Author Topic: The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War  (Read 43981 times)

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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #90 on: September 19, 2003, 04:32:24 pm »
Here is another chunk of Chap 7. 260 words. Chap 7 should be between 800-1000 words long.  

French Narrator: 1 hour later.
*Rock Bottom army comes in*
Plankton: They’re back! WAIT! What happened?
Dude: To much food
*entire army passes out*
Plankton: Nooooooooooooo!
Karen: Plankton there is a enemy plane approaching
Plankton: I’ve got a plan!
*Pulls out uranium bomb*
Plankton: I’ll leave this hear and find a new base in Rock Bottom. Lets get out of here Karen.
*Tries to push Karen out*
Plankton: Urg ugh errrrrr. God your so heavy.
Karen: I guess I should lay off the Krabby pattys.
Plankton: Wha- I’m not even going to ask.
Karen: Put me on a disk.
Plankton: Ok. ………..done
Plankton: Hahahahah *throws disk in trash can*
*plankton leaves the chumbucket*

Patrick: *spits out food* This plane food is awful!  
Squidward: Don’t insult my food or I’ll throw you off the plane.
Fred: Hurray I get to say something! Oh wait what was my line *pulls paper out of pocket* oh yeah
Fred: Shut up *throws pie*
Patrick: PIE FIGHT!!!!  
Spongebob: Whipped cream!
*Shoots whipped cream at squid*
*They all start throwing pies and toppings*  
Pilot: This is your pilot speaking I’m interrupting your pie fight to tell you the chumbucket is two miles away
French Narrator: Two miles later
Mr. Krabs: Shoot it!!!!
*Fires at Chumbucket*
Mr. Krabs: Uh-Oh
*Explosion engulfs the plane*
THE END……………………………………………….. Not really
Pilot: Were gonna crash  
*Plane Crashes*

Plankton: Lets see where should my HQ be.
*Reads sign*
Plankton: ?  
*Walks in*
Plankton: I’m not sure Which bathroom it is but it looks empty


Super Ry

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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #91 on: September 19, 2003, 04:35:36 pm »
HUM, I'd say you a good job private.


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #92 on: September 19, 2003, 05:14:02 pm »
Some more people should be posting here. There are tons of people who havn't read my fanfic yet

Dragon Of Grief

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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #93 on: September 19, 2003, 08:56:11 pm »
Not to bad. Nice job :happy:  


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2003, 05:05:03 pm »
Thanks guys. It's almost finished


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2003, 08:20:27 pm »
Why don't ppl come here anymore???????????? Well anyways I submitted my fanfic to cmonkey for the RPG storyline and I know today was the deadline so I guess we'll find out tomarrow if it'll become a game.  

Super Ry

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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #96 on: September 28, 2003, 04:04:26 pm »
Uh, I don't know.


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #97 on: September 29, 2003, 03:07:42 pm »
neither do I. It is kinda confuesing that ppl don't come here anymore. Mayb we can get some new peeps in here. come on guys read it please you'll like it.


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #98 on: September 30, 2003, 03:30:01 pm »
ok so mayb people won't read my fanfic because they chapter are all mixed up and they have to search for them. serch no longer here are all the chapters in one post.

    Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War  
            Chapter 1  

Plankton: Karen, I just don’t get it. Why can’t I steal a krabby patty?
Karen: Maybe its just because your stupid.  
Plankton: What did you say you idiotic machine!
Karen: Whoops. I mean you need help. Get some help.
Plankton: Yes Yes  Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss!

Mr. Krabs: You boys better be more careful. Plankton is getting closer and closer.
*Looks over at door and plankton is there*
Mr. Krabs: Holy Crap!
*Mama Krabs comes in and gives him a slap then leaves*
*Plankton comes in with his eyes have open and wearing a leather jacket he’s also holding a boom box*
Boom box: Be boo boo boo bop boo boo bop bop be bop boo *Electric guitar*
*music stops*  
Boom box: Who let the dogs out who who who who let the dogs out who whoo whooooo whooooooooooo let the dogs out whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
*Mr krabs presses the stop button*
Spongebob: What the burned patty is a dog Mr. Krabs?
*Fred comes in*
Fred: Hey everyone lets go to the shell shack they have a talking dog!


