Author Topic: A Vice City Fan Fic....  (Read 1651 times)

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A Vice City Fan Fic....
« on: April 24, 2005, 07:34:18 pm »
I've never really done anything like this before. The other day I was bored and decided to write a side story about the events in GTA: Vice City in modern times.
I'm not really sure if this is the right forum to be posting this, imfact I'm not too sure if this is the right site to be posting this, but anyway, just delete it if it's not in the right place.
Here goes.....
Chapter 1

A Bright Summers Day

After having a lovely stroll down the island I came to the building that’s been the location of my work for the past ten years, Sunshine Autos in sunny Vice City. You see what I do can be very hard, whenever we have street races (which I’m not involved in) every now and then people get caught speeding or breaking the law somehow and it’s my job to defend them. But I can assure you, I’m not a lawyer and never will be, no training or education there what so ever. So what I do is pretty much, get or prevent the caught drivers from jail or paying money, by whatever means necessary. I have been in a few gunfights before but nothing serious, but I am a wanted man. I’m not into gangs or drugs just doing my job in a lovely sunny city.

So anyway as I turned the corner to the curving street with airplanes flying overhead loud and dominating, I saw something I never hoped to see before, police cars were all around the building and worst of all, the sound of machine guns could be faintly heard. Keeping cool, I slowly sneaked down the road and dived into some scratchy bushes and crawled along them until they stopped. I could start to see the seriousness of the situation: about 20 cops were kneeling behind their cars and firing into the now broken glass panels of the second story. What was going on here and why so much firepower I couldn’t guess and by the looks of it the police had more guns beside them. Still crouching behind the bushes, I reached into my bag for some defence and found my old Tec-9. Checking it for ammo and preparing my self for the worst, I sprinted round the back of the building a couple of shots hitting the grass behind me as I ran. It seemed like I was running for hours but it was only about ten metres. I did a final leap and down into the garage area, climbed up a wall and slid through a back entrance into the building it self.

Chapter 2

A Stand of Rights

‘Tim! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! Thought you were a gonna for a second there!’ Liam shouted over the gunfire. Liam was one of my best friends and had been my business partner for over six years. He had dark rustled hair and always wore a great big smile, even in times of need like at the moment.
‘What the heck is happening here?!’ I yelled at him, starting to panic.
Liam had no time to answer before a couple of cops saw us and started firing in our direction.
‘No time to explain, quick up the stairs!’ Liam told him. Following Liam, we hurried up the stairs to find about 15 guys with guns trying to shoot the police. Also, to my horror, I realised that what I earlier thought were extra guns beside the police were actually dead bodies.
‘Liam, Tim, get shooting! I think we can pick a few more off until the escape choppers I called in arrive’ Max instructed them. Max was the vice-president of the company, Tommy Vercetti being the owner but in my ten-year career, he only ever shows up once a year.
‘ What!’ I yelled ‘you mean to say that after 30 years of business, you’re going to just abandon the company! We’ve got at least 5 million dollars worth of cars and parts here! We’ll have no job!’ I just couldn’t believe what was happening, I had to do something, and I couldn’t stand anything more. So, in a weird frame of mind, I readied my Tec-9 launched my self beside a pillar and started shooting, I shot one guy in the head almost straight away then his buddy narrowed me out and launched a python bullet right at my forehead. I ducked behind the pillar then popped out and shot him then, while aiming at another cop facing a different way, by chance, I hit a gas tank blowing up two cruisers killing about four policemen.
Everyone started cheering for me and shouting compliments my way.
‘Good job Tim. Keep it up. OK guys, aim for the gas tanks!’ Max told everyone.
The gunfight kept going but more and more police started arriving, we blew up another car but doing so we lost two of our men. Then, out in the deep blue sky with the glistening Sun shining on them, two beautiful helicopters came flying towards the building. Now, I had changed my mind about staying here, I wanted to leave. Then Liam spoke. ‘I don’t think those choppers are for escaping….’

