Author Topic: Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.  (Read 10567 times)

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Elizabeth Rose

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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2004, 06:59:27 pm »
Neither is the slaughter of an old man who is supposedly "in the way", or a cancer patient that "is selfish for continuing to live and bother her family", or an infirm old lady in a nursing home who is "no longer convenient".
Do you believe that all cases of euthanasia are like this? I agree with euthanasia if the person is 100% brain dead, but still breathing. I also believe in euthanasia when it is the dying person's wish. How can you say no to someone who is terminally ill, with no possible recovery? "No, I won't kill you because God wants you to suffer horrible pain that not even I can imagine?" I don't think so.
You don't get it. If euthanasia is legalized then the government will get to decide whether or not you are worth saving. They'll decide whether you live or die when you become ill. They will have control over your life. That's not freedom.

Offline SizzlinSean

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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2004, 07:05:07 pm »
Still no mention of Capital Punishment. Captial Punishment is the same thing. You're killing a person. It is a life that God made, no matter how much the Devil tempted this person to trail off the path. If you agree with Capital Punishment, well, that, in my opinion is worse than abortion. Why do I think this? Because Canada has one very famous case about a young 14 year old boy convicted of murder and was going to be hanged. But luckily we got rid of Capital Punishment before he was hung, because guess what; he was innocent.
Capital punishment is totally different than Abortion. Capital punishment is applied to someone who has commited a crime. It doesn't matter how much the devil tempted that person, he made the decision himself. A baby doesn't have a choice. He didn't even do anything wrong. You can't compare the two.


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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2004, 07:07:43 pm »
Wow, that sounds a lot funnier than ours. The senators running here are just plain ANNOYING. They run attack ads CONSTANTLY. The other day I was watching the news, and a commercial Brad Carson made said that he would not air any more attack ads on the other candidates (...Coburn) and then right after the commercial you see an attack ad that Brad Carson made himself against Tom was pretty funny, actually.
Well it just got funnier, the old dude won x.x

Gideon Brown

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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2004, 07:09:33 pm »
This poem will be long, but I'd like you to read makes sense of what I, as a very patriotic Canadian, think of Capital Punishment

By: Pierre Berton

In Goderich town
The Sun abates
December is coming
And everyone waits:
In a small, dark room
On a small, hard bed
Lies a small, pale boy
Who is not quite dead.

The cell is lonely
The cell is cold
October is young
But the boy is old;
Too old to cringe
And too old to cry
Though young --
But never too young to die.

It's true enough
That we cannot brag
Of a national anthem
Or a national flag
And though our Vision
Is still in doubt
At last we've something to boast about:
We've a national law
In the name of the Queen
To hang a child
Who is just fourteen.

The law is clear:
It says we must
And in this country
The law is just
Sing heigh! Sing ho!
For justice blind
Makes no distinction
Of any kind;
Makes no allowances for sex or years,
A judge's feelings, a mother's tears;
Makes no allowances for age or youth
Just eye for eye and tooth for tooth
Tooth for tooth and eye for eye:
A child does murder
A child must die.

Don't fret ... don't worry ...
No need to cry
We'll only pretend he's going to die;
We're going to reprieve him
Bye and bye.

We're going to reprieve him
(We always do),
But it wouldn't be fair
If we told him, too
So we'll keep the secret
As long as we can
And hope that he'll take it
Like a man.

And when we've told him
It's just "pretend"
And he won't be strung
At a noose's end,
We'll send him away
And, like as not
Put him in prison
And let him rot.

The jury said "mercy"
And we agree --
O, merciful jury:
You and me.

Oh death can come
And death can go
Some deaths are sudden
And some are slow;
In a small cold cell
In October mild
Death comes each day
To a frightened child.

So muffle the drums and beat them slow,
Mute the strings and play them low,
Sing a lament and sing it well,
But not for the boy in the cold, dark cell,
Not for the parents, trembling-lipped,
Not for the judge who followed the script;
Save your prayers for the righteous ghouls
In that Higher Court who write the rules
For judge and jury and hangman too:
The Court composed of me and you.