Fred: Hey everyone look, it’s the talking dog!
*Dog eating everyone*
Crowd: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Run for your lives it’s going to kill us all.

Chapter 2 is coming soon………    

               Chapter 2
Spongebob: Whoah. That was scary
Mr. Krabs: Another reason not to play on the hooks lad.
Mr. Krabs: What are you doing here Plankton?
Plankton: I’m here to order a krabby patty.
Mr. Krabs: Arrg. Plankton that may have been the worst krabby patty theft attempt I’ve ever seen.
Plankton: I’m not here to steal I’m here to buy.
Mr. Krabs: Spongebob may I see you in the kitchen..
*Walks away*
Mr. Krabs: What is he trying to do? I never thought the little green jellybean would want to buy a patty.
Spongebob: What should I do mr. Krabs?
Mr. Krabs: Don’t give him one. Go out and talk to him, I’ve got a phone call to make.
*walks away*
*spongebob walks to plankton*
Spongebob: So….. uh Plankton. *Awkward silence*
Plankton: Ya wanna listen to music.
Spongebob: Yeah sure!
Plankton: Lets see what songs are on today, oh I love this song
Boom Box: I like big butts and I cannot lie. Your….
*Spongebob looking at plankton all weird*
Spongebob: Lets find a song we both like.


*Picks up Phone and dials*
Mr. Krabs: Hello is this Patrick.
Mario: Okay man I get ya. That’s one large pizza with extra extra cheese, k man.
Mr. Krabs: No No I’m not ordering.
Mario: Dude I like can’t understand you.
Mr. Krabs: Okay*winks* Like man can you like tell me what Patrick stars phone number is uh dude.
Mario: Oh Patrick he’s my best costumer. His number is 135-427, oh and you like might have to call twice. *whispers* He’s got mental disabilities.
Mr. Krabs: Okay I’ll be careful
*Hangs up phone*
Mr. Krabs: Like I didn’t already know.
Mr. Krabs: Okay 135-427
Patrick: Hey Mario, is My pizza there. I’ll be getting another one soon though cuz im hungry. *Drools*
Mr. Krabs: No this is Mr. Krabs from the Krusty Krab.
Patrick: Since when does the krusty krab have the same phone number as pizza palace.
Mr. Krabs: Patrick, I wish I could slap you!
Mr. Krabs: Quick Patrick, I need you to come to the Krusty Krab.
Patrick: Why is my pizza there? I’m not going any where till I get my pizza.
Mr. Krabs: Its here at the Krusty Krab.
Mr. Krabs: Come get it. Patrick you still there? Pat?
Mr. Krabs: He’ll be here in no time.  


Spongebob and Plankton: It’s the pain with one more kill, the last one to fight will never sacrifice there will.

Mr. Krabs: Stop singing that song that’s in another episode.
Spongebob: So that episode is really cool.
Spongebob: It’s hilarious when Squidward is like
*Squidward comes in and makes the same shocked face*
Mr. Krabs: Hey Squidward why aren’t you in this fanfic more.
Squidward: I’ll be in more later.
Mr. Krabs: And why aren’t you making me money?
*Squidward leaves*
 Steven Hillenburg: CUT! That’s not in the script boys. Your making it sound like it should be on a website.
Mr. Krabs: Give us more money then we’ll perform.
Steven Hillenburg: Lets see I got ten… twnty… fifty…. One-hundred…..
French Narrator: 20 minutes later
Steven Hillenburg: Now split it up between ya…… there, done
Steven Hillenburg: ACTION!  