Chapter 3

The escape of dignity

The choppers were coming fast and aggressively with the fowl word “POLICE” written all over them. A couple of policemen yelled out ‘Haha, you guys are dead weight now, so long idiots!’. Then finally everyone saw the ugly gun emplacements underneath the choppers.
‘Oh crap, this is it then, they’ve called in the big guns, we’ve got to evacuate NOW!’ Max shouted as sweat drenched his body. Everyone took a couple more pot shots at the police copters and ran to the stairs being careful not to trip, which could cause the whole gang to die. I still had no idea why all this was happening and just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep like a small child does after a run at the park.
‘Down into the garages, we’ve got to escape in our cars! Drive fast and they won’t pop the tires!’ someone called as we reached ground level. Five cops were waiting for us at the back door but they were overwhelmed with gunfire.
But there was still something worrying me, about 3 months ago, someone had stolen my nice infernos and I’m still left with out a car. Thank-fully, Liam seemed to realise what I was thinking and told me he had room for me if I squished between his N20 tanks. We reached the garages and piled into the cars revving the engines. The cops instantly realised what was going on here and set off to find us.
‘Wow, nice Uranus Liam!’ I yelled quickly as we got in. I also realised what Liam meant by “squishing” between the tanks. One by one, the cars roared off like a pack of lions chasing their prey. The cars ran over a few cops and smashed through the barricade and all the while. We were the last ones to get out and a new set of trucks was splitting us from the rest of the group. Liam did a sharp turn to the right and found another barricade.
‘Up the slop on the side of the road!’ I yelled.
Liam drove up a steep slope and jumped over the trucks!
‘Unbelievable! That was wicked!’ I screamed, adrenalin pumping through my veins.
And all the while the choppers were following the red Uranus car getting ready to lock on with their machine guns…

Chapter 4

The explanation

After just one minute in Liam’s car, I realised just how good a driver he was, swerving in and out of cars, dodging people as he drove on the sidewalk, Liam had obviously been practicing.
‘Gees Liam, why are you still doing court protection agent like me! You really need to think about becoming a racer!’ I explained. Liam looked at me with a look of disappointment.
‘If we ever get a chance again’ He added. I then came back down to Earth from my brilliant high from the car ride, I realised the truth about our futures, the police would have memorized our number plates, our faces, everything, we’d have to move away from Vice City. For the second time today, Liam seemed to read my mind.
‘No Tim, we will never give up, we will fight for as long as we can…’ He was cut short by the wicked sound of machine guns hitting the boot of his car. We both looked back and then remembered the choppers seeing them about 15 metres into the air shooting at us.
‘Crap! Crap, crap, crap! I didn’t know they followed us!’ Liam shouted. I thought for a second about what to do, the ideas didn’t take long thankfully.
‘Swerve! Don’t let them get a good shot on us!’ I said trying to stay calm. The plan seemed to work ok actually, especially since the helicopter didn’t want to hit any other innocent bystanders. Just as I thought we were home free from the dreaded helicopter, the other one came from behind a skyscraper and fired a hail of bullets at us.
‘Jump out of the car! Now!’ Liam desperately shouted, the day was starting to get to him as well. We both jumped out just in time to see Liam’s car being blown to smithereens. Pedestrians were shouting everywhere, trying to escape the horrible wreck.

We struggled up and looked for a place to hide, all this took about 15 seconds.
‘There!’ I yelled, seeing a thin alleyway, with litter covering its dark, damp floor of dirt. We ran over trying to stay close to obstructions to stop the helicopters seeing us, the smoke was still clearing from the flaming wreckage. The alley was about 20 metres long and had bins and boxes all over it.
We ducked into a small alcove we found on the side of a wall. We leant against the wall, resting and slowly sat down absorbing what had just happened. One thing I was thankful about was that I had brought my faithful Tec-9 with me.
We were silent for at least ten minutes; we were physically and mentally exhausted and had no idea on what to do.
Eventually, I broke the silence.
‘Tell me Liam, why did the police ruin our lives, I did absolutely nothing and they took away my job which was my source for money to buy food and most of all they took away my freedom, I won’t be able to go to yours or my house, they’ll have it surrounded’ I finished, Liam took a while to answer but eventually he spoke.
‘How do you know they know who you are or where you live. You know, not many people know about the side business of street racing at Sunshine Autos, no cops knew suspected the little car company to get its source of income from races, yes, our next move should be to go back to one of our houses and wait for the heat to die down then we can try and get our names off the wanted list, anyway we can’ Liam explained, getting louder and louder.
‘That didn’t answer my question! What has happened?’ I depressingly answered.
‘Look, last night at the VC semi-final race…well afterwards, since a Sunshine member won, we wanted to celebrate so pretty much all the workers except you went over to East Beach police station and we got a bit angry and burnt down the building killing 40 policemen and women…’ Liam explained, a huge look of guilt on his face.
‘Umm…. right…’I paused then had an outburst ‘Are you crazy! What the…what were you guys thinking! You total idiots! I can’t believe you of all people would do something like that!’ I was appalled, shocked, horrified. So I expressed my opinion for a little while longer and started to calm down.
‘Tim, Tim…Tim!’ I woke up, mumbling. We’d fallen asleep! At a time like this in an alley, we’d fallen asleep!
‘Tim, we’ve been mugged, both our bags are gone!’ Liam told me.
‘Whoa..What? But..But you had at least $200 in that bag! That was our ticket to live at the moment!’
We both looked at each other with a worried look on our face. We might be getting to know this alleyway a lot more than we thought…

