Author Topic: A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)  (Read 5425 times)

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Dragon Of Grief

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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« on: December 15, 2005, 04:59:05 pm »
A Spongebob Christmas Carol

     It was Christmas Eve. There was snow on the ground as the laughter of children could be heard throughout Bikini Bottom. Everyone was hanging up the Christmas lights, getting ready for that special night. Even Squidward did a little bit of decorating. Everyone was in the Christmas spirit... well, almost everyone.

We join the crew at the Krusty Krab. Squidward is impatiently attending the cash register while Spongebob is cleaning up the diner.

“This is ridiculous! Christmas Eve and that cheap tightwad Krabs is making us work!”

Squidward was clearly upset. Spongebob as always remained optimistic.

“Cheer up Squidward! Clearly we will have Christmas off to celebrate with our families! Want to know what I am doing for Christmas?”

Squidward rolled his eyes.

“Not really... leave me alone.”

Spongebob was obviously going to tell him anyways.

“My Mom and Dad are coming over! We are going to have so much food! It will be the best Christmas EVER!!!

Just then Mr. Krabs walked out from his office.

“You boys are doing a great job! Keep it up!”

Squidward asked the impending question.

“Can we go home yet?”

Mr. Krabs laughed.

“I suppose you put in a hard day’s work.”

Squidward was in dismal.

“We have only had 2 customer ALL DAY!”

Mr. Krabs laughed again.

“Ok, ok, I guess I will see you kids first thing tomorrow morning.”

Squidward grew furious.


“Mr. Squidward, look at Spongebob he doesn’t mind working on Christmas!”

Spongebob started to giggle.

“That’s a good one Mr. Krabs! Me, work on Christmas! HILARIOUS.”

“Spongebob, I am serious.”

Spongebob was upset but managed to keep his composure.

“But... but, tomorrow is... Christmas... everyone will be at home with their... families.”

“Oh, Spongebob... either work tomorrow... or you’re FIRED! Now I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“You might as well fire me RIGHT now Krabs! I QUIT!”

Squidward stormed out of the restaurant.

“Oh, he’ll come around, Spongebob... so can I count on you?”

“S-sure Mr. Krabs...”

Spongebob walked outside the Krusty Krab broken hearted... the cheap old Crustacean gathered the cash from the cash register for the day, locked the door, and went to his office.

“Now, time too count me money!”

As Mr. Krabs starts to count his money the lights grow eerily dim. The fog envelops the room like the kind of fog you see in a dreary graveyard... the office grows very chilly as the clock strikes 9 PM. Mr. Krabs is a little freaked out by the whole thing, but is too busy counting his money. He drops a dime on the floor.

“Oops, better get that.”

As Mr. Krabs gets up to get the dime his office door is slammed open.

“Whose there?!?! Don’t mess with me! I was in the Navy!”

Mr. Krabs was horrified to see a horrible ghost. It was glowing green, and wore tattered clothes.

“Kraaaabs. Kraaaaaaabs.”

Mr. Krabs let out a squeal.

“Who- who are you?”

“Who am I? Has it really been that long... Eugene?”

“Wait, are you... my b-brother?!?!”

The ghost nodded.

“That I am matey... that I am. I am here to give you a warning... you are in for a horrible fate unless you change your evil ways.”

Mr. Krabs was skeptical.

“Yeah right... you are not even real! You died 20 years ago!”

There was a strike of lightning.

“Krabs... 3 ghosts will visit you tonight... the first one will visit you at midnight promptly, the second at 2 am, and the third at 4... good day... I only hope that these spirits convince you too change your ways... before you end up like me.”

“What do you mean like you?”

Mr. Krabs then noticed that the ghost was carrying a very heavy bag on his shoulder.

“In life I was a con artist and now I am paying for my ghastly deeds by being forced to carry around every penny I have ever made in this very heavy bag... it is too late for me... but for you there is still time...”

“But what a second, will I see you again?”

It was too late. Everything was back to normal. Mr. Krabs awoke on his desk. It was 11:59 pm... 1 minute until midnight.

“Whew, that was weird...”

The clock struck midnight and a weird feeling of ambience was in the room. A gentle kind spirit entered the office. She looked like Mr. Krab’s little sister.

“Katherine is that really... you?”

The spirit chuckled.

“No silly! I am the first spirit you will be seeing tonight! I have arrived in the spirit of someone who will make you feel at peace...”

