Author Topic: Where Did God Come From?  (Read 53645 times)

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #150 on: January 10, 2005, 06:27:19 am »
The Earth cannot be alive! It's composed entirely of inanimative, non-alive matter. The planets have no souls, okay! Neither are they gods. That might have been acceptable in the Roman Age, where they could think of nothing better to do with their time than copy the Greeks, but not in the 21st century. Isn't it so much easier to believe that a man 2000 years ago came down to Earth as God and sacrificed himself for us than to believe that BOOM! everything came into being? There was a study done many years ago that explained that the chances of a molecule of matter, of life, just appearing was a bout 1/1,000,000,000,000,000. That's one molecule, one atom. What about all the perfectly composed cells that make up a human, that make of 6 billion humans? Not to mention all the complex organisms we haven't even discovered yet!

I suggest you start probing deeper into your so-called scientific facts and discover which is easier to believe...

Gideon Brown

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #151 on: January 10, 2005, 06:55:36 am »
Okay, first off if the Earth is composed of non living things, God isn't even composed of anything. End of point. You can not see God, you can not hear God, you can not even 'begin to understand what God is' according to some Christians. Look around you my dear friend and tell me what you see. Either you're seeing what us stupid, arrogant, flawed humans have done to our home, or maybe you're in the country side and you can see what is left of the planet that we have scarred.
Do you think a tsunami is a pure accident, or maybe is it Mother Earth trying to warn us?


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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #152 on: January 10, 2005, 07:27:22 am »
I believe all things happen for a reason. What I don't believe is some natural disaster is a "warning" from Mother Earth. Either it is just a coincidence (think about it...natural disasters happened quite a bit often even before we started polluting everything. )...or it's God. Bad things happen to good people because of free will and sin.

Gideon Brown

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #153 on: January 10, 2005, 07:32:51 am »
Look, obviously you hate what I believe in, but could you at least study up on it? Because I've spent my whole life being forced to study your beliefs.


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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #154 on: January 10, 2005, 07:50:17 am »
No one's forcing you to do anything.

Gideon Brown

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #155 on: January 10, 2005, 07:52:11 am »
Actually, as a child you ARE forced to go to Church if your parents so wish. And at a Catholic high school, you are FORCED to take four religion classes. So yes, unless you want to graduate, you are forced. I know much more about the Christian faith than most Catholics, and I wasn't ever a Catholic. Does it make sense? I find it does.


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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #156 on: January 10, 2005, 08:01:23 am »
Well in public school, I'm FORCED to learn about evolution. So it's a small world.

Gideon Brown

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #157 on: January 10, 2005, 08:04:50 am »
Not really, we were forced to learn about evolution in Catholic school as well. So really, this argument has now gone down the drain. I know more about religions than you may think. I enjoyed learning about them.

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #158 on: January 11, 2005, 12:17:35 am »
CFA, your points are very acurrate about relious beleifs, and you also use forms of science in many of your posts.
I studied the following when I was a child at a catholic school:
2 hours of RE a day
1 hour of science a day
(1 hour of lunch)
1 hour of PE a day
1 hour of PHSE a week
1 hour of english for 2 days

it sucked, we HAD to sing boring songs about god before class....if we didn't our parents received phone calls on how to punish us. -_-
I rebelled, thus I studied more science in my own time.....and now I am studying phsycology.
SO watch what you all say, cause Im learning how to deal with people...and I can tell when someone is braking apart..even on the computer.
And dennisluvr....people at my school used to call me the spawn of satan, because I always dissproved their beleifs with all the science I know.
I know there is no god, the earth is the only thing we should be respecting.
I know there is no such thing as good or evil, but I think that religion is actually becomming an evil subject....look what it causes in places like islam and even in the united kingdom.
since our country is overrun with islamic beleifs we have to give up most of OUR beliefs to make them happy....or we are likely to face a problem on the streets...
My point is, religion is not about faith, it's about getting as many people to be brainwashed into a silly story so they can waste 25% or more of their lifetime helping others.
CFA, I think the tidal wave (caused by the earthquake) is a sign that the earth's activity is becomming very violent.
Not to long ago I noticed both the islands struck by 2 devistating waves where on the boundary of a techtonic plate.
This earthquake was so powerful we felt it on the otherside of the earth!
And it has also tilted the earth's axis by 1 degree!
This will cause:
major climate change
tidal changes
moon's orbit
speed global warming up by 5%