Chapter 5

Knowledge is Power

We debated over what to do next, we had nothing and we didn’t know what to expect through the city, there could be police round every corner or it could be kept as subtle as possible. We eventually came to a conclusion; go see what the situation is down a couple of streets at Sunshine Autos, whether or not, they’re searching it.
We creped out of the alley and took a look around. The car had been taken away and there was some road workers fixing and replacing some walls and windows from nearby stores that were affected by the bang. Otherwise things seemed normal.
‘OK, just act normal and as if we’re wondering what’s happened here’ I instructed.
‘Fine’ Liam responded. We wandered down a couple of blocks admiring some of the bullet chips in the road and also a whole lot of skid marks. Then, for the first time, Liam spoke about his car.
‘Man, I can’t believe I lost her! That cost me 25 K’
‘Yeah well I’d thank her if I was her because that car saved our lives’
‘Yeah, I suppose so’ He said looking glumly at the dark pavement below him.
‘ Hey, what time is it? We must have been sleeping for ages’ I asked wonderingly. Liam looked a bit brighter again and answered me.
‘I don’t have a watch but I think it’s around 3, you got here at 9 and it had been going for at least 2 hours’
‘Long day then’ I said rather blandly.

We approached the corner turning on to Sunshine Autos.
‘Quick, into the bushes!’ Liam said sternly and fast. We both dived behind a couple of shrubs.
‘What’s wrong, what did you see!’ I asked quickly hoping it not to be another gruesome chase or gunfight, I was thoroughly exhausted.
‘The roads blocked off and cops are guarding the entrance’
‘Of course, we should of known that!’ showing proof that we really were exhausted.
‘Arrgghhhh, what are we going to do’ I said annoyed.
‘Well, we could try and sneak into there, grab a car that wasn’t taken and hopefully find some money’ Liam explained, a look of confidence was growing on his face.
‘That might be all well and good but how do you think we’ll get out!’
‘That’s where the police guard fail, you see there is a small gap in a building down the back that used to have a jump in it, we’ll just cruise through there and go home!’ Liam told me.
I eventually agreed and we planned how to get into the building in the first place. There was a building beside us that had a set of steps leading up to the roof and we tried to work out if we could jump off the roof and into the street behind the bushes I was hiding behind early this morning.
‘Well Tim, I think that’s the best idea, we’re going to have so we may as well try it’.
‘Hey, hang on, why don’t we just go through the gap at the back of the area?’ I realised.
‘We’d have to run at least 100 metres through grass with no hiding spots, that’s way too risky, we’d get seen and shot, end of story’ Liam said sternly.
‘Yeah, true’ I responded.
We then started working our plan into magic. Slowly, we climbed up the steps and got to the roof.
‘OK, get ready to jump and be as quiet as possible’ I whispered.
I jumped first and what a perfect jump it was, I rolled just as I landed and ended up nestled in a big patch of shrubbery. It was Liam’s try now but it didn’t go nearly as well as mine. As he jumped, the officer guarding the roadblock turned around and saw Liam face to face.
‘Excuse me, please stay out of this area or I will have to enforce law upon you’ the cop said trying, but failing, to sound important and special, I guessed he had no idea why he was watching the road and was just a newbie at this sort of thing. Liam tried to cover up what he was doing; hopefully he wouldn’t give me away.
‘Why sorry, sir, my mistake, but I would like you to reconsider…’ At that moment I whacked both my fists into his temples instantly knocking him out, I had creped round the back of him while he was managing Liam, he hadn’t even realised, stupid cop.
‘Got to hurt’ Liam said looking down at the bleeding policeman. I strongly hoped he wasn’t going to die.
‘Well then, shall we do this thing’?

