who exemplifies the best of Reagan’s strengths, values and convictions. CMON IZLOVER NOW WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY?

Elizabeth Rose

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2004, 10:36:42 pm »
Ronnie Reagan! If only more presidents could like this man. He is possibly the best president that America has ever seen.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2004, 10:42:30 pm »
I think Kennedy couldve been great if he lived longer

Offline IZ

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2004, 05:51:12 am »
Ronald Reagen was a horrible president.

He destroyed the economy. The only reason you think he didn't, was because his policies didn't start making it worse until Bush SR./Clinton came office.


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2004, 07:47:25 am »
Well he made treaties with the Soviet Union, ending the Cold War desende.  
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 07:47:40 am by super_sayian_spongebob »


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2004, 07:48:35 am »
I think Kennedy couldve been great if he lived longer
I think Kennedy would have been the first impeached President if he had stayed in office. All of his ties with the Mafia and his infidelity would've caught up with him eventually

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2004, 12:05:10 pm »
Too bad he got shot. I really want to see all the prezidents live a full term or 2 :( He was there for...3 years?

Offline cmonkey

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2004, 12:19:25 pm »
Apparently nobody here has heard of the Iran-Contra affair...

During the mid 1980's, there was a war raging on between the United States backed Iraq and Iran.  (This was an very interesting military conflict, as Iran was using American weaponry, and so was Iraq.  In fact, we provided Iraq with chemical and biological weapons, as well as the precursors to nuclear capability.  Side note:  During the conflict, the US Navy shot down a Iranian passenger aircraft, killing 290 civilians). We intervened to remain favorable to Saddam, who was selling us millions of barrels of oil.  At around the same time, there was a civil war raging in Nicaragua between the Sandinistas and the Contrarevolutionarios.  Also, there were militant groups in Lebenon who were favored by Iran, who were holding several hundred Americans hostage.

So... what did Reagan do?

Well, Congress, as well as the UN, had banned any effort to sell weapons to Iran, or to provide any assistance to the Contras who were killing thousands of civilians in Nicaragua.

Reagan secretly sold weaponry (over a thousand anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles) to Iran, and used to money from the sale to fund the Contras, thereby supporting both sides of the war of attrition in the Middle East, as well as the genocide of thousands in Central America.  What a wonderful President indeed.

The results of this were:
1.  More American hostages being taken, with some being released.
2.  The continuation of the Iran-Iraq War.
3.  The proliferation of crack cocaine in California.  This may sound unrelated, but government documents made public by the Freedom of Information Act have shown that the Contras trafficed drugs into America, and that a White House official, Oliver North, was aware that the drug money was being used to fund the Contras.
4.  The deaths of thousands of civilians by Reagan funded, CIA trained Contras.
5.  An investigation by the US Congress, in which Oliver North and John Poindexter were indicted and convicted of felonys.  The report also stated that the Reagan administration exhibited "secrecy, deception, and disdain for the law."
6.  In a case brought before the UN, it was ruled that the US would have to pay a restitution to Nicaragua.  The US refused, and vetoed a Resolution that called for all countrys to follow international law.  The UN General Assembly then nearly unanimously passed a resolution telling the US to pay the restitution.  The only the countreis that voted against it were the US, El Salvador (which was being run by a US-backed military dictatorship), and Israel (for obvious reasons).  The US still refused pay the fine, and to this day, it has not been payed.

Sounds too strange to be the government you live under, right?  It's unfortunate that we never find out about these things until well after they are over with.  This is the real American Government...
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

13 Ghz folding for Team SpongeZone


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2004, 12:31:05 pm »
Woah, cmonkey really? Well he's the #1 highest approval rating president.

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2004, 12:32:23 pm »

BTW, I was just listing what Reagan did because thats what this topic is about.  Almost all Presidents, Democrats and Republicans, have done similar things.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 12:32:41 pm by cmonkey »
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

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Offline IZ

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2004, 06:23:35 am »
I think Kennedy couldve been great if he lived longer
I think Kennedy would have been the first impeached President if he had stayed in office. All of his ties with the Mafia and his infidelity would've caught up with him eventually
You mean first president removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached for firing his secretary of state, but he wasn't removed. Then Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Impeachment is the trial, and if they're found guilty, they're removed from office.

Offline Hannahbal

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2004, 10:16:15 am »
I think Kennedy couldve been great if he lived longer
I think Kennedy would have been the first impeached President if he had stayed in office. All of his ties with the Mafia and his infidelity would've caught up with him eventually
You mean first president removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached for firing his secretary of state, but he wasn't removed. Then Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Impeachment is the trial, and if they're found guilty, they're removed from office.
Impeachment is just accusing somebody of doing something o_O

Fifth Dynasty

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2004, 10:21:27 am »
Kevin, you said that Clinton screwed up the economy?! HE FIXED IT. Clinton was a great president. Ronald was a GREAT man, but he wasn't a great president.


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2004, 10:53:20 am »
I think Kennedy couldve been great if he lived longer
I think Kennedy would have been the first impeached President if he had stayed in office. All of his ties with the Mafia and his infidelity would've caught up with him eventually
You mean first president removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached for firing his secretary of state, but he wasn't removed. Then Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Impeachment is the trial, and if they're found guilty, they're removed from office.
When you use impeachment as a term it's used to describe someone that was found guilty in the impeachment trial. Clinton was impeached by the House, but not the Senate, that or the other way around x.x


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2004, 06:01:31 am »
Apparently nobody here has heard of the Iran-Contra affair...

