Author Topic: Movie Grosses  (Read 12731 times)

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Offline IceFox

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Movie Grosses
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2005, 09:47:54 pm »
All Info Will Be Announced Soon. All I Am Going To Say Is It Stars Antonio Banderez and Tom Hanks.


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Movie Grosses
« Reply #46 on: March 04, 2005, 12:35:08 pm »
Game Over  


Action/ Live Action/Animated/Comedy  

Jhoenn Taylor  

Virtua Games Boss  

Virtua Adventure Cast  


J. Taylor  is an Expert game designer, but a sore game loser. Tired of losing he quits games for good.  When he gets sucked into the video game Virtua Adventure,  he meets Mikey, a hit game star, who has to get Jhoenn to win before he gets Vide-obliterated.  


PG for mild language  


Graphics by 23d inc.    


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Movie Grosses
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2005, 06:11:54 pm »
Heres mine:

Odd beings begin to appear on Mut-Iesth. They are not like us. They look very solid. They have 5 appendages, 2 on the sides, 2 on the bottom, 1 on the top. They seem to use the lower appendages for moving. They use their side appendages for holding things. They use their top appendage for a great many things. For communicating, eating, breathing, and much more. Their central part seems to house different organs that are needed. How inconveinet. We are just sparkling mists, able to take on any form. But how did they come here? Are they related to the odd happenings at the Vux Meetings? Find out in:

Humans at Mut-Iesth!

Genre: Sci-Fi/Comedy
Rated: PG-13 - For Horror, Mild and crude humor, and slight gore


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Movie Grosses
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2005, 04:21:32 pm »
Movie Title: 3049

Plot: It is the year 3049. Russia is building a top-secret military robot, hundreds of feet high and with astounding firepower. When a hacker injects a virus into the Russian Military Computer network, the program with the huge robot is worst infected. The monstrous robot turns against the human race, and begins to eradicate large cities all across the world. It's up to a few unlikely pilots to stop it.

Genre: Sci-Fi/Action

Rating: PG-13 for Intense Action and Violence

Opens: 2006

Budget: $369,000,000

Offline IceFox

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Movie Grosses
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2005, 06:12:30 pm »
NICE!!!! Well, Heres my info for SALVAGE.

They thought it was a simple plane ride to Rome. They thought everything would be ok. But during the night and wen everyone was asleep in the plane, the plane started going downward, like it was landing, but it was not. It was crashing. it was unfixable, and the radia was busted. 1 hour later, the radar returned for a few seconds, to so they were over some uncharted treeriotoy by Australlia. It was an island. Fulkl of dangers. They raar shut off completly. Then, on the radar screen, a face appread and began to say something. "I Will Have Vegannce I Will Have-"The plan slammed into the ground, the radar broke, and everyone was no longer living. They were all sadly dead. Although there were a few survivors. Mattthew Zoak(Tom Hanks) survied while he was in the bathroom. Antonio Banderz(Played by Antonio Banderez, but does not play himeelf in the movie) survied as well. Aslo there was Whitney York(Camereon Diaz) who happned to survive. They attempted to live on this island and make many rescure attempts. The smartest, Mathhew, was now of no help, siince he hit his head on the plane, and began to speak an unkonown language. But, are there others on this island? What dangers alarck? Find out........July, 2007.


Starring: Tom Hanks/Antonio Banderz/;Camereon Diz/And More...

Companies: Sponge-Tron_X Presents, and Islander Productions(both my own companies that do not exist)


Official Website URL:

Thank you. I hope this does well. The openoing weekend and budget is up to you.