Chapter 6

Inner Conflict

We walked down the road being careful with every step we trod. As we got closer to the complex, to our surprise, it was completely free of any searches, must start later today or has already been.
We were only a few metres away now and were dying of anxiety to get some cash and hopefully a new car. Sunshine Autos was a two-story building and didn’t have many cars for sale really. Inside, it had a lot of empty space and a few cars there, which were savaged with bullet holes to our dismay. There was a small office down the back where all the sales were held and the paper work completed. There was also a ramp leading up to the second story that was even emptier than the first. No cars were here at the moment and the floor was riddled with bullet chips and broken glass panels.
We snuck inside and were horrified by the mess of absolutely everything; if anyone was to use this building again it looked like it looked like it was going to be for a gang hide out.
‘Wow, this was one serious fight,’ I said.
‘Nothing like it since the 80’s when Tommy Vercetti was a terrorist,’ Liam responded.
‘What the…. what are you talking about! You mean the old coot owner of this place was a terrorist!’ I said curiously.
‘Not a terrorist as such, but a bloody psycho, like seriously, the late 80’s were a dark time for Vice City, gangs, drugs, guns, the lot,’ He explained.
‘Wow, never knew, why wasn’t he caught?’ I asked, looking very bewildered.
‘He was a powerful man back then, now he just sits in his mansion doing nothing, the one time he goes out is to collect his profits from Sunshine Autos and his last remaining business, The Malibu Club. He used to own Vice City’
‘Wow, never knew anything like that, late 80’s I would have been in a cheap Cluck’n’Bell job in San Fierro, bad place over there don’t like it, the weather is crap’ I answered, now starting to comprehend it all.
While we had been talking, we had been investigating around the place mostly upstairs and trying to place the dead bodies in a pile, the whole building stunk. Then we heard some voices.
‘Oh crap!’ Liam whispered. We stood there silent listening. We couldn’t make out the voices so we creped over to the ledge and looked down. We couldn’t see them, darn it.
‘OK, lets keep calm and creep down the ramp’ I said desperately. Liam looked at me like a maniac.
‘Are you suicidal!’ Liam whispered getting a bit too loud.
‘No, I’m not, I’m clever, I’ve still got my Tec-9 and the chances are, if they’re a search team, they’re not going to be carrying a very good weapon, in fact they probably won’t be carrying a weapon at all’ I muttered.
We crawled at a snail’s pace down the ramp, hiding behind pot plants and peeking out when ever we thought it safe.
Whoever these people were, they were in the office talking hastily as if they’ve got something to do or places to be.
We were at the bottom and stood up properly.
‘Make a run for it! Into the garages! ,’ I hissed at Liam, maybe a bit more strongly than I should of.
We ran for the door, trotting carefully but swiftly. Just as we reached the door, two army men came around the corner and into the building. They instantly saw us. We froze. They were wearing standard Vice City army uniform, packing a couple of big, black, ugly M4’s. We had no idea what to do, this was looking bad, very bad. We had run out of time for explanations, we had been quiet too long and it looked like the army personnel were just as confused.
The people came out of the office at the same time. There was another soldier, who looked exhausted and had huge bags under his eyes and finally, by the look of her, a detective.
The army soldier from the office was the first to speak.
‘Sam, Richard, who are these people?’ He asked. They looked bewildered at each other then one of them spoke.
‘Looks like we’ve got some intruders,’ one of them answered looking angry. The office army soldier spoke again. He had a stern face, jet black hair and very dark eyes. Almost the opposite of me, I had blonde hair and blue eyes.
‘Well then…what brings you two here?’ He said. A hint of amusement in his face.
‘We…um..’ Liam stuttered. We really had no idea what to say. He smiled again.
‘Hmm…you look like a couple of street racers yourselves, come to get your car back are we?’ He started to get angry ‘Do you know how many people you killed in that fire? We won’t allow it!’ He was shouting now.
‘Sir, if I may, these people would be excellent to gather up some information from’. This comment came from the young detective sounding very intimidated by the soldier.
‘Shut up, Harriet, these two can be interrogated all you like once they’ve been locked up for the rest of their long lives,’ He spoke bitterly and cold.
‘Yes sir, sorry sir’ Harriet answered. I could tell she was trying to suppress her rage.
‘Actually,’ He laughed ‘Why don’t you two shoot them in the leg, we can always get away with it,’ this soldier, sergeant or whatever he was, was one horrible person.
‘Yes Sir’ Sam and Richard said at the same time. The policeman still hadn’t said anything and looked rather alarmed. The two raised their guns and just as they were about to pull the trigger, they got shot in the back by what sounded like a combat shotgun. They instantly fell over unconscious and leaking a lot of blood. I hoped they wouldn’t die, they didn’t mean bad, just following orders from a horrible boss.
The mystery assassin then jumped in and shot the horrible soldiers head off, good riddance, and finally, the poor policeman, the detective was nowhere in sight.
We turned around shocked and hoping they wouldn’t target us next. Blood was spurting everywhere and it just added to the body count that had died this morning, gosh it was only this morning, and it seems like days ago.
We were even more surprised to see it was none other than a dirty, bloodstained, sweat covered Max, the respected owner of Sunshine Autos. Even though it was really Mr. Vercetti who owned it, he didn’t do a single thing so everyone just started calling Max the owner.
‘Hi boys, surprised to see me?’ Max dryly greeted them, puffing a lot.
‘Uhhh…yeah, what’s going on here, I thought you got away? And where are the others and…’ Liam was full of questions but was too impatient for an answer, just like him that is as well. Max had cut him off.
‘No time for answers now boys, the police guard down the road would of heard this darn loud gun. Quick into the garages, we’ll hide in a garage for a while, then we can update each other’ He told us.
‘Max, we’ve knocked…’ again, Liam was interrupted Liam.
‘No time! Quick!’ Max said hastily ‘Follow me!’ he added.

