Author Topic: Mac Vs. Pc  (Read 345903 times)

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Offline Compwhiz128

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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1155 on: July 31, 2009, 04:33:08 pm »

Too often I become very extremist in this particular debate so this is just a fair warning before you read.


I am still shocked that people are defending this left behind OS, including myself at one point.  Most of the time its just common sense when it comes to deciphering which ones better, majority of people who switch to mac, know that its just better.  Its common sense man!

Since I dont know where to start, I will start with some of the Mac myths that people still bring up....

The first one in line is the myth that Mac users are dumb, that there the dummies of the computer world...

Lets have a look at this video...

What happened when windows 98 shipped?

We all knew what happened when windows 98 shipped.

Pc's were built by poor hardware manufauers... <<another happy alienware customer.

For smart people...

While Apple hardware was built by geniuses for dummies..

Most of the time, Mac users from what I have seen are too busy doing VFX, commercials, and film to the point where they cannot deal with obstacles of hardware problems, or even issues within the OS.

I guess I can make the arrogant statement, that if you were somewhat smart, you would have left Windows a long time ago, because you'd realize how horrible it really is.

Next up is the saying that mac hardware is overpriced.

Now What one is saying is that If I have a Pc and Mac that are identical, the PC should cost significantly less...

Well lets compare the Mac pro to the Dell precision workstation T5500.

Mac Pro $2,500

Dell $3,486

Get the idea?

Then with this comes the argument where one manages to find a PC that costs likely a hundred bucks less...and its then where I counter argue the extra costs, the category, plus aesthetics...

Next is Games...

Look pal, macs do game.  You want more games, bootcamp it.

Market share?

just because more people drive hondas doesn't mean the quality is that of a ferrari in terms of interior design, performance etc.

The Argument of user error?

How does the OS handle user error?

If I eject a removable drive while data is being read from it, do I get a "please insert disk" or does the machine lock up and say some cryptic error message that an average user cant decipher.

When a virus attempts to compromise my system folder, does it automaticly do it? or does  a window pop-up requesting me to enter my password out of the blue?

To be continued...

There is no such thing as peace and there never will be. Peace is a delusion believed by the weak. Gandhi said : "An eye of an eye would leave the whole world blind". So be it because only a blind world can experience the peace that it deserves. But there in lay the sick irony. Who will be able to see this peace? The human species is at war. The enemy walks among us nearly invisible. Only those with true discernment can see them. But only one with discernment and vision can show them to others

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1156 on: August 01, 2009, 06:52:02 pm »
mac sucks


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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1157 on: August 01, 2009, 06:53:19 pm » into an inescapable vortex of fail.

mac wins.  :P

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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1158 on: August 01, 2009, 06:54:13 pm »
lulz @ macs being 2000 and still people complain about it when they use it

Offline Compwhiz128

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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1159 on: August 03, 2009, 04:34:04 pm »
lulz @ macs being 2000 and still people complain about it when they use it

lulz @ 600 mac mini

and lulz @ similar mac pro pc costing $3,486
There is no such thing as peace and there never will be. Peace is a delusion believed by the weak. Gandhi said : "An eye of an eye would leave the whole world blind". So be it because only a blind world can experience the peace that it deserves. But there in lay the sick irony. Who will be able to see this peace? The human species is at war. The enemy walks among us nearly invisible. Only those with true discernment can see them. But only one with discernment and vision can show them to others

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1160 on: August 05, 2009, 06:48:01 pm »
people still complain about macs. Doesn't matter cost or size. They're suppose to be impenetrable or something. <__<


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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1161 on: March 11, 2010, 11:38:40 pm »
Generally people looking either like PC or mac depending upon what functions are useful to them. In some aspects PCs are better and in some aspects Macs are better. I personally prefer macs- not ONLY because it looks good but it has a lot more functions than a PC does and it boots up faster AND it hardly ever crashes. Macs are just better at this than PCs. There is a reason Mac sales are growing -- serious computer users appreciate how Macs "just work."

Offline ssj4gogita4

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Re: Mac Vs. Pc
« Reply #1162 on: March 12, 2010, 07:58:47 pm »
PCs hardly ever crash if you actually know how to use one. Stupid people crash PCs.