Author Topic: Moving Out Part 1  (Read 4962 times)

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Moving Out Part 1
« on: April 01, 2006, 04:58:36 pm »
This is my second fanifc, originaly Posted on SB
Hope you like it! Ill post my other fanfic later :)


Narator: Ah, Bikini Bottom. A city of Culture, a city of bueaty, a city of endless discovery -well, no.. not really. but it is a city of good food, all thanks to the Krusty Krab. But what would happen if the krusty Krab was not there? Well, you are about to find out.

Patrick walks into KK (Krusty Krab)
Patrick: Goog morning Krusty Crew!

Spongebob: Patrick! you're here! I'm off in a few minutes. Just talk to squidward for now.

Patrick walks to squidward

Patrick: Hi Squidward. Want to here a story?

Squidward: Go away patrick

Patrick: But its really good! listen! Once apon a time, there was a fish, and he ate a turkey, and he died! Funny, huh?

Squidward gets this really mellow face
Squid: want to know what is really funny? YOU GOING AWAY!

Patrick: I don't get it.

A toruist walks up to Squidward.

Toursit: Hi, Im from treasure cove city, and I -

Mr Krabs bursts open from his office

Krabs: TREASURE COVE CITY?!?! Isnt that the city full of rich people??

Tourist: Sorta? Anyways, Im in town for the day, and I wanted to have the best food in town. I can get that here right? A Crabby Burger, or something like that?

Sponge: a Krabby Pattie. enjoy! *Spongebob hands him a pattie*

Tourist: *Takes a bite* WOW! this is good. thanks! I wish we had this in our town. our food stinks!!

Ten men in suits burst open, and line up as if waiting for a king to approch
A mayor approches

Tourist: Mayor? what are you doing here?

Mayor: Hello voter, and possibly future voters, I am here to talk to Mr Krabs.

Krabs: Present.

Mayor: Krabs, show me to your offer, i have a proposition for you, that you will not want to pass by.

They walk to Krabs' office.
They sit down

Mayor: Our town is known for its bad food. i have had enough of it. I -
Patrick burts through the door.

Patrick: Mr Krabs! i just ate super hot sauce! HELP HELP HELP!

Mr Krabs: got a dollar?

patrick: yes

Patrick gives krabs the dollar. Krabs hand patrick some water.

Krabs: there, now get lost!

Patrick: Ok

Mayor: Anyways, I want you to move to Treasure cove city. i will be willing to pay you very generously.

Krabs: Like?

mayor: A million dollars

Krabs laughs

Krabs: I make that in a month!

Mayor: I am not giving you a choise Krabs. *Body guards crack their nuckles*

Krabs Gulps.

Krabs: Perhaps... we can make an agreement then...
Mayor smiles evily

-----------------------> Commercial <--------------------------

SOO.. Like it so far?
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 08:49:35 am by Teddi »


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Moving Out Part 1
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2006, 08:54:05 pm »
lmao, yeah patrick is a frickin idiot.


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Moving Out Part 1
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 08:50:17 am »
Lol, yeah. wanted to have a bit of funny in it :D Ill add more later on today.


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Moving Out Part 1
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 12:54:18 pm »
dude, that's a pretty sick story line you got there, keep enhancing.


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Moving Out Part 1
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 12:48:12 pm »
Sick as in the good sick, or the bad sick?


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Moving Out Part 1
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 05:30:48 pm »
I like it.  It's really good and spongey.