Max turned and lugged his big Combat Shotgun down the ramp and into one of the many garages. The garage area had four visible garages when you came down the ramp, to your right there was a door leading into the street racing head quarters, this building was new, right beside you was a garage that could give you new parts, colours and number plates if you needed to. Further onto the left was another ramp leading up to a small road, which backed onto the main road.
We followed after Max, eager to be filled in on the details. We snuck into a garage and sat down beside some boxes of old mufflers and exhausts. The garage stunk and was hard to breathe in, too many fumes from the many cars that have been parked in there. Max seemed to notice my distress and spoke.
‘It’s not flash, but this is the best out of the four here’ he said, trying to reassure me, he didn’t do it very well either.
I then answered with something completely different.
‘So, shall we fill each other on the latest goss then?’

Chapter 7

A Plan Of Action

We talked for a long time. It turns out that we weren’t the last ones to leave this morning. It was Max who left last by himself. The police helicopter had almost killed him before blowing up his car, while the smoke was still blocking the police’s view Max had snuck into a garage and hadn’t come out since he helped us. We told him about the things that have happened since he saw us last.
‘Man, I can’t believe its only 4,’ I said, amazed. Max had a watch it had been the longest and worst day of my life. Yes, things were great.
‘Yeah, I know,’ Liam agreed.
We were sitting down by the boxes still, just absorbing the things that had happened, I had just witnessed tens and tens of dead bodies including a head being shot off, that moment will stay in my mind for the rest of my life.
‘Ok, enough chit chat, what are we going to do?,’ Max asked, a look of determination heavily placed on his face.
‘Well, if we can risk it, we can go try and find some money from the office and afterwards find a car and get out of this place,’ I explained.
The first problem we encountered that there was no car according to Max but looking in the pay’n’spray easily solved that where there was an old sentinel.
‘Why did you not look in there?,’ Liam asked.
‘Sorry, not concentrating today,’ Max answered looking embarrassed.
Next we sneaked up to the building, still no sign of anyone, and looked in the office.
The office was clustered and had paperwork all over it, looked like it had been searched when the army was here. And eventually, to our dismay, we found no trace of money at all.
‘Darn it, nothing here,’ I commented, disappointed.
‘Oh well, we’ll get over it, now lets get out of here, this buildings giving me the creeps after all the time I’ve worked here,’ Max complained. Liam and I were feeling a bit uncomfortable, being this that this was coming from our boss, well our old boss now I guess.
We carefully made our way down to the sentinel looking out at the place we were aiming to get to. As a three, we choose Liam to drive after seeing him show off his skills earlier today.
‘Ok, we all ready guys,’ Liam spoke and without waiting for an answer, started the engine and took off.
We crossed over a small concrete fence making Max, who was quite tall; hit his head on the roof.
The old car was gathering speed and as we got closer we realised there was a ramp place there facing the direction of us.
‘Oh no, we’ll have to jump that if we’re ever going to get out of here!,’ I told Liam.
Liam told me its fine and we kept heading towards it. I used to have all confidence in Liam but this jump was suicide in a rusty old Sentinel, we’d go straight forward into the road hitting the nose of the car and jerking us forward, I had to do something and quick.
I started to talk but suddenly, from out of nowhere as far as I could tell, someone popped out packing some sort of shotgun, and shot our two front tires out and cracking a hole in the bonnet.
‘Oh crap!’ Liam shouted. Liam lost control. He tried to swerve to the side and started sliding right for the ramp.
Oh no, this was it, we were rolling and rolling…. and rolling. All our heads were hitting the roof, we were swearing like anything, I could see big flashes of blood flying around the car, sticking to our clothes and car and I just made out Max for a brief second, who was in the back of the old car as well, and looked unconscious jittering around like an old rag doll being thrown in a lion cage and torn apart.
During all this I heard another two gunshots and sure enough, through my hazy red eyes, two holes appeared in the roof or what I thought was the roof at least.
All of a sudden we could feel the car rapidly rolling up a slope. I swore which was not like me; we were heading up the ramp in a beat down car, rolling sideways at 100 kilometres an hour. We were done for, I’m surprised that I hadn’t died yet either, my head was throbbing but I was sure I wasn’t bleeding.
Then we launched into the jump, we started spinning faster and faster, I didn’t know how far we’d travelled. We could be in the middle of the road for all I knew.
We must of gone off course because all of a sudden, we were thrown heavily into a wall of a building scraping along it before falling to the ground upside down with a large thump.
Then everything went even hazier and finally I lost any form of consciousness.

