Author Topic: Make a Story  (Read 9140 times)

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Offline Fink

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Make a Story
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2005, 11:19:45 pm »
There was once a little frog who tried to cross a road. It almost got to the other side, but was eaten by a chicken. THAT'S why the chicken crossed the road. FIN.


Do chickens eat frogs? Oh well.


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Make a Story
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2005, 07:25:15 am »
Fin is so better than the end.


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Make a Story
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2005, 07:34:59 am »
Once long ago there was a story named LETTERS IS A EXAM all over the title and in it,I Got a A,B got a B,Z got a C,T got a D,AND F GOT A RACECAR.It then said,"Darn I want to be F!!"
After 5 pages,it said,"do you see nick names(AB,BZ,CT,DF,A RACECAR)?"
Then P came and said I am your Father.
All letters beat up P
Until a car came and ran them all over.

Oh no!!said the car.Oh Tardersause!!
Spongebob and Timmy came and said,"HOLY CRAP!!!"
A police man came and arrested them.....
Until another car came and ran them over!!
Patrick said,"Whyyyyyyyyyy(Start Crying)
Then Y came and said ,"You called?"
MM and BB came and said,"I HAVE A NEXTAIL!!!!!"
X said,so my name is in it!."
Then the directers of,"The Real World" came and said,"Is this New York?"
I came and said,"NO!!"
Then evere one start singing "Goffy Gobbler ROCK!"
Later Danny came and said,"I am tired of saing "Going Ghost!"
Then a Page of the book was tore out.
How uncool is that?
The book then said,"Close Me Now!!"
I said,"NO!!"
The book said,(In a nice voice)ok
At the end,the book said.........


I was then sucked into the book.



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Make a Story
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2005, 04:28:56 am »
Once upon a time was once upon a time, which instantly makes it World History which makes all these stories suck.


ha thats a good story  :rolleyes:


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Make a Story
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2005, 06:09:38 am »
Once long ago there was a story named LETTERS IS A EXAM all over the title and in it,I Got a A,B got a B,Z got a C,T got a D,AND F GOT A RACECAR.It then said,"Darn I want to be F!!"
After 5 pages,it said,"do you see nick names(AB,BZ,CT,DF,A RACECAR)?"
Then P came and said I am your Father.
All letters beat up P
Until a car came and ran them all over.

Oh no!!said the car.Oh Tardersause!!
Spongebob and Timmy came and said,"HOLY CRAP!!!"
A police man came and arrested them.....
Until another car came and ran them over!!
Patrick said,"Whyyyyyyyyyy(Start Crying)
Then Y came and said ,"You called?"
MM and BB came and said,"I HAVE A NEXTAIL!!!!!"
X said,so my name is in it!."
Then the directers of,"The Real World" came and said,"Is this New York?"
I came and said,"NO!!"
Then evere one start singing "Goffy Gobbler ROCK!"
Later Danny came and said,"I am tired of saing "Going Ghost!"
Then a Page of the book was tore out.
How uncool is that?
The book then said,"Close Me Now!!"
I said,"NO!!"
The book said,(In a nice voice)ok
At the end,the book said.........


I was then sucked into the book.

I came out of the book because I was hungry.
I found another book! :laugh:
Its called a good FIN or THE END :mf_w00t2:
I read it....


All it say is FIN & The End was fighting.
And Fin wins..

NOOOOOO!! :ph34r:
Thin it said FIN.
Oh-oh.I better........
(Sucked in book)

I should not read books
« Last Edit: October 08, 2005, 06:11:43 am by Groundon2.0 »


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Make a Story
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2005, 11:30:08 am »
Her mother said,"Don't eat with your fingers"
"Okay" said Ridiculous Rose, so she ate with her toes.

The Fin


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« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2005, 05:43:28 am »
Unce apon a time....I'm bored.

THE END.  :tongue:


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Make a Story
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2005, 03:16:36 pm »
Can someone rate my stories?

Once apon of time it was the best of times it was the warse of times.
Fend(lol fin mixed with the end).


