Author Topic: PSP Reviewed.  (Read 4478 times)

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PSP Reviewed.
« on: March 25, 2005, 09:21:38 am »
S'right, fools, yesterday I picked up my PlayStation Portable. In the box was the system itself, a sweet "soft case" to store it in, a battery pack with charger, a sampler disc with video clips of several launch titles (as well as lots of movie trailers and songs, to show what the PSP can really do), a 32 MB Memory Stick (more than enough to store game saves and such), a set of headphones (these were pretty crappy), a carry strap (I decided to rebel and use my DS strap for this), and "Spider Man 2" on the UMD format.  

For my launch titles, I went with the three that looked the most promising (to me) on the system. And I'm thrilled with all three of them.

The one I wanted most was WipEout Pure, which I was able to get for free. (NOTE: If you want to buy a PSP, do it at EB Games, where you can trade in three old GameCube, PS2, or Xbox games! It's a great deal.) I love fast-moving games, and this one is fantastic to play. It's far superior to the F-Zero games in many ways, one being that you get weapons in this game. This is definitely the best game for the PSP (so far).

Next up was Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade. Now, let it be known that RPGs have never been my favorite genre. In fact, I really do dislike the Final Fantasy games. But something shouted to me to get this game NOW. And so I did. I'm glad I listen to myself, because this game is friggin' fun as heck. There's so much to do, and each dungeon is completely different from the other. All the hacking and slashing you do is top notch.

The one that I was kinda nervous about was Metal gear Acid (rather, Metal Gear Ac!d, which is what it says on the box... kind of a joke for us Metal Gear fans). I knew I was gonna buy this, despite the fact that it was not really the Metal Gear that I know and love. It's a card-based game. And I cannot really get into strategy games. Not to mention that many early reviews were saying that the game was very, very difficult and mediocre. I hafta say right now that reviews are CRAP. I love the heck outta this game, and the card-based gameplay is fantastic. The story isn't as wonderful this time around as it has with the previous three PlayStation outings, and the plot has been one of the biggest things with the Metal Gear games. Nevertheless, I love this game. I can't stress this enough.

Now for the system's video capabilities. The system ships with "Spider Man 2" on the UMD format, and videophiles will be more than pleased with the results. The picture is sharp, and the frame rate is smooth as silk.

The audio sounds decent through the PSP's speakers, and even better through the headphones. The only real downside to watching video on the PSP is the fact that you're pretty much forced to hold it, unless you can find something to prop it up against. Other than that, it's tremendous.

The system also boasts the ability to play MP33 and video files when downloaded to the Memory Stick. Granted, 32MB isn't going to give you a whole lot of room for media files, but if you don't mind dropping the cash on a 1 or 2 GB stick, then you can have a miniature entertainment library at your disposal. I haven't bothered to encode a video file to the PSP format yet, but the MP3 quality is very nice. Throw in the ability to store digital pictures, and built-in wireless gameplay, and you've got yourself one heckuva a nice new toy. Eventually, when I have enough cash for the 2GB stick, I will buy it.

So... thoughts on my review?


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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2005, 12:23:42 pm »
I'm gonna go to best buy this weekend so I can play on one.

In fact, I really do dislike the Final Fantasy games

that's sad to hear...


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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2005, 01:17:59 pm »
Have you guys seen the list of games? More than half are sports of some PS2 sals wll drop..and Sony games will come to an end. All because of this.

Kenny Blankenship

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2005, 01:53:01 pm »
Changed the topic title a bit.  Hope you don't mind (caps are annoying)...

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any figures how well this was selling.  Because I was out earlier today, and the store only looked like they sold 1 out of about 20.  Maybe it was just the store I was in, and it's selling like hot cakes everywhere else...


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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2005, 02:17:52 pm »
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any figures how well this was selling. Because I was out earlier today, and the store only looked like they sold 1 out of about 20. Maybe it was just the store I was in, and it's selling like hot cakes everywhere else...

it's selling pretty well, but because of the price it won't have the greatest sales.

Quote PS2 sals wll drop..and Sony games will come to an end. All because of this.

dream on

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2005, 02:19:36 pm »
Have you guys seen the list of games? More than half are sports of some PS2 sals wll drop..and Sony games will come to an end. All because of this.

Considering the PSP is $100 more than PS2, I don't think Sony will care.


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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2005, 04:10:01 pm »
I'll stick to DS. PSP sounds pretty expensive for a handheld version of PS2...


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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2005, 04:14:30 pm »
There's way more stuff coming than sports games.. There's a lotta action and platform games coming, which are two of Sony's strong points.


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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2005, 06:33:23 pm »
Changed the topic title a bit.  Hope you don't mind (caps are annoying)...

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any figures how well this was selling.  Because I was out earlier today, and the store only looked like they sold 1 out of about 20.  Maybe it was just the store I was in, and it's selling like hot cakes everywhere else...

this should help answer your question

Kenny Blankenship

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2005, 06:48:18 pm »
this should help answer your question

Thanks, and man.... Nintendo's stronghold on the handheld market looks like it will continue.  Not really surprising, though.... Nintendo's name is synonymous with handheld gaming, and it's been like this for who knows how long...

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2005, 09:33:15 am »
I wouldn't buy a PSP either at $250.00. I'm just shocked that its doing so badly, considering the great games that came out with it.

Offline VulturEMaN

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2005, 04:40:20 am »
(NOTE: If you want to buy a PSP, do it at EB Games, where you can trade in three old GameCube, PS2, or Xbox games! It's a great deal.)

Do you need to give more money after you trade the 3 gamecube games? Cause I've got a stack of games that I don't play anymore because I beat them and didn't like them to begin with. Too bad they don't take SNES games...I got 3 Super Mario Bros for some reason...

Offline ssj4gogita4

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2005, 08:20:47 am »
I wouldn't buy a PSP either at $250.00. I'm just shocked that its doing so badly, considering the great games that came out with it.

$250 is too expensive. Gamecube was less than that.



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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2005, 09:38:11 am »
but it comes with nice goodies. it's actually a pretty good deal, but too much for me right now.

Fifth Dynasty

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PSP Reviewed.
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2005, 09:52:44 pm »
Although I don't have one, I've played one, and I'm getting one. A hefty price-tag, not necessarily a gaming system, but it's what I want. If you just want games (with slim-at-best third-party support due to the PSP), get the DS. If you want pretty great games, an iPod (basically, you get it) and a DVD Player, get PSP. I hate the price tag on this sucker, though. I'm either saving 400 dollars to buy a Playstation Portable and a few games, or 400 dollars to buy a Playstation 3 and a game, most likely the latter. But I'll conjure up a way to get both. I am Ryan, the Deceiver. :P. But, yeah, the launch for this big boy sucked. But, I could careless. I like the launch titles, I have high hopes and expectations from my cash-cows, Electronic Arts and Square-Enix, and I like the system overall (beats DS in the race. Sony prevails again. :P).

Just waiting for that Playstation 3 to come out sucks, incredibly bad, though.