Author Topic: OUCH!  (Read 6225 times)

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« on: May 25, 2005, 01:48:16 am »
Well I was just wondering what some of your painful experiances were. This is due to the fact I cant walk because of leg pains. Here is the story:

I was riding my mare whos only been under saddle maybe six times out on a trail ride because its good for them to get out and used to new things. Well shes got it in her head logs arent too wonderful. She refuses to step over them. I was going to push the issue since it was her first time out with a rider, but a log came up that we couldnt get around. So I ask her to walk over it. She said no. She eventually put one foot over, then freaked out and reared straight up. Well we didnt excatly stay up, because we went over backwards together into the fence. Actually we landed on the fence post, causing it to snap in half. She scrambled to get up and stepped on my leg with her full body weight, then decided to rear again when she realised she was ontop of me. I got out from under her fairly quick, and then she decided to wander on home. Same horse broke a lady's finger because dirt bikers spooked her.

So, what are some of your painful experiances?

Offline Chongster

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« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2005, 02:11:20 am »
Ooh tht soundsso painfull, my sitr used to ride horses, she never had anything like that happen though. I hope you werent injured too bad.

I actually havent had anything that painfull happen to me, oh no wait, i did slam my head into the corner of a slate window sill when i was 10!! my own fault too, i was riding down a hill on my bike on holiday once, and i knew full well one of my brakes didnt work, so i was relying on the other one. I had just bought sweets from the sweet shop and it was big bag, and that bag was in teh hand on the side which had the working breaks, and because my hand was full, i couldnt squeze the breaks, so here i am tearing town the hill being too stubborn to let go of thems sweets, i wanted them, and at the bottom of the hill i could have either gone down a few steps and into a swimming pool that was there, or, go into a wall with a slate window sill sticking out, i chose the wall, i didnt really think, obviously now i think i should have taken the swimming pool. But, oh well, anyway, i remember coming round after about 20 mins of being unconcious, and it hurt so bad. Its just funny thought when i think about it now, me being so selfish and stubborn over some stupid sweets that it made me crash into a wall.

Ive not had anything really bad hapen to me other than that really.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2005, 02:11:38 am by chongster »


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« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2005, 02:18:04 am »
Both sound really painful.

I had a really nasty experience when I was sleeping in a top bunk in a campervan while people were driving and the driver had to pull out quickly. I then rolled right off and hit the table below with my face then rolled onto the floor lying there. I lost 3 and a half teeth, I'm just glad they were all baby teeth...

We all learnt our lesson that day.

Offline Thomas

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« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2005, 05:09:50 am »
Other then when I was falling down the stairs (see 'most embarassing family incident' topic) the other most painful thing ever to happen to me...hmmm...has to be me running into a door and falling flat onto solid concrete, then tumbling down a small hill of concrete...I gots some scars from it...nasty ones.
My arms and one of my legs is practicly dead now, they move and stuff, but they don't feel anymore pain.
Been banged around too much I s'pose.
Cloud Killed Aerith! Sephiroth knocked her out and then Cloud drowned her!!!

I am Transgender. My old name was Sarah, it is now Tom. Sorry about the confusion.

Elizabeth Rose

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« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2005, 12:53:33 pm »
I was dancing pointe and my big toenails came undone towards the base and now they are black. I can barely go on pointe and I have a recital next week. Joy. The worst thing is that it's not one of those excrutiating pains, but one of those horrible, annoying ones that may be tiny, but is ever so persistant. I don't even want to walk because of it.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2005, 12:54:33 pm by Elizabeth Rose »

Kenny Blankenship

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« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2005, 02:05:50 pm »
One thing that comes to mind that has happened recently isn't really as painful as some of your examples, but dang annoying.  I have a history of abusing my toes in every way imaginable, mostly by running them into something.  It happens quite profusely.  Well, over these past few days, I've somehow managed to not only injure a toe every day, but the same dang one each and every time.  Stings like heck every time...

