Author Topic: Grr.  (Read 11513 times)

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« on: January 07, 2005, 04:22:12 pm »
Copy and pasted from my blog.. but this version is a little cleaned up.

I love being a geek. It sets me apart from all the members of the "in-crowd". Actually, that's something I have to address. There is no in-crowd. It doesn't exist. It's a lie conocted by movies and television to scare people like me. The "in-crowd" you may be referring to are the people who feel the need to be braggy, be angsty, or be insulting to others. You may know the type.

In recent years, thanks to the crap band that is Good Charlotte, the term "geek" has been thrown around like someone who uses stupid slang and dresses as if Hot Topic threw up on them. (Hot Topic is the devil.) This is not a geek, ladies and gents. It's a lie.. like the "in-crowd".

Back to the original point of the post. Today, my friend Brady (nickname "Bunch") and I were in the line for our daily lunch. We were talking about the movie COLLATERAL (which rules, by the way, pick it up). There was a girl in front of us whom I know vaguely but don't know anything about, including her name. She looked at me for a second and I noticed this and asked what she was doing. She said "Aren't you that Jack **** (this is my last name, sorry.. can't be revealed) kid? The movie freak?" To which I reply with a casual "Indeedy-o." She says "Seriously, do you EVER go outside and be normal like the rest of us?" I reply "Clarify normal. You mean dressing like everybody else, talking like everybody else, and making fun of everybody who ISN'T like everybody else?" She walked away in disgust. I wasn't at all scathed by her remarks, but it made me think about how tough life can be for a guy like me sometimes. A lotta people think that life isn't like teen movies, where the geeks are picked on, but in my school, it's very much the case.

Although I'm very proud of being a geek, every now and then, I gotta deal with BADWORDs. There's always somebody who hears about how often I watch movies, and they say something like, "you have way too much time on your hands, heh-heh," or the much more brazen, "you need to get a life." Usually, I just give a polite fake laugh, but in my head, I'm thinking, "go to BADWORD, you single-digit IQ BADWORD." The incident today just made me angry, so I replied with something besides my usual loud smirk. The way I see it, how I choose to spend my time is just that; the way I choose to spend my time. Some people like movies, some people like sports, some people like STAR TREK, and some people like getting drunk on Saturday and waking up in puddles of their own puke and ::Dolphin Noise:: on Sunday. What you like may not be what I like, and vice versa, and we should each respect that.

But actually, in reality, there is no normal. Nothing and no one are alike. So who's to say what the normal thing is?


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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2005, 07:18:13 pm »
Good point. "Normal" isn't always good. I'd rather be abnormal than not good.


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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2005, 07:20:15 pm »
There is no normal.


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« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2005, 07:34:36 pm »
Yah, but most people's opinions of normality aren't always good. Especially nowadays.

Offline cmonkey

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« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2005, 09:32:13 pm »
dood, movies rock.  I've been trying to watch a movie a day for a little over a month.  Some days I don't have time, but I made up for it over winter break by watching two a day.  Anyway, you're right.  Life can be like that, especially if you go to a larger school.  The town I moved to is really small, and people tend to be much nicer.
Check out my website, oh, nevermind

13 Ghz folding for Team SpongeZone


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« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2005, 09:53:19 pm »
dood, movies rock.  I've been trying to watch a movie a day for a little over a month.  Some days I don't have time, but I made up for it over winter break by watching two a day.  Anyway, you're right.  Life can be like that, especially if you go to a larger school.  The town I moved to is really small, and people tend to be much nicer.

Well, I go to a large school. Fortunately, I have lots of friends to be with, so it's all good.

I'm still skeptical of the concept of normality. I mean, people have their own vision of what's normal, so I guess normal exists for yourself, if that makes sense to you guys. But no one can share the same vision of normality, it isn't possible.


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« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2005, 04:06:48 am »
I agree with you Jack. Some people just cross the line. I normally just finger them or glare but the other day I shoved someone into a locker and threatened to strangle him if he didnt leave me alone. I am a very calm person... but that kid just pushed me a little to far. He is always calling me a psycodic wench and white devil. Lots of people have issues with me even though we have never spoke because I apparently am scary. Dont know why. Anyways they can go screw themselves because I love being a freak and Ive got friends who love me even though I have major issues :biggrin: I mean what is this "normal" they speak of. Do they want me to be a clone? Even if they did and everyone hated me I doubt I would change. When the rough times come I just put on my headphones and rock out silently. Another thing that bugs me are labels. I literally get asked if Im gothic atleast twice a day. No I am not because I dont beleive in labels. Even if I did I am not a gothic. I wear what I like and all my clothes just so happen to be black as does my hair, and my skin is really pale. I cant help the fact my skin is pale. Would you like me to spray on a fake tan and look like a carrot? Sorry I know I am babbiling but some times people irrate me. AND NO I DO NOT LIKE MARYLIN MANSON OR GOOD CHARLOTTE THEIR MUSIC SUCKS (that is just my opinion but I also cant stand being asked that question. No Megadeth and GC sound nothing alike and if you say that again my fist is going to meet your face). I know I sound like a ragaholic but if any of you meet me in person I am a very calm person. I am finished my idiot rant.



