Author Topic: Wii Launch Titles  (Read 6219 times)

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Offline Roger

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Re: Wii Launch Titles
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2006, 07:20:28 pm »
SM Sunshine was okay.  Definitely not Mario 64 good.  Hopefully Mario Galaxy is like Mario 64.

Wormy Lives#33;

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Re: Wii Launch Titles
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2006, 05:24:57 pm »
SMS was kickin. I loved it.


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Re: Wii Launch Titles
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2006, 11:02:32 pm »
SMS wasn't all that great of a game, it wasn't hard enough. The water pack idea was actually pretty good, and I don't know why some people hated it. Though it makes mario's jumps awfully to over powered, and Bowser Jr was retarded, he just ran around like a twat all day. The game was still fun though.

I'll add on to why I said Super Mario Galaxy doesn't look all that fun to me.. Hope they change the worlds around a bit so you can visit planets or something in space, not just random atmoshpere in space. Oh. And its star based once again =p The idea itself is just plain stupid, seems a little tough to control the game (I've seen a IGN viedo of how it will be played and some of the moves) It could take a little time to get used to. But seeing as it is a mario game, I probably will just play it for the heck of it.

I'm not sure that I will buy the new Zelda game. Zelda is a great game and everything, but I just haven't really gotten into any of the Zelda games. A Link to the Past Is Far worse than OOT. Just saying.

I will get The new Super Smash Brothers at one point, it's...super smash brothers. I can't really say much.. but.. The game needs Dixie Kong. Srsly.

I wont be getting Metriod Prime 3.

...Mabye I could get Super Monkey Ball..
I hope the monkeys puke in those things from rolling enough, so they drown aftertime.

"TWILIGHT PRINCESS=COLD GLASS OF PWNAGE! ZELDA=GREATEST GAMES EVER! Getting the cube version, though. I hope this is as good as Ocarina of Time."

Eh. Just Look at what I said about Zelda before.

There's also a DUCK hunt coming out for the Wii. Which is just really not needed =p. But since I don't have the old one anymore I probably WILL buy it. Not quite sure if its a launch title though.