Offline Roger

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« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2005, 02:26:44 pm »
I've broken my left little finger 4 times.  I cracked a bone in my left elbow once, broke my left big toe, my right middle toe, sprained both my ankles a few times, and pulled a groin muscle.  Only one of them was non-football related, that was the elbow crack.  Oh and I also had a concussion.  The headaches from that were worse than all those other pains combined.

And once when I was little I fell off the front porch and slapped my head on a concrete stepping stone.  I still have the scar from it.

Elizabeth Rose

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« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2005, 02:52:31 pm »
This is not something that happened to me, but hearing about other people's toes reminded me.

I know not one, but TWO dancers that have danced in horrid conditions. The first, one of my teachers, had a competition once when she was 21 or so, and had sprained her ankle really badly a few days before competition. What did she do? She doped up on a ton of pain killers and danced anyway.

I know another girl, who is a student with me, and she actually danced with a BROKEN foot last year! She didn't realize it was broken, and just kept going and going, until pointe was so excrutiating the teacher noticed and insisted she sit down and go to the doctor. Now, I have a high pain tolerance, but oh gosh, how can you dance with a broken foot?

Offline SizzlinSean

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« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 04:17:56 pm »
Some kid clubbed me in the head with a baseball bat once. I don't really think it did any pemanant damggeererffrs.

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« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2005, 04:29:38 pm »
Now, I have a high pain tolerance, but oh gosh, how can you dance with a broken foot?

That would seem pretty hard to do.  

Also, I have broken my left wrist.  I played football for a month with it broken.  I just got it taped up before practice and games and went on.  But dancing on a broken foot seems harder, considering that's what matters most in dancing.

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« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2005, 05:10:36 pm »
Ran into the corner of the wall. Got 7 stictches on middle of 4 head.

And, yesterday:

I was riding my bike, and I was going pretty fast, and i had to make a real shharp turn, and I bent my handle bar bacvk to much, it twisted the front wheel, andI fell. The two spiked petals jabbed into my knee, and I brused my thy pretty bad. My wrist hurt for a few hours. It has been hard to walk today.


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« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2005, 05:50:03 pm »
Some kid clubbed me in the head with a baseball bat once. I don't really think it did any pemanant damggeererffrs.

Some kid at my school hit me over the head with a board towards the begining of the school year. We use to spit tooth and nails at eachother but are now decent friends... odd how that worked out.

Ooh tht soundsso painfull, my sitr used to ride horses, she never had anything like that happen though. I hope you werent injured too bad.

Im fine, except walking with a limp and a slight hunch. I will be perfectly back to normal within a couple of days, according to my stubornness.


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« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2005, 09:31:23 pm »
All these experiences sound so horrid, I feel sorry for all you guys.
My worst one was up the page a bit but I thought I'd say a few more:

When I was 6, I was going down a slide when I fell off (Don't ask why) and broke my leg which wasn't very nice - I still actually remember that time...
And then just after my leg had fully healed, I slipped on a piece of paper and somehow broke my other leg. At least that time wasn't as bad.

And just last year, a friend dared me pogo-stick down some steps and knowing stupid me, I did it and broke my ankle in 3 places.

I really have no luck...

Elizabeth Rose

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« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2005, 09:55:43 am »
One last dance related pain story: Last fall I sprained my ankle very badly in jazz when I landed out of a jump wrong. I could barely walk for a week. Then Nutcracker rehearsals began, and yes, I put on those pointe shoes and danced anyway for a while. Oh my gosh that hurt so badly. It wasn't too long though before my teacher figured it out and literally made me take them off. :laugh:

Sheldon J. Plankton

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« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2005, 12:09:04 pm »
Nothing that's happend recently but I used to scrape myself on roads all the time, that was really painful.

Now if you named this thread "Your Little Sisters Painful Expierences", that would be another story...