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« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2005, 10:39:16 am »
I would never go so far as to yell and threaten someone, but I see what you mean.

Offline spongemonkey13

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« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2005, 11:37:09 am »
yeah i am pretty normal but i am a loner. once i break out of my shell i am fun to be around. i don't have many really good friends but i just float around and know people. like at the games all these juniors who i don't even know try to talk with me and all of that stuff. i really don't care. i have people i can turn to for different things. i hate all the stereotypes at our school. my clothing style reflects me and most people don't get that. i usually wear some t-shirt i got on vacation like from ca or spain. no one has the same shirts as me and i like that. even my shirts that have like a band or a logo i got the other one that people overlook. like my green day shirt, i could have got an american idiot shirt like everyone else but i bought the green day pirate shirt. i usually wear the same pair of jeans with my pumas or my chucks. i am just a plain and simple child and i am happy

Dragon Of Grief

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« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2005, 12:28:17 pm »
I would be considered the misfit. I don't really fit in anywhere. But I hate how all these stupid cliques seperate people. Like how certain cliques are not allowed to associate with others. It is so stupid. Like how Skaters and Jocks are enemies, Goths and Preps... you get the picture. I myself will associate with anyone who is willing to do the same with me. Cliques are just so stupid.


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« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2005, 05:10:22 pm »
I would never go so far as to yell and threaten someone, but I see what you mean.

It was a stupid thing to do... but whatever. The kid keeps his distance and I havent had anymore trouble with him.

I would be considered the misfit. I don't really fit in anywhere. But I hate how all these stupid cliques seperate people. Like how certain cliques are not allowed to associate with others. It is so stupid. Like how Skaters and Jocks are enemies, Goths and Preps... you get the picture. I myself will associate with anyone who is willing to do the same with me. Cliques are just so stupid.

Ugh I hate that too. These preps refuse to talk to me and they think that they are beign cool by ignoring me. I have two friends that are what labels refere to as preps. The rest of this "clique" hate my guts and I have only ever said hello. If they dont want to talk to me then I dont really want to talk to them but Im not one to hold a grudge. If they ever want to come and hangout I dont really care. Sit your butt down but my group of friends dont gossip, so if you want to spred rummors then keep on walking. I talk to anyone from any so called "clique" as long as they arent being rude or mean.

i usually wear the same pair of jeans with my pumas or my chucks. i am just a plain and simple child and i am happy

LOL I am simple too. I wear black pants, a black band t-shirt or something with a sarcastic saying, and a black long sleave shirt underneath it, a skate shoe on my left and a hight top on my right. For some reason I am apparently "scary" LOL. Meh... people are confusing creatures.



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« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2005, 05:19:49 pm »
you are correct there is no normal it is only a setting on a dishwasher.

Know how you feel man EVERYONE hates me at my school and im not exaggerating.
luckily I have church-freinds

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« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2005, 05:41:28 pm »
black long sleave shirt underneath it

i do that all the time too. i love wearing either a turtle neck or long shirt under my short sleeve shirt.

Dragon Of Grief

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« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2005, 06:04:30 pm »
I get picked on a lot by the popular kids for being a "weirdo". Why is that something to be ashamed of? I wear the title with pride :biggrin:


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« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2005, 05:05:02 am »
i do that all the time too. i love wearing either a turtle neck or long shirt under my short sleeve shirt.

AND I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE  :rolleyes: See we arent weird there are two of us. If we find one more we can start a clique and figure out another stupid name and be the stupid kids who are gothics/skaters... gaters hahaha. Im amusing myself LOL. Instead of glaring at people like gothics, or doing the head twitch of a skater to try to get their hair our of their face we could combine them and twitch while staring at people.

I get picked on a lot by the popular kids for being a "weirdo". Why is that something to be ashamed of? I wear the title with pride

ME TOO... the group of losers say I am their ring leader. If that doesnt boost your confidence then what will? They call themselves losers and announce it with so much pride. Someone calls me a freak I take it as a compliment.

I was terrified the other day when this girl walked by looking at me with discust. Of course I barely noticed because my eyes were latched onto her bright pink furry boots. They must of killed my little pony to make those. I mean and she thinks Im a crime against fashion... WOW. I was ready to set fire to them... I was blinded by the light. If thats what it takes to be cool Id much rather stick to my plain and weirdo style.


