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Messages - Ealcon

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 84
Games / Re: The You're Banned! Game
« on: September 02, 2006, 05:53:59 am »
You are under arrest for assaulting a police officer.

Games / Re: Answer the question of the person above you.
« on: September 02, 2006, 05:50:46 am »
Maybe because they're crazy.
Excuse me but, AJ is not a girl!

How come i'm skinny and 7st even though i'm 11?

Games / Re: Answer the question of the person above you.
« on: September 01, 2006, 03:00:43 pm »
uh, many times have you been above me, little doggie?
thats not my q.
oh yeah, people also like Green Day because they always either act like idiots, or they are idiots.They're mine, Alex's (not saucealexman) Annie's and AJ's favourite band.In fact, im wearing my Green Day clothes right now.If i ripped off AJ's hair and dyed it black, then i'd be Billy-Joe Armstrong!I mean i would look like him, not actually be know what i mean.(he's male)I even have the tie to match.
Here's my question;why does AJ have funny hair?

P.S.Don't tell him I said that.Every time i say that or when i mention Sweden he tries to kill me.


Games / Re: The You're Banned! Game
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:50:54 pm »
You're banned for being such a darn cute doggie.
You are also under arrest.

weird_4, you are under arrest for not flying over a road and instead walking a cross it.
The motorway, too.

we are the falconiformes police.let me see your flying licence please.OK, breath in to this tube.OK.
You're drunk.

Games / Re: Guess the Real name of The USBer above you.
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:38:24 pm »
hey, little doggie, say hi to my friends Catarina,millie,aj and jake!(jake is also known as chanty)
(she's portuguese!)
Millie:Awww, you're cute you little doggie!
AJ:I'm glad you're not a cat, or else jp would have killed you by now and chloe would be crying.And Ealcon would kill me.And jp.And I would kill Ealcon.But i might already be dead......
Jake:Hey!Big up, you little dog!What?YOU'RE AMERICAN?EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM IS?WOW!!!!!Uh, i mean coool oooooookkk.

Uh, yeah, hi everyone.I am not a boy so how can i possibly be called Jim?Ealcon is not my real name.You can never guess it.

Is the person above me's name
little doggie?
No, it's really Thomas.Isn't it.Isn't it!ISN'T IT!Isn't it?

Games / Re: Write your Username... WITH YOUR EYES SHUT!!!
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:24:23 pm »

hey!i did it!i can't believe i did it perfectly!

Games / Re: Say something mean about the person above you
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:15:41 pm »
something mean about the person above you

vad JAG auktoriserat inte vad du asked.You frågat jag till säga något snål omkring personen över du.
What?I did what you asked.You asked me to say something mean about the person above you.

Games / Re: Act EXACTLY like the...
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:58:33 pm »
Hey, does anyone here want to write to Squidward?Thought not......

Games / Re: Rate The Avatar Above You. Reborn?
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:53:49 pm »
the eagle did not die, i think it's just about to grab its fishy prey in its talons and soar back to its nest.
Umm, nice avatar about Stewie.8/10

Repeat after me.The life of the wife is ended by the knife.

The loife of the woife is ended by the knoife.

Everything Else / Re: Whats your gender?
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:40:40 pm »
 <_<     B)          B)                     :rolleyes:
 <_<     B) B)  B) B)                  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:
 <_<     B)    B)   B)                :rolleyes: :wub: :rolleyes:
 <_<     B)          B)             :rolleyes:           :rolleyes:


Games / Re: Make a story!
« on: September 01, 2006, 08:27:11 am »
dismembered nose.As a result, Squidward had an epileptic fit.He was rescued by Gary, and after Gary had taken Squidward to hospital, Gary went to tell Spongebob, but on his way home, Wormy pounced on him and squished him.Wormy's next victim was soon to be......

Games / Re: HOT or NOT game
« on: August 31, 2006, 12:50:00 pm »
hello again little doggie

hold on, lets make a new version of this game called

Okay, is this little barn owl

Games / Re: Food fight [::reborn::]
« on: August 31, 2006, 12:02:06 pm »
ME!And i don't know if it's a secretly coded grenade, so i jump back from them and put them in patrick's house.then i 'borrow' some of his seanut butter and aim it for it flies through the air i shout:
"Blick ute! Du er medel på natten en under hav Rödblommig mat slagsmål!"
Unfortunately, I then realise spongebob can't understand Swedish, so he gets a splodge of seanut butter on his face.He then announces through a megaphone:
"Everybody, Bikini Bottom Food Fight!"
And so, everyone in bikini bottom joins in a massive food fight.But Plankton throws all of his robot servants wrapped in rollmops to...

Games / Re: Post What You Think Of The Person Above You
« on: August 31, 2006, 11:41:00 am »
you are the cutest little doggie i have ever seen!you are that little doggie, aren't you?aren't you!AREN'T you!Aren't you?You aren't?You aren't?Oh, you aren't.You aren't.   


Games / Re: Rate The Avatar Above You. Reborn?
« on: August 31, 2006, 11:32:15 am »
Arrrrrrrr.That is the cutest one i have ever seen!Even cuter than my Lapras shelly-thingy on bulbagarden, but i switched to fearow.

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