Mr. Krabs let out a tear.

“Katherine... died of cancer when she was only 7... I remember the day she died... it was Christmas Eve. The worst Christmas of our lives.”

The girl grabbed Mr. Krab’s claw.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see, Eugene.”

They started to float... they rose above the Krusty Krab into the night.

“Woah!!! I am going to fall!”

“Don’t worry, Eugene! Hehe! You will be fine as long as you hold my hand.”

The two were flying for a good five minutes... when Mr. Krabs beheld a very distant memory before him.

“This looks like Bikini Bottom 50 years ago!”

“It is, Eugene... this is where you spent your childhood!”

They started to land towards Mr. Krab’s childhood home.

“Oh, this is were I grew up! I remember... my, Dad... he was a very bad person.”

As they landed the girl she gave him a concerned look.

“Eugene, it will be alright... these are merely shadows... they cannot hear or see us.”

There was a loud argument going on inside... Mr. Krabs and the spirit entered the house.

“Joseph, please calm down! You are scaring the kids!”

“You listen to me women, what I say goes... you will do ANYTHING I SAY!!! GOT IT!!”

The man then proceeded to deck the women upside her head. Mr. Krabs was clearly upset.

“My father was very abusive...”

“It’s ok, Eugene... remember these are only memories.”

He was starting to calm down.

“Where are we going next?”

The spirit grabbed his hand and they flew off once again. This time they stopped at a library.

“Oh, I remember... I was always busy studying business. Getting ready for the real world while other kids were outside playing in the snow.”

As he watched his young self he couldn’t help but be upset.

“Why was a such a bitter little boy?”

The spirit held his claw.

“Your father was an alcoholic... to escape the pain and sorrow in your family you made something of yourself. You never played or had fun. All you did was study all the time.”

The spirit then once again grabbed Mr. Krabs.

“We have but one more stop...”

They then stopped by to an old fashioned diner. The two walked inside.

“I remember this place! It is the Krusty Krab before I owned it!”

“Yes, it is... your grandfather owned it correct?”

They listened to the two figures talking... one was a child form of Mr. Krabs and the older man was talking to him... it was his Grandfather.

“Just think, Eugene! Someday it will all be yours!”

“You think so, grandpa?”

“I know so! You are a very smart little boy... just remember one thing. Always be generous to your customers and your employees.”

Mr. Krabs shed a tear.

“I guess I forgot that over the years.”

All the sudden fog covered the landscape... there was silence. Suddenly Mr. Krabs felt a jolt. He jumped up from hid desk. He was sweating heavily.

“Woah! What a dream... now what time is it?”

The clock said 1:57 AM.

“3 more minutes until the second spirit... what am I saying? Am I crazy? I need a bite to eat.”

Mr. Krabs went to the kitchen do cook something up for himself. He went to the freezer and the door to it slammed shut. He was stuck and couldn’t get out.

“Somebody help me!”

Mr. Krabs pushed the door with all his might... it finally swung open and there was a huge fish creature before Mr. Krabs.

“Who are you? What are you doing in here, I locked the door!”

The creature set down his staff.

“I am an ancient king... I was known for my generosity. I am the spirit of the Christmas as it is now. I am here to show you the people you have hurt this holiday season. You may call me Cole.”

“Ok, Cole... where are you taking me?”

“Lets go Eugene...”

The two walked through the restaurant.

“I am going to show you some familiar faces.”

The two where walking for no more then 5 minutes and arrived at Squidward’s house. They went inside. Squidward was sitting on a couch in the middle of his room... it was very quite.

“It’s Squidward... where is all of his stuff?”

He couldn’t afford to pay his bills anymore so he is being evicted.

“Evicted! How terrible! Maybe I should have given him that pay raise.”

The spirit showed him to the next house over. It was Spongebob’s house.

“I bet Spongebob is having a great old party!”

As they walked in Spongebob was on the phone.

“Yes, mom. I have to work... yes, I know. Mr. Krabs is very cheap but this is low for even him. Yes, yes. It is ok Mother... I am sorry. I love you too. Bye.”

Spongebob hung up the phone and walked to his room.

“I had no idea how miserable I had made these people... wait, why do you look so old?”

“I age very fast... Now come. We have one more thing to see before I depart.”

They walked for a few minutes and arrived at Mr. Krab’s mom’s house. She was crying deeply.