I say we just do what we want....we'll suffer...and your children will suffer also.
There will be no more humans in 100 warming has assured that.
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.

spongehead 32

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #159 on: January 11, 2005, 04:54:39 pm »
heres my view on the matter

god if u ask me came from an idea

an idea that there must have been a creator of the universe

this idea was developed and thus diferent ideas of the creator and how he created it came, which is were religion started

so realy god came from faith

meaning that without faith god seases to exsist

concluding that it is imposible to prove gods exsistance becuase proof denys faith and as mentioned above without faith god is nothing

that gose for every other religiouse creator

Dragon Of Grief

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #160 on: January 11, 2005, 07:15:30 pm »
heres my view on the matter

god if u ask me came from an idea

an idea that there must have been a creator of the universe

this idea was developed and thus diferent ideas of the creator and how he created it came, which is were religion started

so realy god came from faith

meaning that without faith god seases to exsist

concluding that it is imposible to prove gods exsistance becuase proof denys faith and as mentioned above without faith god is nothing

that gose for every other religiouse creator
According to your logic ALL of these other gods in the other religions exist as well, am I right? Look, I like what your trying to do but it's useless... utterly useless. These people are never going to believe in god and there is nothing we can do to make them. I give up. I am through with this thread... but before I go I want to say one thing.

I do believe in God. I don't need physical evidence. I just know he is there. When these miracles happen such as a baby that is four months premature survives, or someone makes a complete recovery from cancer, or the gift of life and death. These are all miracles of God. Yes, terrible things have happened such as the recent tsunami. Many people were killed, and many more are without homes and families. But with this tragedy there was a miracle. The world all got together and donated BILLIONS of dollars to help these people get there lives back. Australia, United State, United Kingdom, everyone is getting closer and bonding to help these victims. This in my opinion is a miracle of God. God has proved that the world still does have some caring people left in it. God works in mysterious ways and I have every intent on being apart of his plan. If you don't believe in God, fine. I am not going to force you to. But just think about things... really think them over.

Gideon Brown

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #161 on: January 11, 2005, 07:31:11 pm »
Fraid to tell ya, but Bush didn't really want to help. And while people out there just love to criticize what I believe in...hey, I had my own revelation and it had nothing to do with Christ so leave me be to my own beliefs. You can disprove them but don't say "Now that's a dumb idea" and leave it at that.

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #162 on: January 12, 2005, 06:05:49 am »
Yeah, W was iffy to even send ANY money, let alone $350 bil.

I don't agree with that "it brought people together". If there was really a God, he wouldn't have let something like that happen.


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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #163 on: January 12, 2005, 06:23:55 am »
Okay, first off if the Earth is composed of non living things, God isn't even composed of anything. End of point. You can not see God, you can not hear God, you can not even 'begin to understand what God is' according to some Christians. Look around you my dear friend and tell me what you see. Either you're seeing what us stupid, arrogant, flawed humans have done to our home, or maybe you're in the country side and you can see what is left of the planet that we have scarred.
Do you think a tsunami is a pure accident, or maybe is it Mother Earth trying to warn us?

God is real. You can't see and hear lots of things, but that doesn't mean they're not there. And the tsunami isn't a warning from Earth, because natural disasters happen all the time. They aren't warnings, they're just what happens.

Not really, we were forced to learn about evolution in Catholic school as well. So really, this argument has now gone down the drain. I know more about religions than you may think. I enjoyed learning about them.

The Catholic religion actually does things not said in the Bible. I don't know why they would teach evolution, but I can believe it. But as I said, the Catholic Religion teaches things that aren't even mentioned in the Bibles, so you're just disproving the Catholic religion rather than the Bible itself.

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Where Did God Come From?
« Reply #164 on: January 12, 2005, 06:48:09 am »
We all have our opinions on wether God is real or not. I for one, believe in God very much because He protects us in time of need and helps us through the good and bad times. We go to church but you don't have to go to church to get into Heaven.

I'm sure some of ya'll don't care if you enter Heaven or Heck because its not real to ya'll but these opinions are just being repeated and its getting boring >_<