               Chapter 3

Mr. Krabs: So as I was saying. You want to order a krabby patty.
Plankton: That’s right.
Mr. Krabs: Um sorry, no can do
Plankton: Huh? Why?
Mr. Krabs: Because it’s fat person night. The next fat person that walks in gets a kraby patty.
*Really super fat fish walks in*
Mr. Krabs: Arrrg! Get out of here!
*Pushes him out the door*  
Mr. Krabs: I forgot to mention, uhhhh you have to be chubby and pink.
*Patrick comes in*
Mr. Krabs: Patrick what took so long?
Patrick: I stopped at pizza palace to see if my pizza was there.
Plankton: Idiot
Patrick: So where is my pizza? Huh?
Mr. Krabs: there is no pizza stupid.
Mr. Krabs: But you do get to eat kraby pattys.
Patrick: Oh boy
Mr. Krabs: Spongebob Make all the kraby pattys as fast as you can and give them all to Patrick .
*Spongebob goes to the kitchen and starts making pattys like unbelievable*
*Patrick catches them in his mouth*  
*After 500 pattys he stops and Patrick collapses*
Spongebob: Noooooooooo(in slow motion)
Patrick:I don’t feel to good
*Patrick turns all purple*
*He then starts running around like a mad man*
French Narrator: 5 minutes later
Patrick: Ahhhhhhhhhh ghisdghsfhghg
*continues to run around in circles*  
*Then Patrick stops running but still purple and then got really puffed up like a balloon  and then farted like unbelievable! The fart knocks out a wall in the krusty krab flipping boats and then the fart cloud starts to move towards squidwards house*

*Squid getting a tan*
Squidward: Ah today has been great. No work. No Spongebob. No…… everything that makes my life miserable.  
*Sees fart cloud*
Squidward: What the….
Squidward: Good grief. I’m doomed
*The fart cloud engulfs Squidward*
*Then the cloud rises to the sky and continues its path of destruction*


*Lots of bubbles*
Patrick: Ah that’s better  
Plankton: Urrrrrrrrrr now I’m mad krabs. I just wanted a patty you ding dong, and look
*Takes out 100 dollar bill*
Mr. Krabs: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
*Mr. Krabs melts*
Plankton: Now I’m going to destroy you all!
Mr. Krabs Spongebob Patrick: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Plankton: You’ll see I’m going to make an army and destroy you.
Mr. Krabs: No one in Bikini Bottom likes you
Plankton: Oh there are some, and who says my army has to be from bikini bottom.
Plankton: Muuhahahahhah
*he leaves*


*Manray is wearing a dress and looking in the mirror*
Manray: Hm I think I like the pink better than the purple because it matches the purse.
*Phone rings*
Manray: Hello Vicky yeah I think I like the pink better to.
Plankton: What? This is Plankton.
Manray: Uh whoops sorry that was um uh the tv.
Plankton: Whatever, now I need your help manray. I need you to help me build an army to destroy everyone who is in my way of the patty formula.
Manray: Cool. Sure I’ll help you collage buddy.
Plankton: Great now I have to catch our other collage buddies.


*The Dirty bubble is playing patty cake with the atomic flounder*
Dirty Bubble Atomic Flounder: Patty cake patty cake bakers man bake me a cake and
*Phone rings*
Dirty Bubble: Hello
Plankton: This is Plankton and I’m wondering if you could join me in a war with mr. Krabs.
Dirty Bubble: I hate him sure lets destroy him and I’ll bring Atomic Flounder along too
Plankton: Great I’ll meat you all at the Chumbucket 11:00 PM Tuesday.


Plankton: Okay boys the war starts tonight. First we attack a not so important building in Bikini Bottom. This is just to get Mr. Krabs frightened and then we kick his butt to the moon.
Plankton: So let the war begin!


