Author Topic: I'mkrab  (Read 3538 times)

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« on: November 19, 2004, 10:05:24 pm »
This is my second fanfic on here. It's called I'mKrab
This is just part one. It should only have two or three parts, though. The name's supposed to be a parody of the stock Martha Steward illegally sold or whatever, I'mClone........ Yah... I'm not good with titles.... But here it is.

I'mKrab[/size] Part one
[size=8]By BiggerSquarierSpongier[/size]

Narrator: Today we stray from the familiar location of Bikini Bottom, to a place less well-known.... Big Bottom:
A place where whales and manatees are abundant; and we are surrounded by buildings and skyscrapers galore.
          Today Mr. Krabs, the founder of the very successful chain of restaraunts known as "The Krusty Krabs 1 and 2",
is here on an official business meeting with his faithful employee, SpongeBob SquarePants.

(Large building is shown, goes inside and shows Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob sitting on a bench; SpongeBob swinging his legs back and forth.)

SB: When's the meeting gonna start, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. K: I don't know, boy...... But I wish they'd hurry.....I'm gettin' nervous.
SB: Don't worry Mr. Krabs, the Krusty Krab is great! They won't do anything bad to it.
Mr. K: It's not that...... It's leavin' Squidward in charge of the restaraunt for a week that worries me.....
SB: Don't worry, sir, he'll do fine!
Mr. K: I don't know.... Squidward tends to not pay attention...... GREAT BARRIER REEF! WHAT IF HE GIVES BACK TOO MUCH CHANGE?!
SB: He'll be fine. Squidward is the most genius guy I know!

(At Krusty Krab)

Squid: That'll be $4.50.
Customer: All I got's a twenty.
Squid: Here you go; here's $32.78 back. Fulfill my dreams for me and have a nice day.
Customer: Uh... I think you gave me the wrong amount of change.
Customer: Yah..... You were supposed to give me another ten dollars.
Squid: Oh. That's very honest of you, sir. Here you go. Come again!


Mr. K: I wish they'd hurry up, I haven't got all day.
SB: Hey, here comes a guy.

(Manatee guy walks toward them)

TT: Hello, my name is Timothy. But my friends call me "Tiny Tim." But you can call me "Timothy."
Mr. K: Hello, Timothy..... So, uh.... What's this meeting about?
TT: Well, Krabs, it's about the stock in your company.
Mr. K: Stocks? My company doesn't sell stocks.
TT: Oh, doesn't it? Last Tuesday, a large amount of stock was purchased from Krusty Krab Inc. For $912 dollars per share, and the following Saturday it was declared fake.
Mr. K: What?......How could that happen, I-?........PLANKTON!
TT: Excuse me?
Mr. K: My archenemy. It's obviously one of his tricks to steal me secret formula. But it's not gonna work, ye little barnacle!
TT: What did you call me?
Mr. K: Actually, I was referring to Plankton.
TT: Oh.
Mr. K: Come on, SpongeBob, we've got us a bone to pick with a dirty rotten criminal.

(Mr. Krabs drives back to Bikini Bottom and goes straight to the Chum Bucket.)

Mr. K: Alright, Plankton, wha'd you do?
Plankton: Pardon?
Mr. K: I know what you're up to! You're selling fake stock to get me in trouble!
Plankton: What in Davey Jones' locker are you talking about, Krabs?! I've been watching Green Acres all weekend like a good boy, and you come in here and say that I'm plotting against you? (sniff... sniff....) I feel insulted!
Mr. K: I have a feeling you spend most of your time feeling insulted, Plankton.
Mr. K: I'll be watching you, punk....


A Cheese Company Production



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« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2004, 06:13:16 pm »
Since everyone HATED part one so much, here's part 2. Don't worry, it ends in this one.

I’m Krab Part 2
By BiggerSquarierSpongier

Narrator: Last time, Mr. Krabs had been accused of selling fake stock for an incredibly high price. Then he blamed Plankton, and Plankton denied it. So now he’s at the Krusty Krab thinking.

SB: So how’d he do it, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. K: He didn’t admit to it. I guess I can’t really prove he did it, but who else could sell fake stock from our restaurant? I mean, you and Squidward are the only ones with access to our stocks, and….. wait a minute……. MR. SQUIDWARD!!!!
SB: Calm your waters, Mr. Krabs! Why would Squidward do a thing like that?!
Mr. K: Why do you think he’s always mad at you?
SB: Discipline?
Mr. K: No, boy. It’s because he’s been tryin’ to sell the fake stock for years!
SB: He has?
Mr. K: O’ course he has! But you’re always around him! He knows that you’d tell me if you caught him sellin’ fake stock!
Mr. K: Aye! And once we left to go to Big Bottom, he sold all of it!
Mr. K: Let’s go interregate him!

(Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob hurry over to Squidward’s house and knock on the door.)

Mr. K: Alright, Squidward, how’d ya do it?
Squid: What?
SB: We know what you’ve been up to, Tentacles!
Squid: SpongeBob, what are you talking about?
SB: You can’t fool us! You sold a bunch of fake storks while we were gone and you’re always mad at me because
once we went to Big Bottom, we stole all of it!
Squid: Huh?
Mr. K: Let me handle this, SpongeBob.
You can’t fool us! You sold a bunch of fake stocks while we were gone! You’ve always wanted to sell that stock. In fact, that’s the reason you hate SpongeBob; you are always trying to sell it, but you know that if SpongeBob caught you he’d turn you in! But then we left to go to Big Bottom, and once we left you sold all of it!
(SpongeBob claps his hands)

Squid: Are you crazy? I didn’t do anything of the sort!
Mr. K: Oh yah? Plankton didn’t do it, so it must have been you!
Squid: Despite all the shocking evidence you’ve gathered, I can honestly say I don’t know what the barnacle you’re talking about.
Mr. K: Don’t try to deny it! You sold that stock!

(Phone rings)

Squid: Hello? Yah, hold on a second. Mr. Krabs, it’s for you.
Mr. K: Are you a telemarketer?
TT: No, it’s me, Tiny Tim. I’m calling because I got the meetings switched around. It was Weenie Hut Jr. who sold the fake stock. Your meeting was to discuss your taxes. I’m afraid we’ll have to increase them 25%-
Mr. K: WHAT?!!!! No flippin’ way! You ain’t increasing my taxes! If you do I’ll keel haul ya!

(Slams phone down on receiver.)

Mr. K: I’m sorry, Squidward. Is there anything I can do to make it up to ya?
Squid: Fire SpongeBob?
Mr. K: No.
Squid: Give me a raise?
Mr. K: No.
Squid: Vacation time?
Mr. K: No.
Squid: Weekends off?
Mr. K: No.
Squid: Employee discounts if I’m ever desperate enough to eat there?
Mr. K: No.
Squid: Well, then, I guess there’s no way top make it up to me.
Mr. K: Good. Now get back to the Krusty Krab, We’ve got money to make!


A Cheese Company Production.