During the mid 1980's, there was a war raging on between the United States backed Iraq and Iran.  (This was an very interesting military conflict, as Iran was using American weaponry, and so was Iraq.  In fact, we provided Iraq with chemical and biological weapons, as well as the precursors to nuclear capability.  Side note:  During the conflict, the US Navy shot down a Iranian passenger aircraft, killing 290 civilians). We intervened to remain favorable to Saddam, who was selling us millions of barrels of oil.  At around the same time, there was a civil war raging in Nicaragua between the Sandinistas and the Contrarevolutionarios.  Also, there were militant groups in Lebenon who were favored by Iran, who were holding several hundred Americans hostage.

So... what did Reagan do?

Well, Congress, as well as the UN, had banned any effort to sell weapons to Iran, or to provide any assistance to the Contras who were killing thousands of civilians in Nicaragua.

Reagan secretly sold weaponry (over a thousand anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles) to Iran, and used to money from the sale to fund the Contras, thereby supporting both sides of the war of attrition in the Middle East, as well as the genocide of thousands in Central America.  What a wonderful President indeed.

The results of this were:
1.  More American hostages being taken, with some being released.
2.  The continuation of the Iran-Iraq War.
3.  The proliferation of crack cocaine in California.  This may sound unrelated, but government documents made public by the Freedom of Information Act have shown that the Contras trafficed drugs into America, and that a White House official, Oliver North, was aware that the drug money was being used to fund the Contras.
4.  The deaths of thousands of civilians by Reagan funded, CIA trained Contras.
5.  An investigation by the US Congress, in which Oliver North and John Poindexter were indicted and convicted of felonys.  The report also stated that the Reagan administration exhibited "secrecy, deception, and disdain for the law."
6.  In a case brought before the UN, it was ruled that the US would have to pay a restitution to Nicaragua.  The US refused, and vetoed a Resolution that called for all countrys to follow international law.  The UN General Assembly then nearly unanimously passed a resolution telling the US to pay the restitution.  The only the countreis that voted against it were the US, El Salvador (which was being run by a US-backed military dictatorship), and Israel (for obvious reasons).  The US still refused pay the fine, and to this day, it has not been payed.

Sounds too strange to be the government you live under, right?  It's unfortunate that we never find out about these things until well after they are over with.  This is the real American Government...
HE DID IT TO FREE THE HOSTAGES.  They tried to turn that into another watergate, the lieft-wing who dispised him so, but he was invincible.  And the AMERICAN hostages were more important.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2004, 06:47:02 am »
I think Kennedy couldve been great if he lived longer
I think Kennedy would have been the first impeached President if he had stayed in office. All of his ties with the Mafia and his infidelity would've caught up with him eventually
You mean first president removed from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached for firing his secretary of state, but he wasn't removed. Then Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Impeachment is the trial, and if they're found guilty, they're removed from office.
Eh...Clinton got impeached? I thought he didnt...he just continued prezidency until Bush came in


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2004, 06:49:38 am »
Clinton was an impeached president.  He was not thrown out of office.  And Kennedy stole the election from Richard Nixon in 1960 with the mafia.  And read the bottom of page one to see why Ronald Reagan did the right hting by selling weapons to Iran.

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2004, 12:58:23 pm »
Ronald Reagen was a horrible president.

He destroyed the economy. The only reason you think he didn't, was because his policies didn't start making it worse until Bush SR./Clinton came office.
You are sooooo wrong. He strengthened the economy, and under his presidentship my mom got the best job she ever had.

Offline cmonkey

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2004, 04:28:07 pm »
Iran wasn't going to help us either way.  More hostages were kidnapped.  The plan failed.  Not only were the hostages not released, but we lengthened the Iran-Iraq war, and we caused the deaths of thousands in Central America.  Read the facts MSP; stop trying to twist them.  It's not working.
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2004, 05:30:28 pm »
Eh...Clinton got impeached? I thought he didnt...he just continued prezidency until Bush came in
He got impeached by either the House or Senate, but since he didn't get impeached in both he kept his job

Offline IZ

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2004, 05:53:40 am »
Kevin, you said that Clinton screwed up the economy?! HE FIXED IT. Clinton was a great president. Ronald was a GREAT man, but he wasn't a great president.
No, I didn't. I know Clinton was a great president. I just don't think Reagan was.

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2004, 06:04:04 am »
Kevin, you said that Clinton screwed up the economy?! HE FIXED IT. Clinton was a great president. Ronald was a GREAT man, but he wasn't a great president.
No, I didn't. I know Clinton was a great president. I just don't think Reagan was.
You're both wrong. Clinton wrecked the econmy!

Offline IZ

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2004, 06:08:23 am »
Kevin, you said that Clinton screwed up the economy?! HE FIXED IT. Clinton was a great president. Ronald was a GREAT man, but he wasn't a great president.
No, I didn't. I know Clinton was a great president. I just don't think Reagan was.
You're both wrong. Clinton wrecked the econmy!
If Clinton wrecked the economy, then how come we didn't have ANY debt when he left office?

Elizabeth Rose

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2004, 09:44:27 am »
If Clinton wrecked the economy, then how come we didn't have ANY debt when he left office?
Oh. My. Gosh.

Offline cmonkey

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2004, 09:00:59 pm »
IZ meant to say deficit, not debt.  Anyway, this is true.  Clinton managed to turn a large deficit into a large surplus.
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

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Elizabeth Rose

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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2004, 10:02:36 pm »
IZ meant to say deficit, not debt.
Ohhhh, ok. That might be. I was wondering about that. :P


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Ronald Reagan
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2004, 06:09:21 am »
With Clinton you said there was a surplus and Bush came and there was a deficit.  There NEVER was a surplus under Clinton.  It was just on paper!  And forget not that was before 9/11 and the war with Iraq.