                  Chapter 4

*Plankton, Manray, dirty bubble and the atomic flounder sneaking around*
Plankton: Okay boys destroy it! *echo*
*Manray starts punching the wall like crazy*
*The Atomic Flounder shoots an energy blast at the building burning it*  
Plankton: Now Dirty bubble take it up and drop it
*The dirty bubble picks up the building and then drops it letting it hit the ground and then exploding*  
Plankton: Okay lets get out of here quick.
*run away*


Guy Random fish: Oh what a great vacation honey
Woman Random Fish: Oh geez our house
Guy Random Fish: It’s those freaking neighbors
*Runs over to neighbors house and knocks on the door*
*Old man answers door*
Old man: Howdy young people
Guy random Fish: Eat this old man
*Sticks his hand in old mans mouth and pulls out his tongue and ties it to a poll*
Old Man: Young people I’m stuck help me


*Watching news*
Realistic fish head: It was here that it all began the evil Manray, dirty bubble and the Atomic Flounder attacked. Why they attacked? The cause is unknown but an amateur cameraman was able to capture this image. If you know anything about this incident please call 500-I saw this incident and now I’m calling to report what I saw
Mr. Krabs: Spongebob it’s Plankton he is attacking. We have to fight him or he’ll get the patty formula
Spongebob: But we don’t have an army
Mr. Krabs: Spongebob I was in the army I’ll find one. Come on spongebob we got to draft an army.


Spongebob: Alright troops who ever is willing to join the army of Bikini Bottom please say I.
*Cricket chirps*
Mr. Krabs: This how you do it Spongebob
Mr. Krabs: Okay chumps this how you do it. If  I say your in meat me at the Krust Krab, and if you don’t listen I’ll sew you for all you got.  
Mr. Krabs: Okay you’re in your in…  
French Narrator: 3 minutes later Okay that should be enough


Mr. Krabs: okay there are 10 of you so we’ll go down the line and you say your name.
Mrs. Puff
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Mr. Krabs: And me I am the Captain. Now Weapons
Mr. Krabs:
Fred= Ketchup Bottle
Tom=Mustard Bottle
Mrs. Puff=Muddy Shovel
Flats= Fists
Mermaid Man= Water ball, Small ray, Raging whirlpool and summon fish thing
Barnacle Boy= Water ball, Raging whirlpool and summon fish thing
Mr. Krabs: And I get my fish head sword
*Group cheer*
Spongebob: Mr. Krabs what about me?
Mr. Krabs: You boy get the golden spatula
Mr. Krabs: Alright team lets get them  


Mr. Krabs: Okay this is it the Chumbucket. Now Patrick, Squidward, Mrs. Puff, me and Spongebob will lead an attack inside. When you hear the conch signal, attack. Okay lets go.
Mr. Krabs: Okay lets go in quietly.


*Big belch*
Plankton: That Mr. Krabs is such a fool.
Manray: Yeah*Chugging a Dr. Kelp* Ah *belch*
Plankton: Karen make us a snack
*Holographic Barnacle Chips*
Mr. Krabs: Arrg.
*Mr. Krabs come in*
*Plankton spits out soda*    
Plankton: What!
Mr. Krabs: Attack!
Plankton: Go getm guys
*Spongebob hits The Atomic flounder*
*Mr. Krabs gets in a sword fight with mannray*
Mrs. Puff: Die you dirty bubble
*Throws shovel at bubble and it pops*
*Patrick comes up behind the atomic flounder and hits him with the pot and atomic flounder passes out*
*They all gang up on manray*
*He gets hit with a pot then whacked with a spatula and a shovel*
Mr. Krabs: Back to Davey Jones locker.
*Slashes manray across the chest and then Squidward comes in for the kill*
Squidward: Take this!
*Starts to play horrible music on his clarinet*
Manray: Ah the pain
*Manray starts to slam his head against the floor*
Plankton: Its so terrible I need to get outa here
*Runs out the door and Mr. Krabs sees*
*He blows the counch signal*
Plankton: Ahhhhh ketchup
*Gets hit with ketchup*
Plankton: Its too much
*He gets socked by flats*
*They all take turns beating up on him and finally box him in a corner*
Plankton: I’ve had enough of you!  
Plankton: Sheeah ka zing
*But this time it really worked and he disappeared*

