Author Topic: mandy and gaz's world conquest plan  (Read 9103 times)

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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2005, 05:57:18 pm »
NOOOOOOOOO,ZIIIIIIIIIM!How'd Mandy get the sithe anyway?


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2005, 06:01:03 pm »
she owns grim, so she can have the sith anytime she wants.


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2005, 06:07:50 pm »
Very funny, love the part where Static Shock gets killed.  However, what is with the change from story format to script format?  A 3...out of 5.



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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2005, 06:16:17 pm »
she owns grim, so she can have the sith anytime she wants.
I know but it seems like she's grabs it out of nowhere.....


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2005, 06:56:26 am »
no, she had it in the first place, how else would she put gaz into a portal?and i the reason i put it to story format, to script format, was that i was going to do it in story format(like you siad), but it would've took a little longer.


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2005, 10:40:30 am »
Great job. Keep it up!


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2005, 03:57:35 pm »
CHAPTER 3-the great plan

gaz(shows a brick wall, gaz slides down it on a rope):i'm there.

mandy:good, now like we planned...

gaz:got it.(takes one step, a spotlight goes on her)ahhhh!!!!i got caught!




gaz(runs as secuirity chase her):hang on, i have an idea, but i'll need the syche.(the sytche falls on her head)thanks, i think.(blasts the secuirity with sytche)

mandy:impressive, meet me back at the base(later at the base) well, that plan failed.

gaz:Weren't you supposed to be a mastermind?

mandy:that plan was perfectly thought out, it's just that you need to follow the instructions.

gaz:but cutting that cows head off was easier.

mandy:easier?EASIER!?there's no such thing as easier.use what, easier way, or the rightest way?

gaz:i think we got off at the wrong start...

mandy:who cares, we don't need to be plan...

gaz(shows another wall, gaz slides down that wall, zooms out to reveal that she's climbing down a barnyard):i'm-(a cows eye flahes like a flash light)

cow:your tresspassing the barnyard, leave now!

mandy:WHAT THE-that's it, no more sytche for you, just a peice of gum and stickers of billy's butt.

gaz: billy's-

mandy:go!(later at the base) you seiriously need to stop getting caught.

gaz:why don't you go on our next plan?

mandy:fine...(shows mandy climbing down the wall disguised as strong bad(don't ask))

mandy/strong bad:you crap coppers.

secuirity:yo strong bad(they both fall to the ground dead, revealing gaz behind them)

gaz:let's go.(they both walk down the hall to see robo ninja monkeys with super atomic nueclear bomb lazers and camaras)how do we pass this?

mandy:don't worry.(a cat wearing a bra comes up)

cat in bra:who wants doughnuts?(winks)

robo ninja monkeys:yar!(follow cat.the cat explodes)

mandy:go!(come up to a sheild)

gaz:how do we get past this?

mandy:it's just a hologram.(walks through sheild)there it is(points to a ball)the ball of despair.

gaz(takes it):i got it!

mandy:now gaz, be careful not to dro(a crashing sound is heard, mandy looks to the ground to see it all smashed up)

gaz:it felt hot.

mandy:err, WHY?WHY?WHY!?


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2005, 04:21:08 pm »
Great job again!


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2005, 09:38:05 am »
CHAPTER 5-bomb in the house.


billy:many!there's a bomb in the house!


billy:on my butt!

mandy:don't touch it.

billy:why?(mandy pulls it out) whoo!thanks!(throws up on her) i gotta jets.(farts so hard he flies, flies out the window, get's hit by a flieing train)

mandy:that's better.(suddenly the bomb splits into 10 peices and fly away)we have to get those bombs!

billy:i'll help!(runs down stairs.mandy goes down too, gaz goes down the hallway.)

gaz(going down the hallway, which is dark, she see's someone walk through the room):HEY!you!yeah!you!mr.transparent!get over here!(the ghost goes over to her, she kicks him in balls)

ghost(runs away crying):wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

gaz:now to find(a explosion is heard, gaz turns to see that the explosion is coming towards her)

mandy(following billy):billy.were are they?!

billy(Puckes all over mandy):yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!!!

mandy:you'd better stop that, punk.

billy:sorry mandy.(farts) i gots to go find the bathroom!(runs to the bathroom, goes on toilet, pans out to reveal a bomb under it, it explodes, billy farts, an even bigger explosion goes up)

mandy(enters bathroom):billy?(see's billy all burned up, sleeping on the floor.)well...(bomb explodes all around the house)


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2005, 05:09:09 pm »
ROFL. 10/10


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2005, 05:30:01 pm »
wait, what happend to chapter 4-attack of the mutant toielet paper?dammit!


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2005, 04:51:01 pm »
CHAPTER 6-barney.

gaz(watching t.v, mandy comes in):got the plan ready?

mandy(nods):it's ready.(suddenly, small hairballs come in and start chewing on mandys shoe)

gaz:that's your plan?(a small hairball comes and tugs on the romote)

mandy:no.just another billy mistake.

gaz:why do you blame everything on billy?

mandy:everything is usually his fault.(barney bursts in)

barney:hi!who wantsto have good family fun?

mandy:why the heck are you here?

barney:i want to play family fun!

mandy:back off, ::Dolphin Noise::!




mandy:ok, now...

barney:i know!we'll go to-(shows them in chuck e. cheeses)-chuck e. cheeses!

chuck e. cheese:yo!barney!

barney:yo!cool!(chuck e. cheese tears off a;; his skin to reveal chuckey(the evil doll one))

chucky:die!(attacks barney, shows them later in a mall, barney looks all beten up)

barney:well, that wasn't so bad, was it?cause' now we're goin' shoppin'!


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2005, 05:11:34 pm »
CHAPTER 7-barney, mandy, and gaz go shopping

barney:shopping, shopping, shopping!

mandy:i hate-

barney:don't hate!toy's will make you deel better!

gaz:she's gotta

barney:you need a ribbon!(puts a ribbon on her)now go and shop!you!

gaz:sure,(mutters) i'll bye some weapons to kill you with...

barney:now, mandy, you need fasion advise!

mandy:why the heck are you...

barney:NO TIME!(grabs her hand)

gaz(comes up with a axe behind her hand):hey, where'd barney go?errr, i'll just go find her.

barney:almost there!

mandy:that's it!(punches barney)

barney:ow!that's not nice!

mandy:yeah, i know.neither is...THIS!(startsa punching him, then pushes him through the roof, then pushes him off the roof)

barney:AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH-!!!!!(falls on ground, head is smashed up)

mandy:boy!he was a pain.

gaz:hey mandy!

mandy:hi gaz

gaz:what're you doing on the roof?

mandy:i took care of barney, what are you doing with that axe?

gaz:i was going to kill barney with it, it's usless now, throws the axe off the roof, it lands on barneys balls, mandy and gaz leave, barney get's up, eyes turn red)

barney:i'll have my day...


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mandy and gaz's world conquest plan
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2005, 05:17:54 pm »
Very funny. 9/10