Author Topic: Questionnaire: Part 824785  (Read 12356 times)

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Questionnaire: Part 824785
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2005, 07:47:09 pm »
Time started: 10:20
Full Name: mumble
Sex: male
Birthday: 2-23-91
Sign: the fish
Hair colour: brown
eye colour: blue
Height: 5'7"

Who are your closest friends?: so and so
Do you have a bf or gf?:no
Did you have a crush?:no
Number of relationships you've been in?: 0
Number of times you have been in love?:a few
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: i don't know
Number of children you want to have?:2

Where is your favorite place to shop: turn on the fun best buy
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: no
Do you do drugs: no
What kind of shampoo do you use?: suave
What are you most scared of: death
The last person that called you is: aunt
Where do you want to get married: outside
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: can't decide
What was your first car: don't have one

Colour: green of course!
Number: tie between 7 and 34
Food: pizza
Boys name(s): Luke
Girls name(s): Megan
Subject in school:social studies
Animal: Cows
Drink: mountain dew
Celebrity: Samuel L. Jackson
Sport: football

Given anyone a bath: ...
Smoked: no
Bungee jumped: maybe someday
Broken the law: yes
Made yourself throw-up: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: no
Gold or Silver: uh yes?
Something you miss in life: nothing
What is beside you: sofa
Last thing you ate: pizza
Who do you admire?: my dad
What do you like to do: read my profile
What did you do yesterday: school
Do you wear contacts or glasses:no
Do you like yourself: yes
Do you get along with your family mostly, yes
Hated someone in your family: no
Favourite Place to visit: beach
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Spongebob
What is your favorite chip flavor? original
What is your favorite CD at the moment? can't decide
What type of car do you drive? i don't drive
Favorite sandwich: maynaise
What characteristic do you despise? mean
Something that's weird about yourself: close to everything
Favorite item of clothing? hoodies
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Disney World
What color is your bathroom? white
Favorite brand of clothing? nike
Where would you retire to? ?
Favorite time of the day? evening
What was your most memorable birthday? 11th
Where were you born? PA
What fabric detergent do you use? I dunno
Coke or Pepsi? coke
Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl
What is your shoe size? 9 1/2
Do you have any pets? no
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends?no
What did you want to be when you were little?football player
Month: Jule
Night or Day: Night
Sun or Rain:Sun
Scary or happy movies: Some of both
Broken a bone: yes
Played truth or dare: yes
Been in a physical fight: yes
Been in a police car: no
Been on a plane: yes but it wasn't flying
Come close to dying: almost
Been in a hot tub: yes
Swam in the ocean: yes
Your good luck charm: my socks
Best song you ever heard: It's the end of the world as we know it
Stupidest thing you have ever done:too many to count
Whats your room like: messy
Sleep with a stuffed animal: no
Your most prized possession: my electronics
Vegetarian: no
What schools have you gone to: i'm in my 4th
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: depends. mostlikely yes          
Time Ended: 10:33
« Last Edit: February 18, 2005, 07:52:26 pm by foulpattie »

Offline Scilla

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Questionnaire: Part 824785
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2005, 03:19:52 pm »
Time started: 3:51 PM
Full Name: Priscilla Ukunwa Nwonuma
Sex: female
Birthday: Dec. 30, 1990
Sign: Capicorn
Siblings: 4
Hair colour: darkish/lightish brown
eye colour: hazely brown
Height: 5'7"

Who are your closest friends?: Dezerae, and Johanna
Do you have a bf or gf?: Nooope, not right now.
Who?: No one
Did you have a crush?: I am a girl, right?
Who?: Juan, Elias, Jerry, Jordan
Number of relationships you've been in?: Uh.. like 12?
Number of times you have been in love?: Never.
Favourite thing about being in a relationship?: The Warmth of another person.
Number of children you want to have?: 1 ( And I WILL adopt.)

Where is your favorite place to shop: OMG, Walmart.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Ears..?
Do you do drugs: No, unless Asprin counts..
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Suave
What are you most scared of: Spiders.
The last person that called you is: Mommy
Where do you want to get married: a backyard
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be:   my nose
What was your first car: OMG, My gramdma has a bug she wants to give me.

Colour: Green, for now.
Number: 20 (Juan's birthday)
Boys name(s): OMG, Angel.
Girls name(s): Angel
Subject in school: Language Arts
Animal: Cat
Drink: Root Beer
Celebrity: OMG, I cant choose.
Sport: Uggh, Football..

Given anyone a bath: My Dog!
Smoked: When I was 5
Bungee jumped: I wish..
Broken the law: I stole once..
Made yourself throw-up: Yea, I didnt want to stand in the corner, so I gagged myself.
Gone skinny dipping: No
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Many Of Times.
Gold or Silver: What? Gold..
Something you miss in life: My sister.
What is beside you: Ramen Noodles..
Last thing you ate: Ramen Noodles..
Who do you admire?: Ms. von Toll
What do you like to do: Paint.
What did you do yesterday: Nothing.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Contacts ocasionally.
Do you like yourself: Pretty Much.
Do you get along with your family So/So
Hated someone in your family: Once. But he's gone now.
Favourite Place to visit: Tenessee
What was the last film you saw at the movies? Hitch
What is your favorite chip flavor? Sour Cream And Onion, or Bar B Que.
What is your favorite CD at the moment? Goodies
What type of car do you drive? a hotwheel.
Favorite sandwich: ketchup
What characteristic do you despise? Umm, when people dont wash themselves
Something that's weird about yourself: Um, Ipop my knucles constantly.
Favorite item of clothing? pants that I got a couple of days ago
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Home
What color is your bathroom? white/Pink
Favorite brand of clothing? Walmart brand. All I can afford
Where would you retire to? I dunno.
Favorite time of the day? Night.
What was your most memorable birthday? Last Year
Where were you born? Dallas, TX
What fabric detergent do you use? All
Coke or Pepsi? OMG! PEPSI!
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night.
What is your shoe size? 9 1/2
Do you have any pets? 5
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? Nope.
What did you want to be when you were little? A Veternarian
Night or Day: NIGHT!!
Sun or Rain: RAin
Scary or happy movies: HAPPY!
Broken a bone: Arm
Played truth or dare: Lots Of Times
Been in a physical fight: Yuuup
Been in a police car: Yuuup
Been on a plane: 5
Come close to dying: 2wice
Been in a hot tub: Yes
Swam in the ocean: yes
Your good luck charm: My fav shoes
Best song you ever heard: "Ironic" Alanis Morissette.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Lied
Whats your room like: Messy
Sleep with a stuffed animal: yes.
Your most prized possession: Oh, My bible
Vegetarian: Yep.
What schools have you gone to: 6
If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: ::Dolphin Noise:: no.
Time Ended: 4:09 PM