                  Chapter 5


Plankton: Oh this stinks. No really it stinks in here. I need to work on that magic trick. Last time I appeared in a bowl of hot soup. Well anyways I have to get to Rock Bottom and get out of here.
*Fat fish walks in and sits on the seat*
Plankton: No wait!
Plankton: Wow its dark in here.
French Narrator: 10 minutes later
Plankton: Man what is wrong with this guy
*Guy outside the door*
Random fish: Come on hurry up!
Plankton: I’m outta here, Sheeah Ka Zing *disappear*  
*Smoke starts coming out of the toilet*
Random Fish: Come on! *Smoke goes up his nose*
Random Fish: Oh geez! I’m outta here.


Plankton: Oh man. I really need to work on that magic trick. Sheeah Ka Zing


Random Fish: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Get out of my shower.
Plankton: Sorry. Sheeah Ka Zing


Cow: Moooooooooooooooooooo
Plankton: Tartar Sauce, Sheeah Ka Zing


Plankton: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
*Hits ground*
Plankton: Ouch! Wait I’m here, Rock Bottom.
*Plankton walks up to a local*
Plankton: Um excuse me.
Dude: Hi *Spit* what do you*Spit* want *Spit*
Plankton: I’ll *Spit* tell you *Spit* all *Spit*
Plankton: There is a *Spit* town called Bikini Bottom *Spit* Join me to destroy them *Spit*
Dude: Why should we *Spit* destroy them*Spit*
Plankton: if you don’t *Spit* They will destroy you *Spit*
Crowd: Okay *Spit*
Plankton: Bring your weapons *Spit* and vehicles *Spit* its just over um uh 90 degree angle*Spit* go figure *Spit*  


Group: Wooooo-hooooo
Mr. Krabs: We did it boys we beat him
Mr. Krabs: Free Pattys for everyone. Well mayb 30% off.  
Squidward: Hey I have a joke. What is dumb and ugly at the same time?
*Everyone looks at Patrick*
Squidward: Plankton, hahhahahahah
*Awkward silence*
*Cricket chirps*
Spongebob: Whatever


Plankton: Okay *Spit* we’re here*spit*
Dude: Commander Plankton *spit* Were in fire ring range of the Krusty Krab *spit*
Plankton: Fire at will *spit*
*Big tanks prepare to fire*
Plankton: Fire*spit*
*Tanks fire rapidly at the the Krusty Krab and it explodes*

Chapter 6 coming soon……..

                  Chapter 6


Dude: Target Destroyed *Spit*
Plankton: Excellent *Spit*
Plankton: Look for survivors *Spit*
*They start searching*
French Narrator: 5.5 minutes later
Dark Figure 1: I cant believe this guy thinks were from Rock Bottom
Dark Figure 2: Shhhh just keep quiet and search for Spongebob and the others.
Dude: Hahahahahahah. *Spit* Look a giant *spit* pile of *spit* bubble gum *spit*
Dark Figure 1: huh?
*Leaps in the air and hits the dude*
*they all look at the dark figure in a dark cloak identical to the other one*
Insane guy: gliiiiig gliiig *long spit*
Insane guy: yaaaaah yaaaah it’s the dark spirit *long spit*  they’ll never take me *long spit*
Crowd: Shut up *group spit*  
Insane Guy: Yaaaaaaaah Yaaaaaaaaaah yulleg yulleg *long spit*
*the two Dark Figures take of their cloaks and reveal that they are just Larry and Sandy*
*They start beating the crap out of the insane guy*
Sandy: Take that!
Larry: Hey anyone got some teeth whitener?
Group: Huh? *spit*
Larry: Whatever lets get em’ Sandy
*They both start beating up everyone*
Sandy: That’s about it!
Larry: Hey Sandy I found them!
Spongebob:  Ouch!
Larry: Is everyone okay?
Patrick: Yeah but hungry  
*Mr. Krabs gets up*
Mr. Krabs: Get him!
*points to plankton*
*The entire army makes a desperate attack at the army from Rock Bottom*
Spongebob: Charge!!!!!!
*The Rock Bottom Army takes out their swords of death*
Plankton: Gee this is like The Lord Of The Rings.
Patrick: Ah *falls to ground*
Enemy Fish: DIE! *spit*  
*Patrick farts and kills the guy*
Plankton: Fire!
*Tank shoots Fred in the head*
Fred: Ouch!
Flats: Hey I finally get to say something! I’m gonna kick your butt um I mean chapter 7 is coming soon and it will be the longest and hopefully the best so see ya!
Dude: DIE!
*Chops off flats head*  