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Make a Story
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2005, 05:26:27 pm »
It was a sunny day and the Y married D and had X,
Mr.A murderd Mr.B because he followed him everywhere,
C and 6 kidnapped X, and took him bowling.
F, Q, and S blew up the fire station,
T tried to stop them, but but flew away to china instead.
Y noticed X was missing, so her and G set out to find him.
F and Q ditched S,
C ran away from 6,
and 6 tied up X and left him on some train tracks.
S tripped over X and landed in a giant rubber hot dog.
E was playing hopscotch on the railroad tracks, found X, and set him F.R.E.E.
M and N got drunk and got eaten by Santa Clause.
U had a ear infection, and blew up.
C got hypnotized by a giant rubber hot dog.
6 got ran over by the car G and Y was riding in.
E ate cheese.
Y gave up on finding X, ditched her husband, D, and married G.
Y got pregnent again and had three E's.
F and Q set D's house on fire.
F escaped, but got eaten by a shark.
F and Q Stole C's toast while he wasn't looking.
C get's un-hypnotized (because of the toast) and get's in a fight to get it back.
F and Q blows up everyone (even themselves).
The only one's who survived were C, H, E, E, S, and E.
C, H, E, E, S, and E all lived for 10 years until Santa Clause ate them up.
Santa and The Tooth Fairy got into a big fight.
Santa tries to gain our respect by giving us gifts made by hius robot elves to gain our respect, then turn us into an army to destroy The Tooth Fairy!
The Tooth Fairy collects teeth to build it into a super, giant, weapon of destruction to destroy Santa!
And that, boy's and girl's, is why Santa gives us presents, and why The Tooth Fairy collects teeth.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2005, 06:02:20 pm by patrick12q »


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« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2005, 06:13:06 pm »
Once there was a wee lad who hated the town mascot's home land. So one of his peers shot the crud out of him and everyone hugged and kissed and



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Make a Story
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2005, 06:15:13 pm »
There once was a man name foulpattie, but everybody called him "The Supreme Overlord". This man was so well loved that every morning he would awake to gifts on his front porch. One morning he found a whitle with a note attached to it. The note read: "Blow this whistle at the top of the hill." So he did exactly what it said and nothing happened. He began to walk back to his house when...out of the sky...a rainbow winged dragon appeared. The dragon landed right in front of him and said,
"My name is Preston."
Bewildered foulpattie answered,
"Who would ever name a dragon Preston? You look more like an Arnold to me."
The dragon told foulpattie to jump onto his back and he would take him to a magical world of...magic.
So, he did and they flew around for several hours until foulpattie realized that they would never make it. Foulpattie became terrified but moments later all his fears ceased to exist. He gazed into the clouds and out came...Han and Chewbacca in the Millenium Falcon! The dragon became furrious and so the epic battle began! Suddenly the dragon was shot and foulpattie fell off. Later that day his body layed in a city street. He hears the words:
"Supreme that you?"
He began to regain consiousness(sp?) and came to believe that he was back in his house. BUT NO! He stood up and saw crowds of people running in terror. He hears the voice again and spots Spider-Man's arch nemesis "VENOM". He expected Spider-Man to save him from Venom's wrath but instead he was saved by Catwoman (halle berry version of course). Venom chased Catwoman down and ate her. Fearing the same fate foulpattie defended himself with his trusty stick. It broke. Then when Venom was going for the kill he is beamed up to the enterprize. Foulpattie seeks out Albert Einstein and the work on theroies for many hours. Who could be behind it they asked? After tedious hours of examining the evidence they came to a conclusion. The man behind it all is none other than WILLIAM SHATNER! It was so obvious. They discovered that Shatner had attained the power of the universe and that he did it because foulpattie stole his lunch money in first grade. It was revenge. Foulpattie felt that the best way to stop his madness was to have a thumbwrestling match...TO THE DEATH! He and Shatner decided to meet in an empty rest room. After hours of strategy and sweat, a winner was decided. Foulpattie was the winner! They compromised, if foulpattie would give him his lunch money then Shatner would restore his world. And so he did. Foulpattie went back to his normal life and Shatner went back to Boston Legal.



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« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2005, 06:15:33 pm »
I double posted. Wh00pS
« Last Edit: October 21, 2005, 06:18:11 pm by foulpattie »


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« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2005, 09:23:44 am »
Once upon a time there was a boy who ate fire. He died.

But that's what happens when you eat fire. You die.


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Make a Story
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2006, 07:49:29 pm »
One apon a was a time that stoped this post!

The End


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« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2006, 04:03:20 pm »
One time,there was this guy,whose name was jerry(well,that wasn't his real
 name,but you don't have to know that).So,jerry went to the supermarket and
 bought 3 slices of bread.He didn't buy a loaf because he was scared to.So,he ran  
into a bald man named Klem(with a capital c)who was scared of beetles.So,the  beetleman left because he's cool like that.

The moral of the story is:"Helinski,Finland has dirty public toilets"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Exclamation point!

read between the lines.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 10:49:48 am by yorgyschmorgy »