“Why is my mom crying?”

“You really are asking that question? She has no more family. Everyone is dead and moved away... she is alone this time of year.”

Mr. Krabs shed a tear. He looked at a clock on his mom’s wall and noticed the time said 3:58 AM.

“You’re leaving me aren’t you, Cole... Cole?”

The spirit turned around and was very old all the sudden and his staff became a cane.

“I hope you change your ways... or you will suffer for all eternity.”

The old spirit feel to the ground. As Mr. Krabs went to go to him an evil looking cloaked skeleton stood in his way.

“Are... you the final?”

The boney hand grabbed his skull with crushing force. They were instantly transported to the future. They were on a grimey sidewalk.

“Where are we?”

The ghastly monster simply pointed at a figured wearing tattered clothes and smelled rotten.

“Is that... Squidward?”

He was panhandling. He was covered with cuts and bruises. He seemed like he had gone crazy. All he did was shake his cup of change begging for money.

“This is horrible... where too now?”

The boney hand pointed behind him. It was a large mansion. They entered upon it and discovered who lived there...

“It is Spongebob! He is rich!”

A little poor boy entered into the enormous mansion... Spongebob let down his glasses.

“What what who is this?”

The little boy has starving and cold.

“Sir, please... I need some food... please... help.”

“If I gave you food then what would I have? I would have less... you poor people deserve to be poor. I learned my lesson many years ago from my former boss... Mr. Krabs... he is dead now, so I can’t thank him for opening my eyes... so get out you trash urchin.”

Mr. Krabs froze dead in his tracks. The evil cloaked figure unmasked himself... it was his father. He was pushed into a crypt shaped black hole. A feeling of cold masked Mr. Krabs. He was blind all of the sudden. Everything went silent... then he was awakened to the sound of an ambulance outside.

“What, woah what time is it?”

The clock said 7 am... as he opened his office door he saw Spongebob walk in.

“Spongebob, what are you doing here?”

Spongebob looked confused.

“You told me to come in...”

“Spongebob... go home... go home and celebrate Christmas. And... wait one second.”

Mr. Krabs opened his vault of money.

“Here is a $100 bonus. Enjoy.”

Spongebob smiled but then a look of reluctance swept over him.

“Who are you really? His brother? Because the real Mr. Krabs...”

“No no no. The real Mr. Krabs has changed, son... I saw the light. Now go home... celebrate your Christmas.”

“Aye aye sir!”

Mr. Krabs left the Krusty Krab and walked to Squidward’s house and knocked on the door.

“Oh great, what do you want?”

“Mr. Squidward... I... am sorry. I was very greedy and thoughtless. So if you would take your job back... I am willing to give you a pay raise.”

“Wow, you mean it?”

“Of course Mr. Squidward! You will be making $8.00 per hour from now on. Plus you will get a two week vacation to boot!”

“Wow, thanks a lot! I really needed that!”

Mr. Krabs then left for his house. Pearl was talking on the phone in the kitchen and hung up when she saw him.

“Daddy! You’ve been gone all night!”

“Yes, I know, I know... had a bump on the head.”

“So, are we going to Cancun for Christmas or what?”

“No, Pearly, we are going somewhere else this year...”

The two got in the car and headed for his mom’s house. He knocked on the door.

“Oh son, you came for Christmas? I thought you were going to Cancun...”

“Nope... this year... it is just you, me, and Pearly.”

Mama Krabs smiled and the family had themselves a nice quite Christmas.
I don't know how you guys will like it... it is pretty long. I know it seems pretty rushed near the end but I was getting impatient. Lol. Oh well. I tried.

Dragon Of Grief

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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2005, 03:36:37 pm »
Ok, I suppose it is a little too long hmm -_-


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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 05:26:34 pm »
I enjoyed it...
but didn't Mr. Krabs buy the Krusty Krab from a bankrupt retirement home after the war?  :cool:

Dragon Of Grief

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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2005, 07:18:32 pm »
Oops, overlooked that part... crap.


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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 08:17:18 am »
Aw man, I was going to do that story line. Oh well.


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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2006, 09:13:32 pm »
That was awesome. You are good at making stories... :laugh:


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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2006, 03:23:17 pm »
my eyes hurt from seeing too much words

same thing happens at school

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A Spongebob Christmas Carol (Contest Entry)
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2006, 04:34:32 am »
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