                  Chapter 7


French Narrator: As the battle rages on it seems that our Friends are struggling to stay alive.

Mr. Krabs: There are to many of them we’ll never defeat them.
Plankton: Get out the Guns and fire
*The entire Rock Bottom army fires at them*
Mr. Krabs: Oh no Spongebob this looks like the end.
Spongebob: No I won’t let them win, never! (Slow motion)  
*Spongebob desperately starts to make a Krabby Patty*
Mr. Krabs: What are you doing?
*Spongebob whispers in Krabs ear*
Mr. Krabs: Oh Ok
French Narrator: 2.5 seconds later
Spongebob: Done
Mr. Krabs: Why did you make 2?
Patrick: My Krabby Patty senses are tingling. *Sees patty*  
*opens mouth and sucks up the Patty like a vacuum*
Mr. Krabs: Oh
Spongebob: Hey Plankton I have a Fresh Krabby Patty here
Plankton: Get that patty!
*the entire army starts to go after the Patty*
Mr. Krabs: Its working! Spongebob stage 2!
Spongebob: Okay.
*he jumps into a boat*
Spongebob: okay I can do this, don’t floor it. *starts to sweat*
*Mrs. Puff sees him*
Mrs. Puff: Spongebob don’t floor it! Nooooooo
Squidward: Hey Spongebob……… Floor it!
Spongebob: Okay floor it!
*Drives away*
Squidward: Hahahahahahahaha  
Mrs. Puff: Noooo! Why did you do that? Wait! That means he’s gone! Whipppeeee!
Flats: Oh tarter sauce where’s my head at?
*Little kids find head*
Kyle: Hey mike we can play with this
Mike: Alright!
*Lots of little kids come*
Mike: Oh golly gee we only have 11 players.
Patrick: Hmmm.
French Narrator: A few picks and a few minutes later.
Patrick: Down set Blue 42 set hut!
*Pads poping*
Plankton: These people are so unintelligent, god that’s corny. It is a perfect time to make my getaway. Sheeah Ka Zing!  
French Narrator: 2 hours later
Patrick: oh man I got the crap beat outa me.
Mr. Krabs: Army of Bikini Bottom, Plankton has made his getaway. Follow me.

Mr. Krabs: We almost got killed out there boys, and poor flats is still looking for his head.
*Flashes to scene outside in the dark*
Flats: Oh man wheres my head
*Flashes back to krabs*
Mr. Krabs: Were going to need some help.
Spongebob: FLOOR IT!  
*Crashes through wall of building*
Spongebob: FLOOR IT! FLOOR IT!
Mr. Krabs: Spongebob, calm down.
Spongebob: FLOOR IT! Floor it. Wait! Ok I’m fine now.
Mr. Krabs: Urg, well anyways a plane is going to come and take us to Rock Bottom while our spies are already on their way there.

