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Messages - winbindd

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Site News / Forums Completely Fixed (for Real Now)
« on: October 05, 2004, 04:35:35 am »
...The profiles still aren't working for me o_O
Same here.  :blink:
Try clearing your cookies/temporary internet files/all that jazz and see if it helps.

Site News / Forums Finally Fixed!
« on: October 03, 2004, 02:23:24 pm »
Hello Again!
Thanks to the server admins hard work over this weekend, you may all return to your regularly scheduled United Spongebob Forums. They are back up and running to the best of their ability, with the ability to look at profiles and all. Happy foruming!

Site News / Forums Issues
« on: October 02, 2004, 07:52:00 pm »
I heard hes in east bejing.. No i didnt =P

Site News / Forums Issues
« on: October 02, 2004, 07:27:06 pm »
Hello SpongeBob Fans, and other forum members!  :biggrin:
Its been a while, but cmonkey is out and cant attend the forums this weekend, so im doing some administrative things for him. Im working with the new server admin to get things working back to usual just as soon as possible. Also wanted to inform everyone that the hour long outage experienced earlier this afternoon was in the efforts to get everything working properly. If things go out again, dont worry to much, were doing it to better your experience.
The short is, were working on the solution, and we hope to have it just as soon as possible. I thank everyone for there patience on behalf of the SpongeZone!

Site News / 1k Member Surprise #1
« on: May 30, 2004, 08:26:05 am »
Woo! guess whos not there ;)

Computers & Video Games / Mac Vs. Pc
« on: May 04, 2004, 05:30:38 pm »
I could build a computer that outperforms a dual G5 for less than $3000.
Would it be legal?  :blink:
Oh yeah. Umm. I use both platforms, just as I use Windows/Linux.
Basically you guys could duke it out all day, and the fact of the matter is, people who like Mac will like mac, and those who like Windows will like windows.
Nuf Said.

Computers & Video Games / Ibook G4
« on: April 26, 2004, 03:28:09 pm »
I hear their nice.
Mac's are generally pretty, and well performing. Most people dont like them because they are different.
Ive used many a mac, quite possibly more than anyone else on these boards, all ranging differently in performance and hardware.

I did use the PB G4 and iBook G4 for decent amounts of time, both at MacWorld and my  friends. Coolest feature in my opinion is the backlit keyboard...

Just look and drool


Computers & Video Games / What OS Do You Use?
« on: April 16, 2004, 08:19:03 am »
Debian Linux, and smoothwall on most all my desktops. My tablet has debian and Win XP tablet pc edition.
Im lazy to write correctly.

Computers & Video Games / My Computer
« on: March 28, 2004, 06:27:20 pm »
These are a bit out of date:
Now I have a dual 1.2Ghz and a new case for my workstation, and a buncha other stuff.
Yes, I have alot of computers, I belive the last count was 32.
And I got one of these:

Site News / Hotlinking
« on: March 11, 2004, 07:47:31 pm »
Not really meant to be a threat or anything, But when people take images right off SpongeZone without permission or without copying them to their own server, it does use alot of bandwith. Because of that measures have to be taken to conserve the bandwith, like having to temporarily take down the videos last month; Cmonkey and I are trying to prevent things like that from ever happening again.
So, cheers:

Site News / Hotlinking
« on: March 10, 2004, 08:52:36 pm »
Hello All:
I have been just as busy as Cmonkey lately, and have found little time to check the forums and such. However, was looking over a few things and saw that a few nasty people were stealing images right off of the SpongeZone webserver, which was helping to run Cmonkey out of bandwith. I figured I would give him a hand, so we have done our best to make hotlinking very difficult with certain images.
Remember: If you want to use a picture: 1)Ask Cmonkey 2) Copy it to your own server/website hosting.
Doing those two things will help the SpongeZone and keep everyone happy. Overall, I have also cleaned up a few things to further increase your SpongeZone viewing pleasure, and things should be running a bit smoother. Please let us know if you experience any oddities with the main page.  :blink:

The Pineapple / Hello! I'm Back!
« on: January 20, 2004, 07:28:54 pm »
No, no its true. Alain has proved to be a good guy.. Most of the time  :blink:
Case closed..

Site News / Irc Webchat
« on: January 06, 2004, 02:13:50 pm »
I was trying to think of something to write up some news about and it came to me during a lovely conversation I was having with spnghd32. Where have all the rest of the SpongeZoners gone? You guys are missing out on the trivia, the chat, and the fun! I know that coming into the chat with no one their can be discouraging, but Cmonkey and I are there most weekdays from 3:00PM EST on through the night, and random times on the weekends. If you try before 3pm on weekdays you will be lucky to find anyone but Miles  :cool:
Stop by some time and chat or get your score up on the trivia.

Site News / I Interupt This Program...
« on: December 31, 2003, 10:08:37 am »
I interupt the regularly scheduled news, to make my re-debut, and to wish Cmonkey a Happy Birthday. A few threads have been created in the forums about the occasion aswell, so you can check them out below.
So, Cmonkey is officially 17 today, New Years Eve (still.. EST).
Birthday Topic 1
Birthday Topic 2

The Pineapple / The SZ Moderator Election!
« on: December 18, 2003, 12:23:57 pm »
Dont whine. Cmonkey picked people who he thought deserve to be voted for.
End of story

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