Cmonkey's guide to chatting on #spongebob: Part 1 Its all you need to know to be an IRCer, sort of. The underlying technology of it is IRC, or Internet Relay Chat. Its been used for a long time by a lot of people for a good reason. Its quick, easy, and fun. When you click on the link, It'll ask you for a username, enter whatever you want. Then click login. It'll then connect to the server (could take a few seconds depending on how many people are on it). You'll automatically join the channel (fancy talk for a chat room), which is #spongebob. You'll see something similar to this: *** SZVisit7 [~45000885@] has joined #spongebob
This says you joined the channel On the right side of the screen is the list of users on the
channel. The first few people on the list have a colored @ to the left of
thier name (called a nick in IRC). That means they are the operators (commonly
called ops) of the channel. They have the power to kick, ban, op, voice, deop
and devoice people as well as changing the topic and channel modes. The people
after that have a colored + to the left of the nick. That means they have
voice. They don't have any real power. The rest of the people are plain old
users. Don't ask to be oped or voiced, we'll do it when we think its a good
idea. *** mode/#SpongeBob [-o SpongeBot] by cmonkey -o means deop. The final lesson in IRC is about bots. Bots are programs that
are setup to manage the channel. They hold and protect it, sort of like some
kind of army, only not really an army since its a program :-p. There are about
9 or 10 bots in the channel at all times. Most are just sitting there, but
some are actually doing stuff. One does weather (like some kind of weather
forcaster, only not because its a program :-p. To get the weather for your
zipcode type .wz 11111 [whatever your zipcode is] in the channel.), one keeps
stats, and one of them even does games like hangman and trivia. Thats right,
you can play trivia against other people, its loads of fun!. Be nice to the
bots, and they will be nice to you (I learned that lesson, Compbrain ;-) One closing remark: IRC is loads of fun, but don't let it take over your life. Go outside, breathe the fresh air, and eat some pizza. Legal Crap: Email me at Cmonkey@SpongeZone.net © 2002-2010 Nirav Patel |