In Goderich town
The trees turn red
The limbs go bare
As their leave are bled
And the days tick by
As the sky turns lead
For the small, scared boy
On the small, stark bed
A fourteen-year-old
Who is not quite dead.

Now....there's the here's my question...why should this 14 yr old die for a murder HE DID NOT COMMIT? That's right. He DID NOT commit murder. So if he HAD died....and THEN the evidence that was buried was found, what would you think then? Would his death still be justifiable? Would it? Please explain how an innocent man should be brought to death. And why a kid who was just 14 could be brought to death because he was the last eye witness to see the victim.
Mind you this happened a long time ago. Steven Truscott spent 11 years of his life in prison for a murder he did not commit. But thankfully, it was 11 years, and not death.  
« Last Edit: November 02, 2004, 07:10:35 pm by Charliez Fallen Angel »


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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2004, 07:19:39 pm »
Plus I think this is ridiculous though to put this however, since many of us are too young to vote.  


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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2004, 06:12:04 pm »
I find it almost insulting for CFA to say I contradict myself by being pro-war.  That is the biggest crop of BS since, well, anything John History ever said.  War is nescessary to defend ones country from evil Stalins and Hitlers that put people in ovens and cook them.  Like Hitler did to the Jews.  And after Pearl Harbor.  You don't think war is necessary?  An Anti-War person like John Kerry, like all Liberal Democrats, thinks war is not nessecasry.  The death penalty.  The CHURCH itself, not to drag religion into this, it has NOTHING to do with this, used to execute people all the time.  When people commit murder the death penalty is there because they are dangerous and need to go.  They can't live with what they did.  THe have no remorse.  Executing and abortions are as diffrent as Bush and Kerry.  And don't say what if hes innocent 99% of the time he really is that serial killer or rapist that will stike again.  My religion is not against the death penalty.

Gideon Brown

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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2004, 07:34:20 pm »
I find it almost insulting for CFA to say I contradict myself by being pro-war.  That is the biggest crop of BS since, well, anything John History ever said.  War is nescessary to defend ones country from evil Stalins and Hitlers that put people in ovens and cook them.  Like Hitler did to the Jews.  And after Pearl Harbor.  You don't think war is necessary?  An Anti-War person like John Kerry, like all Liberal Democrats, thinks war is not nessecasry.  The death penalty.  The CHURCH itself, not to drag religion into this, it has NOTHING to do with this, used to execute people all the time.  When people commit murder the death penalty is there because they are dangerous and need to go.  They can't live with what they did.  THe have no remorse.  Executing and abortions are as diffrent as Bush and Kerry.  And don't say what if hes innocent 99% of the time he really is that serial killer or rapist that will stike again.  My religion is not against the death penalty.
MSP you aren't listening. this guy WAS innocent. The police decided to point blame on a 14 yr old kid without looking at other suspects...and this was at an armed forces base where there were HUNDREDS of men, many with cases of sexual assault. HE WAS AND STILL IS INNOCENT.  He never killed Lynne Harper. They police wanted to end the case quickly, and took other teens accounts of what happened that night seriously, while ignoring the account of an ADULT proving that Steven couldnt have killed her. Case closed. The judicial government IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. and if Truscott had been hanged, HIS DEATH WOULD NOT BE JUSTIFIABLE. The man who actually killed Harper ended up assaulting more women, and with a sense of guilt ended up in an insane asylum. Why guilt? Because he murdered someone.


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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2004, 07:48:52 pm »
This is the United States of America, and there are never any one put to death on false charges.  You have to be 100%.  And murderes have no remorse.  People can find fingerprints, blood on the clothes, etc. OJ...that was a freak thing, and I'm not allowed to say how it happend for fear of what might happen to me.

Gideon Brown

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Things To Consider When Voting Tommorow.
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2004, 07:51:30 pm »
*rolls eyes* of America is SOOOO much more advanced than Canada. Right. Like no one is ever wrongfully convicted in the US. You need some serious help if you think that. Evidence can be left untouched if someone has their heart set on someone being the culprit of a crime.