Gary: Meow
Snellie: Meeeowww
*Gary points to glove world*
Snellie: Shakes head


Squidward: Mr. Krabs, the plane is coming in.
Spongebob: Red alert man your stations!
Mr. Krabs: oh no it’s the Rock Bottom army! Quick on the plane!
*The armies start having a battle*
Sandy:  Die! Evil!
*Sandy takes on the whole army and byes enough time for the entire bikini bottom army to get to the plane*
Spongebob: Come on Sandy!
*Sandy gets on the plane and it takes off*
Dude: Wait don’t shoot,*spit*  I have an idea*spit*  
Dude:  ROBB THEIR FRIDGE! *spit*
*the start piging out*
Dude: gliiggglggl yum
Dude: EAT ALL THE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spit*
Crowd: YEAH! *spit*
Dude: Yaaahahahah!!!!!
*the house turns into a mad house*

PLANKTON: I hope the Bikini Bottom army doesn’t find me in Rock Bottom. And my army should be back by now but there not.  
French Narrator: 1 hour later.
*Rock Bottom army comes in*
Plankton: They’re back! WAIT! What happened?
Dude: To much food
*entire army passes out*
Plankton: Nooooooooooooo!
Karen: Plankton there is a enemy plane approaching
Plankton: I’ve got a plan!
*Pulls out uranium bomb*
Plankton: I’ll leave this hear and find a new base in Rock Bottom. Lets get out of here Karen.
*Tries to push Karen out*
Plankton: Urg ugh errrrrr. God your so heavy.
Karen: I guess I should lay off the Krabby pattys.
Plankton: Wha- I’m not even going to ask.
Karen: Put me on a disk.
Plankton: Ok. ………..done
Plankton: Hahahahah *throws disk in trash can*
*plankton leaves the chumbucket*

Patrick: *spits out food* This plane food is awful!  
Squidward: Don’t insult my food or I’ll throw you off the plane.
Fred: Hurray I get to say something! Oh wait what was my line *pulls paper out of pocket* oh yeah
Fred: Shut up *throws pie*
Patrick: PIE FIGHT!!!!  
Spongebob: Whipped cream!
*Shoots whipped cream at squid*
*They all start throwing pies and toppings*  
Pilot: This is your pilot speaking I’m interrupting your pie fight to tell you the chumbucket is two miles away
French Narrator: Two miles later
Mr. Krabs: Shoot it!!!!
*Fires at Chumbucket*
Mr. Krabs: Uh-Oh
*Explosion engulfs the plane*
THE END……………………………………………….. Not really
Pilot: Were gonna crash  
*Plane Crashes*

Plankton: Lets see where should my HQ be.
*Reads sign*
Plankton: ?  
*Walks in*
Plankton: I’m not sure Which bathroom it is but it looks empty
Plankton: Yes I will establish a base here
Plankton: I will use my ultimate weapon, The spatula of Atlantis. The weapon I stole there that gave the gods power. Now until the Bikini Bottom freaks get here I shall drink a coke. *sips coke*
*Dudes walk in*
Weird fish: Coke? *spit*
 *They start singing*
Guys: “Coke sucks it really really sucks”!
*Plankton takes out Spatula of Atlantis*
Plankton: Turn to lemons!
*They turn into lemons*
Plankton: Haha


Spongebob: Ouch!
Mr. Krabs: It was a trap!! Now we have no way of finding Plankton!!!!
*Army very dissapointed*
*Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Theme song comes on*
Mermaid Man: Need a lift.



  • Guest
The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #99 on: September 30, 2003, 04:09:18 pm »
Foulpattie you are a good writer. :original:  


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #100 on: September 30, 2003, 04:15:53 pm »
whoa more people came here! thanks a lot lets get more people to post here!!! i'm so happy i'm gonna do a little dance!!  


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2003, 05:20:06 am »
This is the Best fanfic i ever saw!  :original:  


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #102 on: October 01, 2003, 03:03:54 pm »
Wow great fanfic

Super Ry

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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #103 on: October 01, 2003, 03:14:06 pm »
Yea, great fan fic. Now Sammy, about your lazyness, I'd be really if you started working on your episodes,  :angry: OR ELSE!


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The Bikini Bottom Rock Bottom War
« Reply #104 on: October 01, 2003, 04:15:32 pm »
Or else what?