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Console Wars

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ahh, halo is old too, i like metroid prime! <orrow wind is OKAY.

Halo isn't too old, its still better than pretty much every console game out there.  Age doesn't have much to do with quality.  I still have fun playing Tetris on my GameBoy.

I'd have to say that Patrick got PWNED.

wats pwned?

You go cmonkey! He is right age has nothing to do with quality, unless it wears out like old nintendo cartriges. There is a name for games like this we call these classics. Yes Halo is two years old now but it's still worth playing. Right now im playing Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Metroid Prime. Im on The last guy in oucast, i hate his guts man. But i will kill him! Muuuuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaa! EEEEEEEEVILL   :excl:  


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