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« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2005, 03:42:42 pm »
Hey, I like Hot Topic!! :angry:

Elizabeth Rose

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« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2005, 09:37:17 pm »
Hey, I like Hot Topic!! :angry:

But not everyone does.


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« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2005, 03:58:31 pm »
Today it got worse. I was reading the incredibly wonderful graphic novel WATCHMEN during lunch. Someone saw and came over. Now, there is some nudity in the book. There's a blue man named Jon Manhatten who walks around naked because it's the way he is. He isn't a nudist, but he is an omnipotent-like being, not an alien per se. And it's just the wya he's comfortable. I actually relate a lot with him, in that I don't care what people think, but I'm no nudist. Anyway, the kid, a prep named Jonathan, came over and started looking oiver my shoulder. He saw Jon's *ahem* peepee and started drawing attention over. He started calling me a queer for reading it and took it. I am not a violent person at all. I also wouldn't say I'm a strong person. He easily got it away from me. He then proceeded to throw it in a HUGE puddle (we had rain last night). It was a frigging LIBRARY book. It wasn't mine, and either way, he had no right to do that.

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« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2005, 04:16:39 pm »
I am ther hyper geek that people usually don't like. They think im, stupid but I do have good friends. There are the "popular" kids, who only them and there friends like, so i don't know why everyone considers them popular. P{retty much anyone who is not "popular"are good friends, and vise versa. I do hvae one or two popular freinds. Most of the "popular"kids at my shcool are jerks, but not all of them.

spongehead 32

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« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2005, 01:54:53 pm »
if u see my personal pic u would know what people say to me

yes, a boy with long hair is bond to cause something

alot of people are even stupid enough to ask "are u a boy or a girl"

its died down now, but when I started to let it grow thats what I got

anyway, nowerdays I dont realy hear that as much, and friends aint a problem

and to whoever talks to me badly about my hair I simply say "I dont care about my hair so y should u?", it is so funny watching them try to make up an answer

so there u go, and we do have groups in this school

though they arnt as clear, and I seem to beable to befriend or at least manage to speak to in a friendly manner with almost anyone

though that might be because people in amarica are slightly more judgemental than most people here


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« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2005, 02:03:15 pm »
Copy and pasted from my blog.. but this version is a little cleaned up.

I love being a geek. It sets me apart from all the members of the "in-crowd". Actually, that's something I have to address. There is no in-crowd. It doesn't exist. It's a lie conocted by movies and television to scare people like me. The "in-crowd" you may be referring to are the people who feel the need to be braggy, be angsty, or be insulting to others. You may know the type.

In recent years, thanks to the crap band that is Good Charlotte, the term "geek" has been thrown around like someone who uses stupid slang and dresses as if Hot Topic threw up on them. (Hot Topic is the devil.) This is not a geek, ladies and gents. It's a lie.. like the "in-crowd".

Back to the original point of the post. Today, my friend Brady (nickname "Bunch") and I were in the line for our daily lunch. We were talking about the movie COLLATERAL (which rules, by the way, pick it up). There was a girl in front of us whom I know vaguely but don't know anything about, including her name. She looked at me for a second and I noticed this and asked what she was doing. She said "Aren't you that Jack **** (this is my last name, sorry.. can't be revealed) kid? The movie freak?" To which I reply with a casual "Indeedy-o." She says "Seriously, do you EVER go outside and be normal like the rest of us?" I reply "Clarify normal. You mean dressing like everybody else, talking like everybody else, and making fun of everybody who ISN'T like everybody else?" She walked away in disgust. I wasn't at all scathed by her remarks, but it made me think about how tough life can be for a guy like me sometimes. A lotta people think that life isn't like teen movies, where the geeks are picked on, but in my school, it's very much the case.

Although I'm very proud of being a geek, every now and then, I gotta deal with BADWORDs. There's always somebody who hears about how often I watch movies, and they say something like, "you have way too much time on your hands, heh-heh," or the much more brazen, "you need to get a life." Usually, I just give a polite fake laugh, but in my head, I'm thinking, "go to BADWORD, you single-digit IQ BADWORD." The incident today just made me angry, so I replied with something besides my usual loud smirk. The way I see it, how I choose to spend my time is just that; the way I choose to spend my time. Some people like movies, some people like sports, some people like STAR TREK, and some people like getting drunk on Saturday and waking up in puddles of their own puke and ::Dolphin Noise:: on Sunday. What you like may not be what I like, and vice versa, and we should each respect that.

But actually, in reality, there is no normal. Nothing and no one are alike. So who's to say what the normal thing is?

I agree with you. besides I love movies too. When I get old and fat I'd like to be involved with movie making some how.

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« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2005, 09:49:23 pm »
Who cares, while the popuker kids are sitting behind a counter. We'll be making millon's, of dollers.

In order to make it through the world one needs some insanity.