Cmonkey's guide to chatting on #spongebob: Part 2 All you need to become an IRC guru. Channels can be set to certain modes. The channel modes that
you might end up seeing: ( youll see a message like: +t or -t : If the channel is set to -t, anyone, even
a regular user, can change the topic of the channel. Don't count on this happening.
Its on +t 99.9% of the time, so only ops can change the topic. Another importat lesson is about kicks and bans. Hopefully,
you never actually have to experience one (unless you're a naughy little boy
or girl) Only ops can ban or kick. Underneath the user list on the right side of the page is a box with a dropdown arrow. The three choices in the box are query, whois, and kick. Choose query and double-click on someones nick in the userlist. It will open up a query, or private message, with that person. You can then talk to someone without having anyone else see it. The second choice in the box is whois. When you choose that and then double-click on someone, it will whois them. Click on the status button on the top of the page, and you will see a whois entry for the person. The entry lists some info about them, like thier server and what channels they are on. What if you accidently signed on as SZVisit38 instead of your usual PoOpDoG03? Instead of closing the chat and starting it again, you can use /nick name . In this case it would be /nick PoOpDoG03 . You've pretty much become a master of CGI:IRC (the chat program that's used on my website), Congrats! But wait just a second, theres still whole lot to be learned about IRC. The only way to go futher is to use an external, non-web-based, IRC program. My personal favorite is mIRC, which can be downloaded from mirc.com . The next part of the guide will be on how to use mIRC. Legal Crap: Email me at Cmonkey@SpongeZone.net © 2002-2010 Nirav Patel |