Author Topic: Wheel Of Water!  (Read 5118 times)

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Wheel Of Water!
« on: October 24, 2004, 06:39:07 am »
This is a parody of wheel of fortune so here it is
Narrator:Ah,another great day rises in bikini bottom and spongebob is watching his favorite morning show wheel of water.
TV:I would like to solve the puzzle,is it the alaga is always greener?
Pat scallop(TV):yes correct!
SB:Wow,that fish is winning a lot of money!
Pat scallop:congrats!you are today big winner with $189,000!
SB:yay!(turns off tv)I would sure like to be on that show,well time to go to work
(closes door)
SB:I'm ready i'm ready i'm ready I'm--------
(mr.Krabs crying)
SB what happened?


So what do you think?

Offline Daniel

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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2004, 06:54:22 am »
It's to short. 7/10


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2004, 07:00:32 am »
i want  to end chapters at suspensful parts i don't wan't to make them short.

Offline Thomas

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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2004, 10:01:49 am »
that is too short, and it's too short to even build suspense.
Other than that, it's good.
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2004, 10:15:26 am »
Kind of stealing my idea from Sea-Jeopardy, but it's pretty good so far.


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2004, 12:21:59 pm »
I give it 4 stars.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2004, 12:33:02 pm »
It's good...8/10

Offline IceFox

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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2004, 05:16:58 pm »
61/2 OUT OF 10, but I would still like to see more.


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2004, 04:56:05 am »
part 2 later today or tomorow

Offline IceFox

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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2004, 08:29:08 pm »
Ok. Hey look, it's almost tommorow!!!!!!!!!!


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2004, 03:38:14 am »
heres Part 2 i haven't been on a lot lately
Part 2 Begins
Mr.krabs:(sniffles)Boy,we got robbed last night and the robber took all of the money.
SB:how did that happen?its always locked up at night.
KR:It seems as though the robber found a way through the window and found the combination to the register.
SB:Do you still have any money left?
KR:hardly,only the 62 cents that the flying dutchman gave me last month.And now I will have to close the krusty Krab and move out of my house!and also boy you can go home thers nothing to do here.
SB:(walks home)oh,no where will mr.krabs move now that hs gone bankrupt?
(later at night)
SB:I don't like this gary,Mr.krabs going bankrupt is just like a nightmare.
SB:well good night.
Narrator:the next day
tv:Welcome back to Wheel of water
Pat scallop:well we are here with ron fishingston who is going for Todays special friday prize of $1,000,000
(later on)
Pat:yes you are correct!and you have won...(opens card)$250,000
Ron:Yes!yes!yes!yes!yes!(starts jumping)
Pat:okay thats enough ron
SB:okay time to take a walk g-
TV:don't touch that dial its time to reveal what city we will go to this week.And it is Shell city!
SB:you know what gary,I'm going to enter.
SB:what do you mean,its not a bad place
SB:okay now to put the letter in and here we go.(drops letter in to mail box)
Narrator:2 days later
TV:Are you ready everyone cuase its time to reveal the winners
Sb:oh,boy here we go.
TV:On Monday we will have jack fisher Jr. ,ben sharkstein,and Jen fishker
TV:on tuesday,
Narrator:a few minutes later
Tv:finally,playing for this weeks MEGA friday prize is,jason scallopin,mary fisheron,and finally...........


Offline IceFox

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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2004, 01:15:52 pm »
This is cool! Make More!!!


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2004, 05:18:53 am »
Okay heres more:WHEEL OF WATER PART 3
TV:is..spongeboob tingerpant
SB:eh,what kind of name is tha-
TV:whoops our card has a mispelling we will be right back while i KILL our script writer!
SB:well,thats a relife I can still win!
TV:(breathing fast)okay and our final to ground)
TV:all of our winners will get a letter in the mail by tommorrow and monday winners must show up 1 day before your episode.
SB:did you hear that gary i'm going to get a chance a winning $1,000,000 for Mr.krabs!I have to go tell him!
SB:MR.KRABS!MR.KRABS!guess what mr.krabs
I'm going to go on wheel of water Friday
KR:No your not!
SB:Yes I am,Foryou!
SB:whoops,I better walk him to the window ledge(walks by pearl)
Pearl:Dad,your embarressing me again!(crys)
Narrator:11 PM
SB:wow,gary a chance at a millon dollars,that would would be so great!and i'll be getting my letter tommorow!well good night gary.
(alarm blows)
SB:i'm awake!now time to get my letter!
SB:ready gary!
GA(holding a balloon)meow.
SB:and,WHAT?!theres nothing in here!I have to watch wheel of water(inside)
TV:Bad news,Spongebob squarepants,while our mail fish was driving through shell city your letter was dropped so unless you will go on an adventure through shell city your alternate is Sheldon J. plankton!
(computer wife on TV)
Computer wife:HA HA SHELDON!HA HA!
Plankton:OH can it!

End of part 3


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Wheel Of Water!
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2004, 02:15:37 am »
sorry to double post but can someome post so part 4 can go up soon?