Author Topic: Richard Nixon Was A Great President.  (Read 4399 times)

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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« on: November 28, 2004, 04:00:59 pm »
Don't let that Liberal propaganda hide the truth.  He was a great President.  That Watergate thing wasn't a big deal at all--politicians used to do that all the time, break in to get documents of their rivals.  The Media made the great man out to be a monster.  My mother met Nixon during his campiagn and shook his hand 3 times.  She was one of thousands there.  Bill Clinton did the same thing.  How come he isn't as hated as Nixon?  Clinton lied to the American people.  But what Clinton lied about was a much bigger deal!  But he accomplished alot:
Nixon was the only President born in Yorba Linda, California on January 9, 1913.

He once worked at a game booth at the Slippery Gulch Rodeo.

Richard Nixon: seventh cousin twice removed of William Taft, eighth cousin once removed of Herbert Hoover

Richard Nixon was one of two Presidents who was a Quaker.

In the Navy during World War II, Nixon's bunkmates taught him to play poker. He became such as dedicated player that he once turned down a chance to have dinner with Charles Lindbergh when it conflicted with a game. He also won a great deal of money and used his winnings partially to finance his first congressional campaign.

He was a Republican.

He was Vice President under Dwight Eisenhower.

Speaking to reporters about his health, Nixon once claimed that he had never had a headache during his whole life.

During the funeral of French president Georges Pompidou, Nixon declared: "This is a great day for France."

He was elected to two terms. (1968 and 1972)

He was the first president to visit all 50 states and the first to visit China. He also met with Emperor Hirohito in Anchorage, Alaska, which was the first-ever meeting of a U.S. President and a Japanese monarch.

On July 21, 1969, Nixon talked to astronauts on the moon from the White House by radio-telephone.

He was President during the War in Vietnam.

Nixon was the first U.S. President to attend a regular season National Football League game while in office.

He had a pet cocker spaniel named Checkers.

Nixon was known to have a fire in the fire place at the same time he had the air Conditioner on in the office.

Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon's Vice President, resigned in 1973 to avoid criminal prosecution.

Nixon was the only president who resigned.

He broke with tradition and established a private library in Yorba Linda, California. The Presidential Papers Act of 1978 which decreed that Presidents don't own their papers was not enacted until after Nixon left office.

Dick Nixon died in New York City on April 22, 1994. He was 81.



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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2004, 04:03:07 pm »
Yes, politicians used to do that all the time. But because everyone does it, DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT?


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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2004, 07:05:40 pm »
He didn't deserve what he got.


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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2004, 07:18:07 pm »
He didn't deserve what he got.
It was a coward's method. It was in poor class. And to be blunt, it was wrong. Would you cheat to get what you want?


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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2004, 06:02:32 am »
he won by a landslide anyway.

Gideon Brown

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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2004, 06:47:46 am »
Yeah, he won by a landslide. That's proof he was better than Bush at least.


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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2004, 08:02:02 pm »
It was a coward's method. It was in poor class. And to be blunt, it was wrong. Would you cheat to get what you want?
He wasn't cheating, he was making sure that someone didn't screw him over like Kennedy had. Kennedy cheated to win his election with the help of the mob. There were numerous graveyards full of Kennedy voters and a lot of changed votes. I really don't blame Nixon for what he did, i'd be paranoid, too


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Richard Nixon Was A Great President.
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2004, 07:05:02 pm »
EXACTLY!  It's been proven that the Mafia stole the election from Nixon in 1960.  There is proof that they were involved in the election, but not the assasination.