I awoke to find myself being lifted out of the car by someone of which I didn’t know whom. I had been wedged between the front seats and the back of the car and was being scraped along.
Then the people laid me down on the asphalt. I looked up, it was a couple of normal people, and I mustn’t have fainted for as long as I thought. It was then that I sat up and regained all my knowledge of what had happened.
There were two people around the car, a person that I didn’t recognise and to my surprise, the detective that had disappeared earlier. And then I thought of Liam and Max, what would have happened to them? I looked back at the car and realised that it was a car no more. It was a little shape of ugly metal, rubber and blood, I could just make out the body of Max but I couldn’t see Liam. It then struck me that I had to act now, I was sure the police would be on their way and if we didn’t get out of here soon enough then we’d be in jail for the rest of our lives.
I stood up, the two people were looking at me in horror but I couldn’t work out why. What could I do? I had to get Max and Liam out of the car but then I might have to carry their bodies for kilometres before they woke up and by then I would have been caught and probably beaten even more than I already have from my battered body.
I was confused and my head hurt like ::Dolphin Noise::. Then the young detective spoke.
‘It’s ok, an ambulance is coming, please sit down, I’ll get you a cloth for your shoulder, please sit down,’ She said calmly. I was about to ask her why I needed a cloth when I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder; I grabbed my shoulder and to my surprise, felt a large trickle of blood flowing down my body from it. It felt like a bullet wound, I then realised all my other pains in my body but none seemed as bad as my shoulder.
Then some sirens started roaring a little further down the road. I had made up my mind, I had to leave, even without Liam or Max, and it would be better for two people to be caught than three.
So I struggled off, the detective and the other person had gone to get a cloth except I didn’t know where from. I was heading back to Sunshine Autos; I honestly thought it was the safest way to go. I tried to run but couldn’t go very fast, my body was aching. I would have to find someone who could help me, there was no way I could struggle with this for a very long time, and I would die from blood loss. I had to run, otherwise, they’d catch me so I tried with all my might and about 5 long, exhausting, minutes later, I got to the exit where the policeman had disappeared completely, the army men must of seen him and taken him away. I wandered through the temporary barrier and turned left, the opposite way, I had gone earlier
As you can see, it's not finished yet but I'm working on it.

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A Vice City Fan Fic....
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 07:43:18 pm »
Spunds great, but too long for me read.


  • Guest
A Vice City Fan Fic....
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 10:24:54 pm »
Oh, I new I'd get that... *sigh*

I really would appreciate it if someone did read it, you could always just have a break and come back to it later.... that's why I've made chapters!